Vittorio Viviani

Vittorio Viviani


Vittorio Viviani


Filumena Marturano
Avvocato Nocella
Filumena has lived for years with a wealthy pastry chef. She forces him to marry her, but he soon asks to annul the marriage. She then reveals that one of her children is his, making him obsessed to know which one.
Quanno chiove
The Dog Snatch
On their first day of work as dog sitters, Rana and Marti suffer the theft of the French bulldog who was entrusted to their care by a wealthy lady. A fast-paced comedy full of hair-raising situations with cult potential that has plenty of surprises in store. The very own world of the Roman suburbs, which is rarely honored in cinemas, is also captured convincingly.
Chronicle of a Passion
Giovanni and Anna are a married couple in their sixties who have lived together all their lives, with honestly and dignity. However, in the past few years the economic crisis has hit town and work, Anna has not been able to keep up her payments and she has accumulated a debt with the tax authorities. For Giovanni and Anna this marks the beginning of an inexorable ordeal which will lead them to lose first their home, then their work, and ultimately their privacy.
I Was a Dreamer
At 39 years of age Mirko has just left prison. In the outskirts of Rome, a new future waits for him. When he is elected president of the homeowners’ committee, he realises that he can dream of a different kind of existence. Not only for himself and his family, but for the whole suburb where he lives. This film deals with a “bandit” who, with the help of his best friend Boccione, wants to turn the indifference of the suburb into solidarity and the roads into luxuriant fields of tomatoes, becoming the bearer of a happiness he does not know how to reach. It is the story of a fragile and irrational dream: offering a future to those who do not even believe they deserve a present.
The professor's night
It’s 3 a.m. Sergio and his wife Anna are deeply sleeping when the phone starts ringing. On the other side of the phone, an hesitant voice says: “There is a dead person down below”. Sergio is confused and decided to ring up his downstairs neighbor Enzo, who always bickers with his girlfriend Cinzia. But when Enzo come to Sergio’s house, he says that doesn’t even know about that call. Sergio and Enzo make hypothesis and assumptions and then decide to start an investigation through all the apartments in the building. Landing after landing, neighbor after neighbor, the investigation lead Sergio, Enzo and other neighbors to the last door. But sometimes things aren’t what they appear to be…
Qué extraño llamarse Federico
Il devoto narratore
Documental homenaje al genial director italiano Federico Fellini, una mezcla de imágenes de archivo y escenas rodadas en Cinecittà. (FILMAFFINITY)
Come le formiche
Ufficiale giudiziario
Fondali notturni
Nella terra di nessuno
Trapos sucios
"Panni sporchi" (Trapos sucios) es una comedia satírica sobre las disputas públicas y privadas de una empresa familiar. El negocio de los Razzi ha sido durante años la columna vertebral de una pequeña ciudad del norte de Italia. Pero, cuando Amedo (Paolo Bonacelli), el patriarca, encomienda a su sobrino Camillo (Francesco Guzzo) la financiación de un costoso complejo comercial en Roma, estalla la guerra dentro de la familia. Furio (Michele Placido), yerno y lugarteniente de Amedo, no aprueba el coste del terreno y la pésima campaña publicitaria de promoción del negocio. Pero, cuando Amedo muere, el inepto Camillo le entrega a otros el control de la empresa.
Auguri professore
prof. Collina
Professor Lipari teaches in a public school and is in a full-on existential crisis. He has no faith in himself and in the possibility of changing the world for the better. At school, a former student of his who is also a teacher will change his attitude.
Classe mista 3ª A
Prof. di Chimica (Massimo)
Mille bolle blu
I Thought It Was Love
giovane scrittore
Tommaso goes incredible lengths to win back the love of his former girlfriend Cecilia, but sometimes things change in the most unexpected way.