Manuel Cavaco

Manuel Cavaco

Nacimiento : 1944-06-14, Lisbon, Portugal


Manuel Cavaco
Manuel Cavaco
Manuel Cavaco


Sunset: The Mystery of the Necklace of São Cajó
António Paulino
Follows a band named Jesus Quisto. Even though it has never existed in reality, it has two EPs available on streaming platforms and sold out in Lisbon twice.
A Fada do Lar
Vera, a single mother with two small children, is forced to have two jobs to survive after her children's father has disappeared. She works as a cashier at a supermarket by day and at night works in a strip club, trying not only to raise her children but also to pay off the debts that her ex-partner left her. Harassed in both jobs, one day she reacts violently when a nightclub client is more daring, being sentenced in court to perform community service in a nursing home, where her irreverence and youth will clash with the authoritarianism and inhumanity of the director. For the elderly who live in the nursing home, Vera is a breath of fresh air that little by little will change their lives, becoming the true home fairy…
Além do Sol Posto
Blood Lines
Cliente Tasca
Threatened by a fascist plot, the Portuguese government recruits several "special people" to stop the coup.
Mother Knows Best
The family of Ana Luisa meets at home to celebrate her father's birthday. As the guests sit around the table they will share memories of the past, in which all have a common denominator: the late Josefa, Ana Luisa's mother. Hearing the stories, Ana Luisa realizes the impact that his late mother had on their life choices and imagines what would have happened if she had followed other paths, taken other options and said what was unsaid. At the same time, an event of unknown origin causes a change in space and time, enabling people all over the world the access to parallel universes. Ana Luisa will thus have the opportunity to change the past...
O Segredo das Pedras Vivas
In an isolated village of the Alentejo region, a conflict arises. José Vitorino, one of the landowners of the region, rich in prehistoric monuments, wants to build a luxurious solarium in lands filled with ancient rocks, places of devotion and sacred rituals. Indifferent to the people’s protest, who believe in the magical powers of the stones and that the region’s drought is due to the rocks’ destruction, José Vitorino hires an architect to plan his new house. On christmas eve, in the middle of the winter solstice, a strange ceremony around a dolmen, once an altar for bloody sacrifices in more remote times, releases a harmful spell. A race against time to reverse the faulty charm begins.
O Pátio das Cantigas
A New age remake of a portguese classic, Pátio das Cantigas shows the lives of a neighbourhood in the Old Lisbon, including their desires, happiness and sadness, always with a good humour.
Lápis Azul
Coronel Saraiva
A colonel working for Censorship, widower, learns that his wife read banned books in his absence, "New Portuguese Letters" and "My Lady of Me". The colonel will discover the woman he did not know in life through the poems that she read. As the revolution arrives in April 25, 1974, the Colonel will remain true to their convictions although the poems have already influenced his own life.
Set during the Estado Novo dictatorship, in the night of April 24, Pedro hears that the political police, PIDE, assaulted his house. Fearing of what his fate may be, Pedro runs, looking for a place to hide.
The Bewitching Braid
Romantic story set in Macau during the 1930s. Rich, Portuguese man falls in love with poor, Chinese girl. Both families disown them and they begin a life together. Rich man now has to work for a living and eats Chinese food exclusively and the relationship gets stale.
Ao Sul
Twenty years ago, Henrique left Portugal for the peaceful Netherlands. A colonial war veteran, he desperately wanted to get away from his country which still defended a doomed African empire and from his traditional, landowning family. He’s back now. Everything is different. «Europe» knocked on the door and sprawled itself fast. Even the South had to face wrenching changes. And Henrique himself will have to face many events. Love affairs and dangerous threats. And the chalenge of his future.
Aqui D'El Rei!
At the end of the nineteenth century, an army force led by Major Mouzinho de Albuquerque, a cavalry officer, imprisoned in Mozambique the great regulative Governor Gungunhana, who had rebelled against Portuguese government and sovereignty
Adios princesa
"Crimen en Beja (Alentejo): Helmut Schneider, 23 años, de nacionalidad alemana, mecánico en la base de la OTAN ha sido encontrado asesinado. María Victoria Formosinho, 18 años, apodada Mitó, hija del responsable político del Partido Comunista local, ha pasado a disposición judicial". Al recibir el télex, Contreiras, director del periódico de Lisboa 'Las Actualidades', prepara un equipo de reporteros para enviar al lugar del crimen. Sangre, sexo y política en una región de Portugal donde esos hechos son muy poco habituales. (FILMAFFINITY)
TV-movie based on a play by Miguel Ángel Asturias.
A Luxury Crime
Pontius Branco was a climber of the economy, climbed by money like Mount Everest. aggressive businessman. His wife Bernarda felt betrayed. He replaced her for the orgies between the purchase intervals, sells and deceives. Here comes the train from 15:30 to Lisbon a coming emigrant from France with a five year old daughter in her arms and attacks Pontius in his stronghold, demanding recognition of the daughter of sin, Libertina that he had made her "bidonville» on the city of light. Bernarda hires a private detective to obtain evidence of Pontius's adultery with a curvaceous blonde, whose dream was to own butchers, fishmongers and vegetable places in a shopping center. Pontius who all deceived and this triangle (not Bermuda), weaves the web and bore's the head of the entrepreneur. A perfect luxury crime puts the police overtime. Time passes and only after the Seventh Day Mass is brought to light when the sky was given the eclipse of the moon ...
Adolfo Casais Monteiro
Based on the work by Fernando Pessoa - a "message" about the destinies of Portugal - not just in isolation but looking at them as precursors and announcers of the fate of the entire planet.
Matar Saudades
Abel, 47 years old, two wars - in the colonies and France, emigration - several scars from many battles lost, returns in a jump to Portugal, to his lost village in the northern interior, near the border, from where one day he'd be gone, also from a jump. A letter, from his brother Peter, warned him that everything changed. Even Teresa. Abel catches sight of his childhood in the village hills, the old tribe. From a distance everything seams to be in the same placesa, the old dog is all that remains of the past. In the village the Act of Passion will be performed and Teresa is one of the participants. Abel takes the old gestures and prepares his plan: eliminate one by one Teresa's suitors, to consummate during the act of the Passion, her death ...
La playa de los perros
Adaptación de la novela de José Cardoso e Pires sobre la investigación policial en torno a la muerte de un militar fugado en los años 60 en Portugal.
Os Abismos da Meia-Noite
Irene is an agent for an insurance company. She is given the job of investigating the disappearance of an elderly librarian in a provincial town. During her investigations she meets a history teacher - Ricardo - who knew the librarian and is interested in local legends. Irene happens to hear about a very old medieval castle which, according to legend, has a secret entrance that opens mysteriously on Christmas night as the clock strikes twelve.
Impossível Evasão
Terra Nova, Mar Viejo
Manuel Cavaco
Viaje de un arrastrero de pesca de bacalao a las aguas de Terranova para la pesca de bacalao
Antes a Sorte Que Tal Morte
Luís - ex-student in Lisbon and ex-combatant in Africa - finds, after returning, Maria, secretary who has a relationship with António. He lives in a palace with his children, two old aunts and a Dominican friar, a former missionary.
Guerra do Mirandum
Manhã Submersa
Estefânia is an old, rich, strict catholic woman, and when she sets her eyes on a couple of servants who have no means to bring up properly their youngest son, António, she decides to move her influences in order to make a priest out of him. The parents accept it, the local priest and even the Seminar's rector accept it, and António accepts it - if not for piety, for obeyance to his parents. Once time goes by, and António is out of rural misery and into the prison-like system of a seminar, doubts and anguishes mount within him.