Georg Misch

Nacimiento : 1970-01-01, Esslingen am Neckar, Germany


The Gutenberg Enigma
Un retrato del inventor de la imprenta, una figura clave en la historia de la humanidad, pero también un inventor entusiasta, un empresario audaz, un tenaz alborotador: la vida de Johannes Gutenberg (circa 1400-68).
Was uns bindet
Author and cook David Groß travels through five European countries and cooks exclusively what others throw in the garbage bin. With great thirst for knowledge, he tracks food waste and presents unexpected solutions. In an unusual and humorous self-attempt David Groß questions our daily consumer lifestyle.
Albert Schweitzer - Anatomie eines Heiligen
Wolf Suschitzky - Fotograf und Kameramann
A tribute to a humble but great man in the film industry.
A Road to Mecca - The Journey of Muhammad Asad
A documentary that traces the path of Muslim scholar and political theorist Muhammad Asad, which led to his conversion to Islam.
Guía de cine para pervertidos
Una hilarante introducción, usando como ejemplo algunas de las mejores películas jamás realizadas, a algunas de las ideas más apasionantes del filósofo y psicoanalista esloveno Slavoj Žižek sobre la subjetividad personal, la fantasía y la realidad, el deseo y la sexualidad.
Calling Hedy Lamarr
I Am from Nowhere
Since 1952 countless films, documentaries, and reports have been made about Miková, the small village in Eastern Slovakia with a population of one hundred and fifty from where Andy Warhol’s family emigrated to the US. Focussing on his relatives who still live there, I Am From Nowhere examines the media’s obsession with Miková, thus reflecting on fame, filming as well as being filmed, and on Warhol’s legendary “15 minutes of fame”. More than that however, it is a film about the dreams and hopes of the people there, about the universal human dream of a better life, and an “American Dream”, which turns out to be completely different than expected.
I Am from Nowhere
Since 1952 countless films, documentaries, and reports have been made about Miková, the small village in Eastern Slovakia with a population of one hundred and fifty from where Andy Warhol’s family emigrated to the US. Focussing on his relatives who still live there, I Am From Nowhere examines the media’s obsession with Miková, thus reflecting on fame, filming as well as being filmed, and on Warhol’s legendary “15 minutes of fame”. More than that however, it is a film about the dreams and hopes of the people there, about the universal human dream of a better life, and an “American Dream”, which turns out to be completely different than expected.