Merrill McCormick

Nacimiento : 1898-02-05, Denver, Colorado, USA

Muerte : 1953-08-19


Merrill McCormick was born on February 5, 1892 in Denver, Colorado, USA as William Merrill McCormick. He was an actor and director, known for Robin Hood (1922), Winds of the Wasteland (1936) and A Son of the Desert (1928). He died on August 19, 1953 in San Gabriel, California, USA.


La rubia fenómeno
Guest (uncredited)
Gladys es una joven modelo que se traslada desde su pueblo a Nueva York para conseguir fama y popularidad. No tiene dinero, pero sí mucha ambición. Cuando, por puro azar, consigue hacerse famosa, un ejecutivo del espectáculo se fijará en ella. Un director de documentales también se enamora de Gladys, pero no está de acuerdo en cómo vive su nueva e inmerecida fama.
La espada de Damasco
En el lejano oriente, el valiente Harun (Rock Hudson) intenta buscar venganza en Bagdad contra los asesinos de su padre. En el negocio de un comerciante griego, Harun ha adquierido una poderosa espada mágica que lo convierte en invencible. Cumpliendo su misión de venganza, se enamorará de la Princesa Khairuzan (Piper Laurie), la hija del Califa (Edgar Barrier), a quien quieren derrocar el visir Jafar (George Macready) y su hijo Hadi (Gene Evans).
Solo ante el peligro
Fletcher (uncredited)
Will Kane (Gary Cooper), el sheriff del pequeño pueblo de Hadleyville, acaba de contraer matrimonio con Amy (Grace Kelly). Los recién casados proyectan trasladarse a la ciudad y abrir un pequeño negocio; pero, de repente, empieza a correr por el pueblo la noticia de que Frank Miller (Ian MacDonald), un criminal que Kane había atrapado y llevado ante la justicia, ha salido de la cárcel y llegará al pueblo en el tren del mediodía para vengarse de Kane. El tiempo va pasando lentamente, pero nadie en el pueblo está dispuesto a ayudar al sheriff.
Buffalo Bill en territorio tomahawk
Rider (uncredited)
Búfalo Bill y su ayudante Cactus corren en ayuda de una caravana de pioneras que están siendo hostigadas por los indios y descubren que las mujeres son soldados del ejército que intentan descubrir a unos indios que no cumplen las condiciones de un tratado de paz. Sin embargo aún hay más sorpresas pues, tras el disfraz de guerreros sioux, se ocultan los secuaces de Blake, un hombre sin escrúpulos que desea romper el acuerdo para poder apoderarse de los yacimientos de oro descubiertos en la tierra del jefe Nube Blanca. Búfalo Bill intentará resolver el entuerto.
Man (uncredited)
Damasco, 1925. Harry Smith (Bogart), un despiadado contrabandista de armas, necesita un salvoconducto para salir de Damasco y no tiene más remedio que recurrir a su máximo rival, el coronel francés Feroud (Lee J. Cobb), que lo chantajea exigiéndole a cambio una importante información militar...
The Killer That Stalked New York
Man on Telephone (uncredited)
Una pareja -Evelyn Keyes y Charles Korvin- que contrabandea diamantes de Cuba a Nueva York, trae también un misterioso cargamento: viruela. La mujer, insospechadamente enferma, debe sortear el seguimiento de un agente del tesoro, así que se oculta en el hotel de su hermana -Lola Albright-. Cuando cae enferma, acude a un doctor -William Bishop-, quien piensa que sufre de un resfriado. Pero cuando una niña que también estaba en la oficina, muere repentinamente de viruela, la verdadera situación surge a la luz. La alerta cunde entre las fuerzas del orden, que tratan de atrapar a la persona que puede estar diseminando la infección sobre la gran ciudad.
El rey del tabaco
Townsman (uncredited)
La acción se sitúa entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX, cuando Brant Royle (Gary Cooper), un joven ambicioso se instala en la zona tabaquera más rica de Estados Unidos dispuesto a crear su propio imperio y a desafiar el monopolio de un poderoso magnate. Conseguirá su objetivo gracias a la ayuda de una joven (Lauren Bacall) y a la aplicación de ciertos avances tecnológicos. Su avaricia lo llevará incluso a casarse con la hija (Patricia Neal) de su rival (Donald Crisp), pero acabará comprendiendo que quien verdaderamente lo ama es la otra y que la riqueza no da la felicidad.
The Fighting Stallion
Released from a navy hospital following WW II, Lon Evans learns that he faces eventual blindness and returns to his Wyoming ranch. He sees a beautiful white stallion named Starlight and his cowhands Lem and Yancy say he is a killer and cannot be trained. Lon disproves this by training the stallion to act as his guide in preparation for his future blindness.
Arctic Fury
Mack - The Trapper (archive footage)
Based on adventures of Dr. Thomas Barlow in the far north.
Townsman (uncredited)
An undercover Army captain links missing gold and murder to a gambler's ghost.
Riders of the Whistling Pines
Townsman at Hearing (uncredited)
While trailing Forest Ranger Charles Carter, who is suspected of permitting lumber man Henry Mitchell to cut restricted timber, Gene fires at a dangerous mountain lion and apparently kills Carter. Actually, Bill Wright, Mitchell's associate, killed Carter because the ranger had discovered tussock moth infestation in the forest, and if the infestation was not reported, the trees would die and have to be cut, thereby profiting Mitchell and Wright. In order to compensate the best he can, Gene sells his sportsman's camp and gives the money to Carter's daughter Helen . En route to Texas, Gene discovers the infestation and is assigned by the Forest Department to supervise the program of spraying the area with DDT from the air. After the first day of spraying, the DDT is blamed by furious stock men for the many animals found dead of poisoning.
Man in Store (uncredited)
Leonora Eames ve colmada su ambición cuando se casa con el multimillonario Smith Ohlrig, un hombre enfermo, neurótico y autoritario. Pero el matrimonio fracasa, y la joven decide separarse. A continuación, encuentra trabajo como secretaria de un médico idealista y con una gran vocación. El marido, sin embargo, no está dispuesto a renunciar a su mujer y trata por todos los medios de mantener su dominio sobre ella.
The Gallant Legion
When power-hungry Faulkner and Leroux want to divide Texas into smaller sections, instead of allowing it to enter the Union as a single state, Gary Conway and the Texas Rangers must step in to thwart their chicanery.
No eran imprescindibles
Durante la campaña del Pacífico, una heroica compañía americana lucha contra el avance de las fuerzas japonesas en Filipinas, perdiendo cada vez más terreno. Dos oficiales de lanchas torpederas, en contra de la opinión de sus superiores, intentarán frenar el avance del enemigo utilizando las viejas embarcaciones contra los barcos nipones.
Raiders of Red Gap
One man wants to control all the land in the state to graze all his cattle. His band of outlaws are raiding ranchers and homesteaders, trying to drive them out. Rocky and Fuzzy are brought in to help stop the raiders and keep the land for the small ranchers and homesteaders.
The Kansan
Wounded while stopping the James gang from robbing the local bank, a cowboy wakes up in the hospital to find that he's been elected town marshal. He soon comes into conflict with the town banker, who controls everything in town and is squeezing the townspeople for every penny he can get out of them.
Leather Burners
As rustled cattle have mysteriously disappeared, Johnny sends for his friend Hoppy, Hoppy arrives and immediately suspects Dan Slack. Realizing his telegram about Slack was intercepted, he locks up the operator Lafe knowing he can escape. Tailing Lafe he finds a secret entrance to a mine and inside finds the missing cattle. But Slack's men also find him just as the cattle are stampeded through the mine shaft.
Dead Men Walk
Tall Church Man Restraining Kate
When a small town doctor buries his twin brother, a practitioner of the black arts, he believes him dead; but subsequent events force him to realize that his brother has, in fact, returned from the dead as a vampire and is seeking revenge on the doctor, who had killed him in self-defense.
La patrulla fronteriza
Tres guardianes de Texas, encabezados por Hopalong Cassidy, cabalgan a la vera de un río cuando descubren que un hombre mexicano acaba de ser abaleado. Una mujer les confunde entonces con los asesinos, y apuntándoles con un revólver, consigue llevarlos hasta la guarnición mexicana donde ellos rebelarán su verdadera identidad. Después, habrá alguien interesado en Silver Bullet en convencer a todo el mundo de que realmente son ellos los asesinos.
Lost Canyon
Burton is after Clark's ranch. He gets the banker to refuse to renew Clark's note and then sends his men to rustle his cattle. Hoppy is Clark's new foreman and is on to Burton's scheme. But just as he learns of the rustling and is about to go after the gang, the Sheriff arrives and arrests him for hiding Johnny who has been accused of robbery.
Dawn on the Great Divide
Buck Roberts is leading a wagon train of railroad supplies and Jim Corkle and his henchman Loder are out to stop them by using white men dressed as Indians for the attacks.
Sheriff Of Sage Valley
Billy and his pals, on the run from the law again, travel to Sage Valley where Billy is made Sheriff. The local outlaw gang is run by Kansas Ed who closely resembles Billy. Ed captures Billy and changing clothes with him, now plans to run the town as Sheriff.
Bala de plata
Un vaquero se dirige al pueblo donde asesinaron a su padre para averiguar quién fue el responsable.
En el viejo California
Dawson's Henchman
Tom Craig (John Wayne) llega a Sacramento (California) con el fin de establecer allí una farmacia. Pero la ciudad está dominada por Britt Dawson (Albert Dekker), y muy pronto estallará la guerra entre ambos.
Boot Hill Bandits
Gunman with The Mesquite Kid
Bolton's men blow up the wagon carrying the mine payroll and Marshal Crash Corrigan is supposedly killed in the explosion. A man finds his badge and gives it to Bolton. Thinking Crash dead, Bolton gives the badge away and it ends up with the Sheriff. Crash is OK and the Range Busters know Bolton is the head of the gang but that he gets his orders from someone else and that is the man they want.
South of Santa Fe
To get the three needed business men to visit the Stevens mine, Roy stages a ride with the Vacaros and has them as honored guests. Seeing a chance to make a lot of money, gangster Harmon joins the ride and then has his men kidnap the three. Having filmed a fake holdup earlier, he uses the film to convince the Sheriff that Roy and the boys were the Kidnapers.
Below the Border
Gus - Henchman
Scully has forced Joe Collins who works on the Garcia ranch to give him information so his men can steal the family jewels. But the Rough Riders are on the job. Buck poses as a wanted outlaw to get into the gang, Tim as a cattle buyer, and Sandy is collecting information as the saloon janitor. As usual they pretend not to know each other. Written by Maurice Van Auken
The Lone Rider and the Bandit
Black-Bearded Ranch Raider
A singing cowboy and his sidekick rescue miners from a bad deal.
Dama por una noche
Card Player (uncredited)
Jenny Blake (Joan Blondell) es la joven propietaria de un barco casino del Mississippi. Jack Morgan (John Wayne) es un jugador fascinado por ella hasta el punto de enamorarse. Al llegar el carnaval, Jack se las ingenia para que Jenny sea escogida la Reina anual, lo que ella aprovecha para introducirse en la alta sociedad de Memphis. Pronto surge la oportunidad de contraer matrimonio con un hombre rico y Jenny la aprovecha, pero la familia de alta sociedad no la acepta y deciden humillarla. Jack, que nunca había dejado de amar a Jenny, correrá a salvarla de un mundo que Jenny ya no desea conocer.
Texas Rancher (uncredited)
1866. Recién terminada la guerra civil (1861-1865), dos antiguos combatientes vagan por Texas en busca de dinero, comida o trabajo. Pero lo único que encuentran son problemas. Primero se convierten en profesionales del boxeo, luego presencian el asalto a una diligencia, consiguen arrebatar el dinero a los ladrones y horas después están frente a un grupo de hombres que quieren ahorcarlos.
The Gunman From Bodie
The Rough Riders are after a gang of rustlers. Marshal Roberts is posing as a wanted outlaw, McCall is the Marshal supposedly after him, and Sandy is on hand as a cook. Roberts hopes his joining the gang will help bring them in.
The Son of Davy Crockett
Dave Crockett (Bill Elliott) comes to the aid of ranchers living on the Yucca Strip, who want their area made part of the United States. A greedy land baron, however, wants the property as his own.
In Old Cheyenne
Train Passenger
Roy is a newspaper reporter. He goes to Cheyenne to cover the activities of supposed bad guy Arapahoe Brown. Roy, of course, discovers who the real bad guy is.
Tucson, Arizona
Restaurant Man (uncredited)
Phoebe (Jean Arthur) transforma ella sola un triste almacén en lo que ahora se conoce como Tucson, en Arizona, el orgullo del Oeste americano. Allí construye su rancho, que pronto será el más grande del territorio. Recién llegado de la ciudad, Peter Muncie (William Holden) comienza a trabajar en la propiedad de Phoebe entablándose entre ellos una relación que culmina con planes de boda. Pero el éxito del negocio de Phoebe no tarda en generar envidias y se cruza en su camino Jefferson Carteret (Warren William), un vecino que planea estafar a Phoebe y asesinar a Peter el día de su boda.
Billy the Kid in Texas
In the second of the "Billy the Kid" series from PRC that starred Bob Steele, Billy the Kid is being held on a trumped-up murder charge in a Mexico jail. He escapes and meets his pal, Fuzzy Jones, in Corral City, Texas, which is taking a holiday to allow the cowpunchers of the Lazy A Ranch their periodic spree. In the saloon, Billy is recognized by Dave Hendricks and Flash, two the Lazy A's bed men, as the rider who had held them up after they had robbed the express wagon a few hours earlier. Outside, Billy is ambushed and slightly wounded, and is taken to the express office by Jim Morgan where Mary Barton, the local agent, agrees to tend him until the doctor arrives. Billy turns over the loot he took from the outlaws and he is appointed sheriff, with Fuzzy as his deputy. The Lazy A gang brings in a noted gunfighter, Gil Cooper, who turns out to be Billy's brother. Billy, Gil and Fuzzy eventually rout the outlaw gang, and Gil remains behind with Mary as Billy and Fuzzy ride off.
Melody Ranch
His Arizona hometown of Torpedo invites Gene back to be the honorary sheriff of the Frontier Days Celebration.
Stagecoach War
Hoppy is busy chasing stagecoach bandits who sing as they rob.
Hidden Gold
Hoppy and Lucky have been called in to investigate a series of stage holdups. The robbers are taking gold from Colby's mine and Hoppy suspects it may be ex-outlaw Colby himself. When Speedy strikes gold, Hoppy borrows it and announces a gold shipment hoping to catch the gang and their leader.
Bad Man from Red Butte
A cowboy arrives in a town, and is immediately mistaken for his twin brother who is wanted for murder.
Texas Stagecoach
The Kinkaids and the Harpers both run stage lines and are friendly competitors. Appleby is after the stage line and convinces the two owners to build a spur line to the same town. Then he has both projects sabotaged pitting the friends against each other and running them out of money.
The Light of Western Stars
Una chica del Este compra un rancho sin saber que Hayworth lo utiliza para pasar armas de contrabando a través de la frontera. Cuando empiezan los problemas, contrata al antiguo capataz, que dejó la zona después de enfrentarse al sheriff. Gene Hammond obliga a Hayworth a volar su cargamento, pero el sheriff, al no recibir su parte, mata a Hayworth y acusa del crimen a Gene.
Drums of Fu Manchu
Koomerow's Aide
The nefarious Dr. Fu Manchu searches for the keys to the tomb of Genghis Khan, in order to fulfill a prophecy that will enable him to conquer the world. His nemesi, Dr. Nayland Smith and his associates fight to keep the evil doctor from getting his hands on the keys. In 1943 the serial was edited together into a feature movie also called Drums of Fu Manchu.
The Showdown
Man Watching Poker Game
European bad guy Baron Bendor leads some local townsmen in a plot to obtain horses through theft. Hoppy and his sidekicks Lucky and Speedy must find and expose the horse thieves.
Santa Fe Marshal
Card Player
U.S. Marshal Hopalong Cassidy is called when a town becomes overun with bad guys. Disguised as a member of a medicine show, Hoppy discovers that the ringleader is none other than sweet li'l ol' Ma Burton.
Days of Jesse James
Townsman (uncredited)
Days of Jesse James is a 1939 American film directed by Joseph Kane and starring Roy Rogers. Bank robbery pulled off by the bank officials, not the usual James gang.
South of the Border
A federal agent and his partner hang out in Mexico to check a revolution.
Townsman (uncredited)
Tom Destry, hijo de un legendario pacificador de la frontera, es un joven pacífico que rechaza todo tipo de violencia, por lo que es objeto de toda clase de burlas cuando recorre a caballo la ciudad de Bottleneck, el feudo personal de Kent. Las burlas aumentan cuando Destry nombra sheriff al borracho Wash Dimsdale. Esta actitud cambia cuando resulta que Destry, a pesar de odiar las armas, es un buen tirador. Mientras tanto, Frenchy, la cantante del saloon y novia de Kent, que se siente ofendida ante la indiferencia que Destry muestra hacia ella, jura poner en ridículo al nuevo sheriff.
La torre de Londres
Beggar (uncredited)
En el siglo XV, Ricardo, Duque de Gloucester (Basil Rathbone), ayudado por su patizambo verdugo Mord (Boris Karloff), elimina a todos aquellos que se le enfrentan en la sucesión al trono, entonces ocupado por su hermano el Rey Eduardo IV de Inglaterra. Cada vez que lleva a cabo un asesinato, disfruta eliminado una de las figuritas que tiene colocadas en la sala del trono de su casa de muñecas, cuyo aspecto se asemeja a cada uno de los posibles sucesores al trono, hasta que queda sólo la suya. Después de la muerte de Eduardo se convierte en Ricardo III, Rey de Inglaterra. Sólo le falta derrotar al exiliado enrique Tudor para mantener el poder.
Overland Mail
Henchman Buck
Overland mail riders Jack Mason and his pal, Porchy, learn that an Indian uprising is imminent because one of the tribe has been murdered by a gang of outlaws. The primary town of the mail route is also being used as a hideout and base of operations for a gang of counterfeiters led by Joe Polini. Jack and an undercover federal agent, Duke Evans, round up the counterfeiters and turn Polini over to the Indian Chief as the killer of the brave.
Mutiny in the Big House
A young man forges a check in order to help his mother, but is caught and sentenced to 14 years in prison...
The Adventures of the Masked Phantom
Barton's mine foreman is receiving gold bullion from gangsters in the East, putting it through the mine's smelter, and then shipping it out. When Barton finds out, Murdocks men make him a prisoner. Arriving at the same time, Alamo hears the story of the Masked Phantom and then becomes that Phantom fighting Murdock and his men and attempting to find Barton.
Dick Tracy's G-Men
Green's Assistant
A mad doctor named Zanoff uses a drug to bring himself back from the dead after his execution in prison. Dick Tracy sets out to capture Zanoff before he can put his criminal gang back together again.
Riders of the Frontier
Henchman Boney
The Rancho Grande, a Texas border ranch, cut off from the law by a gang of outlaws led by ranch foreman Bart Lane, who is holding the elderly owner of the ranch, Sarah Burton, a prisoner. Tex Lowery (Tex Ritter), an undercover Texas Ranger, rescues Martha Williams, a nurse sent for by the ailing Sarah, from a stagecoach holdup by Lane's henchmen. He later convinces Laner that he is a wanted outlaw named Ed Carter, and gains entry to Rancho Grande. But the real Ed Carter shows up.
In Old Caliente
Americans come west to California in the hope of peaceful settlement. Roy and Gabby sing a duet: "We're Not Coming Out Tonight." Other songs include "Sundown on the Rangeland" and "Ride on Vaquero."
Dodge, ciudad sin ley
Man Wanting Revenge by Hanging (uncredited)
Kansas, 1866. Wade Hatton intenta imponer el orden y la justicia en Dodge City, una próspera ciudad a la que llega el ferrocarril, pero que está dominada por un cacique y su banda de pistoleros. En su empeño le ayuda Abby Irving, la sobrina del médico local.
Rough Riders' Round-up
Roy Rogers is a cowboy who joins the Border Patrol, only to have his buddy Tommy get killed at a local saloon. Determined to get revenge at any cost, Roy and Rusty cross the border in search of Arizona Jack, the man responsible for Tommy's death.
La diligencia
Ogler (uncredited)
Personajes muy variopintos emprenden un largo, duro y peligroso viaje en diligencia. Entre ellos, un fuera de la ley en busca de venganza, una prostituta a la que han echado del pueblo, un jugador, un médico, la mujer embarazada de un militar y un sheriff. Las relaciones entre ellos serán difíciles y tensas. Además, durante el viaje, tendrán que afrontar el ataque de una partida de indios apaches.
Ride 'em, Cowgirl
Deputy Sheriff
Sandy Doyle, gambler and political chief of a small border town, seeks to gain control of the Bar-X Ranch, owned by Rufe Rickson, to further some undercover activities of his own. He counts on Rickson's inability to stay away from gambling as the means to his ultimate success. Government investigator Oliver Shea and his assistant, Dan Haggerty, start a fight in Doyle's place when they see Rickson being cheated and are invited to the Bar-X where Oliver and Helen Rickson, Rufe's daughter, discover interest in each other and Dan finds himself pursued by Bell, the ranch cook. Sheriff Larson brings the prize money for the $5,000 race of the Rodeo Association, and that night it is stolen.
Water Rustlers
Shirley Martin finds that Weylan has diverted the water from the valley and her cattle are dying. First she and her foreman Bob Lawson go to court. This fails when Weylan's men keep the ranchers from testifying. But Shirley has a second plan to return water to the valley.
Ghost Town Riders
Molly Taylor owns the town of Stillwell but is unaware the taxes are due as Gomer has stolen her notice. Bob Martin arrives at the same time as Molly and eventually realizes Gomer is up to something. When Gomer's henchman slips and reveals there is a letter, Bob finds it and heads for the tax collector with Gomer's men in pursuit.
If I Were King
King Louis XI masquerades as a commoner in Paris, seeking out the treachery he is sure lurks in his kingdom. At a local tavern, he overhears the brash poet François Villon extolling why he would be a better king. Annoyed yet intrigued, the King bestows on Villon the title of Grand Constable. Soon Villon begins work and falls for a lovely lady-in-waiting, but then must flee execution when the King turns on him.
Held For Ransom
Aztec Cafe Patron
A female detective investigates the kidnapping of a wealthy businessman.
Under Western Stars
Peddler in Old Truck with Bell
In his starring debut, Roy gets elected to Congress in order to bring water to the ranchers in his district. In Washington, he learns he needs the backing of a key congressman and gets that man to go west for an inspection trip. When the congressman is initially unimpressed, Roy gets the inspection party stranded without water to show the true conditions.
Outlaws of Sonora
Henchman Pete
Outlaws of Sonora is a 1938 American Western "Three Mesquiteers" B-movie directed by George Sherman.
Hollywood Round-Up
Saloon Set Extra
While filming a western on location, the stand-in/stunt double for an egotistical cowboy movie star proves his heroics when a "fake" bank robbery turns out to be the real thing.
Danger Valley
When Temple's miners strike gold they send Jake to file the claim. Dana is in the Recorder's office and overhears. He and his men kill Jake and forge new deeds. Now owning everything Dana tries to kick the Temple group off their land. But Jack and sidekick Lucky are on hand and plan to help them fight back.
Boots and Saddles
Bushwhacker (uncredited)
Young Englishman inherits ranch which he wants to sell, but Gene's gonna turn him into a real westerner instead. When new owner Spud arrives from England, Autry convinces him not to sell the ranch but to raise horses for the Army. When both Autry's and Neale's bids are the same, the Colonel calls for a race to decide the winner. But that night Neale has Autry's stable burned.
God's Country and the Man
Cowboy and his friends set out to track down his father's killer. On the way, they discover a vein of gold. The killer finds out about it, and returns to try to take it from them.
Jungle Menace
Mystery and adventure, surrounding a stolen rubber harvest.
Boots of Destiny
Cherokee (uncredited)
Both Harmon and his men and a Mexican gang are after a treasure hidden on the Wilson ranch. Acey learns of their raid and goes to get Ken only to find him in jail for a murder he did not commit.
Empty Holsters
Hank, Ace's Henchman (uncredited)
Ace owns just about everything around except for the Bank, which is owned by John Ware. Ace also has his eye on Judy, but Judy only has eyes for Clay. Since Ace is a crook, he holds up the stage and has his cronies swear that Clay was the bandit which gets Clay 10 years in jail. After he gets out in 5 for good behavior, Clay sets out to find who framed him and stole the stage strongbox. Since the sheriff does not like Clay, he takes his guns away as part of his probation and it makes Clay a target for the Ace gang.
Two-Fisted Sheriff
Hank Beasley
This is a remake of Columbia's 1932 "Cornered" that starred Tim McCoy. Bob Pearson saves the life of his friend, Sheriff Dick Houston, who has captured two stagecoach bandits and is about to be shot from ambush by a third. Bob is found a few days later near the murdered body of cattleman Herrick with a gun in his hand.
Come on, Cowboys
Henchman Dan
Harris and Rigby own a circus. Rigby is a counterfeiter and frames his partner. The Mesquiteers learn Rigby is the culprit and get a confession from one of his men only to lose the case when the man is murdered in jail. The Mesquiteers try again and send Lullaby to try and win some of the fake bills in a card game.
Cheyenne Rides Again
A lawman poses as an outlaw, steals $10,000 from a cattle thief, then promises to return the money if he can join the gang--while finding a way to expose them.
We're in the Legion Now
Two petty gangsters trying to elude their enemies join the French Foreign Legion.
Phantom of Santa Fe
A Vaquero
A band of renegades attacks and loots a mission, stealing some priceless treasures. Local citizens blame an outlaw known as "The Hawk," who is also called "The Phantom of Santa Fe."
A Tenderfoot Goes West
Prankster Bud Gordon
Wellington Pike, author of 'Wild and Bloody Tales of the West', has never been away from the sedate and civilized East, so he takes a vacation to see the land he knows nothing about. Rancher Ann Keith and her cowhands, who have read and laughed at Pike's "wild" west, decide to give him a shock impression that is even wilder than depicted in his imaginative literary flights. Gang leader "Killer" Madden and his bandits decide to make the staged robberies real ones and Pike is arrested for the crimes Madden has pulled. Written by Les Adams for IMDb.
The Unknown Ranger
Bob Allen in his starring debut gets a job on Wright's ranch where he hopes to find the rustlers no one else has been able to locate. Everyone is looking for men when the actual rustler is a horse.
El camino del pino solitario
Falin Clan Member (as Bill McCormick)
En un valle perdido entre las montañas, viven los Tolliver y los Falin, dos familias enemistadas que mantienen durante generaciones una guerra abierta e incesante. Se trata de un odio atávico, heredado, sin que ninguna de las partes conozca ni remotamente el oscuro motivo que originó la sangrienta confrontación.
A Scream in the Night
Jalla (as Merril Mc Cormick)
A colonial police detective in an Eastern seaport seeks a stolen gem, and infiltrates the underworld by posing as a look-alike wharfside bar owner.
Las nuevas aventuras de Tarzan
Serial que, como su título indica, apuesta a nuevas aventuras del "Hombre-Mono", frente al éxito irrebatible de la MGM con el mismo personaje. En esta ocasión, validado por la firma del autor de las novelas originales (Edgar Rice Burroughs). Simultáneamente con este serial, se estrenó una versión de 70 minutos de duración, "The New Adventures of Tarzan", compuesta por el primer episodio (de 65 minutos), más la resolución del inicio del segundo capítulo. En 1938 salió al mercado "Tarzan and the Green Goddess", que combinaba distintas secuencias de los episodios restantes.
The New Adventures of Tarzan
Bouchart [Ch.1]
A serial in 12 chapters. Tarzan goes to Guatemala to find his lost friend, D'Arnot. On the way he helps Major Matling search Mayan ruins for hidden jewels and an idol containing the formula for a powerful explosive. D'Arnot and the idol are rescued, but the idol falls into the clutches of the explorer Raglan.
Range Riders
Pedro - Dick's Sidelick
An elderly rancher writes to his son to come home and help him fight against a bandit gang that is trying to take over the ranch.
Young Eagles
José Pinardo
Two Boy Scouts win an around-the-world trip with a crack aviator, and find themselves crash-landed in the South American jungles after the ace forgets to refuel in Ecuador.
Smoking Guns
Accused of a murder he did not commit, Ken leaves the country. Three years later Evans finds him in the jungle. When Evans dies, Ken seeing the resemblance, assumes his identity and returns to clear his name.
Riding Speed
A Border Patrolman goes undercover to break up a smuggling ring on the Arizona-Mexico border.
Call of the Coyote: A Legend of the Golden West
Chuck Reynolds / Jim Barrett
A cowboy protects a girl from those who murdered her father for his gold mine.
The Boss Cowboy
Pete Larkin
Both Nolan and Ross are losing cattle and Ross' foreman Kerns is the culprit. When Taylor finds a wanted poster of Kerns he goes after him.
Lightning Range
Minor Role
Hester and Hezekiah plan to get Dorothy Horton's inheritance. But when Pete and his men rob the stage they learn of the scheme and send Jim to replace Hezekiah. The Deputy Marshal breaks this up but Black Pete arrives wearing the Marshal's badge and has the Sheriff take him away while he flees with the inheritance money.
Perils of Pauline
A famous scientist and his beautiful daughter travel to Indochina to find an ivory disc that has the formula for a deadly gas engraved on it. An evil doctor and his gang are also looking for it.
Gordon of Ghost City
A cowboy is hired to track down a gang of rustlers, but gets involved with a beautiful girl trying to run her grandfather's gold mine and other outlaws who are trying to stop her.
King of the Arena
Bargoff Henchman
Mysterious deaths have been occurring in the same towns as Miller's Circus and the Governor has sent Ken Kenton to investigate. Ken joins the show but when he realizes that Bargoff is involved, Bargoff has fled and taken Mary Hiller as a hostage. The trail leads to Baron Petroff who concocted the deadly chemical and Ken quickly finds himself the Baron's prisoner.
Deadwood Pass
The Hawk has broken out of prison and the Sheriff and Sorrenson have a plan to have Whitlock pose as the Hawk, infiltrate the gang, and recover the stolen bonds. All goes well until The Chief who knows the real Hawk arrives.
The Cowboy Counsellor
Bearded Prisoner
A con man posing as a lawyer tries to sell copies of a phony law book. Things get serious when he has to defend a young man falsely accused of robbery.
Border Devils
Jose Lopez
Jim Gray is looking for the gang leader known as the General. When Neil Denham is murdered, Jim assumes his identity. He and his pal Squint Saunders then try to join the gang. But they get captured and Jim is told he can join up only if he kills his friend.
Grief Street
Reporter Sam
A reporter helps the police investigate the murder of a disagreeable and philandering actor who is found strangled to death in his theater dressing room with its door and window locked from the inside.
The Nevada Buckaroo
Henchman Chip
When the Nevada Kid gets caught in a stage robbery, the gang leader Cherokee gets him released by forging a petition to the Governor. The Kid tries to go straight but the stage he is guarding gets robbed. When the Sheriff jails Cherokee who was not in on the robbery, the Kid gets caught effecting Cherokee's escape and finds himself in jail again.
South of Sonora
Bill Tracy is a Cattleman's Protective Association agent. Working undercover on his way to Sonora, a town dominated by rustlers, saves Betty Carter from a situation, but her rancher father, believing Blackie's suggestion that Bill is a rustler, forbids her to see him. Bill and his pal Heinie Schmaltz rescue each other from rustlers' various plots and ambushes and eventually discover that Blackie, Carter's foreman, is the leader of the rustlers.
Linaje de luchador
Buck Duane venga la muerte de su padre matando al asesino, pero debe huir de la ley. Encuentra a Ruth, el amor de su vida, en las garras del malvado Bland. Al rescatar a Ruth, queda atrapado en las redes de la esposa de Bland...
Near the Rainbow's End
Frenchy Sanchez - the Shepherd
Despite past friendliness, cattle ranchers Tom and Jim Bledsoe, father and son, fence off their range to prevent its use by neighboring sheep ranchers Tug Wilson and Buck Rankin, suggesting that they hope to end their recent loss of cattle. Rankin (not Rankins) shoots Tug, who is unaware of Rankin's lawless activities, in an argument and Jim is accused of murder and also stampeding the sheep. Believing Jim is guilty, Tug's daughter, Ruth, aids Buck in capturing Jim, but he escapes. Ruth gets help from Sheriff Hank Bosley, and a sheepherder, Sanchez, reveals Rankin's responsibility for both the rustling of Bledsoe's cattle and the killing of Wilson.
Romance of the Rio Grande
Fox's immediate follow-up to its successful early-talkie western In Old Arizona was 1929's Romance of the Rio Grande. The story focuses on the Alvarez family of Mexico, specifically fabulously wealthy Don Fernando. Intending to bequeath his vast fortune and estate to his long-estranged grandson Pancho, Don Fernando must contend with his ne'er-do-well nephew Juan.
Code of the West
Leary Cohort
Leary is using the Express Agent's liking for alcohol to enable his men to steal insured packages. Then he claims the insurance. Railroad Agent Hartley is sent to investigate and suspecting Leary, he and the Sheriff plan to trap them the next time they try their scheme.
Born to the Saddle
Amos Judd
John Pearson of Wall Street and his daughter Helen are out west on vacation to open his exclusive hunting lodge and are accompanied by Clyde Montgomorency.
Riders of the Rio Grande
Henchman Hawkins
Jack is a cowboy posing as an outlaw in order to infiltrate the gang of counterfeiters who has kidnapped Barbara.
Arizona Nights
Speed Lester (as William McCormick)
A miner finds himself swindled by an evil horse trader named Decker.
Fangs of Fate
'Red Mack' (the renegade)
Bob Haynes, the unknown leader of an outlaw gang, has been offered the job of Deputy. When his men commit murder and robbery against his orders, he takes the job and brings them in. He then confesses he was one of them and the Sheriff is forced to arrest him leaving his fate up to the Judge.
Vic Dyson Pays
Albert Stacey
Silent western
Pioneer's Gold
An old pioneer wants his brother's children whom he has never met to inherit his wealth, but a villain substitutes ringers for them.
The Dramatic Life of Abraham Lincoln
Corporal of guard
A biographical film featuring the presidency and assassination of Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War.
Red Courage
Percy Gibbons
Pinto Peters and his pal Chuckwalla Bill ride into town just as the editor of the local newspaper is being urged to leave by a gang of thugs led by Joe Reedly. The pair give the editor $100 and get a bill of sale for the newspaper, only to find out later that Reedly holds a mortgage of $200 against it. This they pay off and start a campaign to clean up the town. They meet with considerable opposition until they enlist the services of Judge Fay.
Hands Off!
Tony Alviro
Tex Robert rescues beautiful Ramona Wadley from the gang-leader of cattle rustlers. Later, he saves Ramona's sister from a stampede, and is then awarded a job on the Wadley ranch. The obligatory showdown features Pete and the gang.
Something New
Agrilla Gorgez (as William McCormick)
A young woman visiting in Mexico is kidnapped by a gang of bandits, who drag her through the rugged wilderness to their hideout. She manages to leave word for her friend Bill, who knows the country well. But when Bill cannot find a horse, his only available form of transportation is his roadster. Nevertheless, he is determined to come to her rescue, even though it means trying to drive the car across miles of rocky, broken terrain.