Ian McLellan Hunter

Ian McLellan Hunter

Nacimiento : 1915-08-08,

Muerte : 1991-03-05


Ian McLellan Hunter


You Can't Go Home Again
An adaptation of Thomas Wolfe's literary classic, telling of the struggles of a young writer determined to be a success in New York's literary world of the 1920s, his married lover, and the brilliant editor who sees him as a blossoming genius. The story parallels the life of Wolfe himself and his affair with stage designer Aline Bernstein.
Funeral en Los Ángeles
Lucien Bellon viaja a Los Ángeles para pasar allí dos o tres días. Cuando llega al hotel encuentra una maleta a su nombre que contiene mucho dinero y una pistola. Cuando suena el teléfono, una voz le dicta un nombre y una dirección. En esa dirección asesina a Victor Kovacs. De regreso al hotel para recoger sus pertenencias y volver a París, el botones le dice que su secretario ya se ha llevado su equipaje y su pasaporte al aeropuerto. Pero Lucien Bellon no tiene secretario y nadie sabía que estaba en Los Ángeles.
Sueño de reyes
A Greek American father of a dying boy decides to take his son to Greece to breathe the clean air of his ancestors, in an attempt to save the boy's life. However, money is a problem.
Zero Mostel plays an inspector on the trail of criminals who have captured a robot called Chatze(sp?) played by Felix Silas. The inspector has delusions that he is a great Samurai warrior and the movie flashes back and forth between present day and ancient times.
La terrible historia del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde
Jack Palance incorpora el doble papel del apacible Doctor Jeckyll, cuyos experimentos le transforman en el brutal Mr. Hyde. El clásico de Robert Louise Stevenson describe fielmente la espantosa doble vida del científico que asesina a jóvenes muchachas por la noche.
Las aventuras de Simbad
El-Kerim, el malvado dictador de un lejano país, tiene secuestrada a la princesa Jana. Simbad deberá robar el corazón del caudillo, escondido en una torre de marfil, para derrocar a El-Kerim y devolver el país a la normalidad.
Vacaciones en Roma
Durante una visita a Roma, Ana, la joven princesa de un pequeño país centroeuropeo que detesta sus obligaciones y desea pasar inadvertida, se escapa de palacio para visitar la ciudad de incógnito. Así conoce a Joe, un periodista americano que busca una exclusiva y finge desconocer su verdadera identidad. La pareja vivirá entonces unas jornadas inolvidables.
A Woman of Distinction
Ice-cold college dean Susan Middlecott feels there's no room in her life for romance. Enter Prof. Alec Stevenson, British lecturer on astronomy, touring North America and in possession of a keepsake of Susan's he wants to return. Desperate for publicity, lecture bureau press agent Teddy Evans magnifies this into a great romance. The efforts of both dignified principals to quash the story have the opposite effect; matters get more and more involved.
Your Witness
Adam Hayward is a successful New York City defense lawyer. One day he receives a cable that the British war buddy who saved his life at Anzio Beach is now in trouble with the law in England. Taking the advice of his secretary to go to England rather than wire money, Adam arrives in his friend's village to find him about to stand trial for the murder of the hired stable-hand, Lawrence.
The Amazing Mr. X
On the beach one night, Christine Faber, two years a widow, thinks she hears her late husband Paul calling out of the surf...then meets a tall dark man, Alexis, who seems to know all about such things. After more ghostly manifestations, Christine and younger sister Janet become enmeshed in the eerie artifices of Alexis; but he in turn finds himself manipulated into deeper deviltry than he had in mind...
Mr. District Attorney
An assistant district attorney gets mixed-up with a woman who is working for the group that he is investigating.
Young Ideas
La autora de best-sellers Josephine Evans desaparece sin dejar rastro. Su agente, Adam Trent, recurre a los hijos de la escritora para encontrarla.
Slightly Dangerous
Una chica de pueblo cambia de identidad para triunfar en Nueva York, y su novio resulta sospechoso de su "desaparición".
Footlight Fever
Alan Mowbray and Donald MacBride reprise their roles in "Curtain Call" as theatrical producers Donald Avery and Geoffrey 'Jeff' Crandall. This time they try to con a millionairess into funding their latest show by posing as old friends of her lost love.
Arkansas Judge
Arkansas Judge is a 1941 American film starring Roy Rogers as a young lawyer defending a farmer accused of slander.
Al fin solos
Danny y Hank son dos estudiantes de trompeta que han estado siete años estudiando y tocando juntos en la banda de la universidad. Los dos compiten en el trabajo y en el amor para conseguir los favores de su mánager, la bella Ellen Miller.
The Courageous Dr. Christian
A doctor fights an epidemic that breaks out in the poor section of town and tries to get the rest of the town to help out.
Escape to Paradise
An American tourist in South America finds love and unexpected trouble.
Meet Dr. Christian
The first of six films in the "Dr. Christian" series, starring Jean Hersholt as a small town doctor trying to convince local officials to approve funds for a new hospital.
Fisherman's Wharf
Carlo Roma and his foster-son, Toma, and their friend Beppo, are living a happy fisherman's life in San Francisco until Carlo's widowed sister-in-law, Stella, shows up with her brat-son, Rudolph, and takes over. Poor Toma gets his feelings hurt and the idea he "isn't wanted" and runs away