Casper is a time traveller who arrives in the 2020s in an attempt to prevent a major future catastrophe. He meets Holly, a queer black woman he befriends and draws into his plan by giving her his knowledge of the future so that she can make quick money. However, they unwittingly alter the future themselves with their actions, until Doris, another time traveller, arrives to stop them.
Casper is a time traveller who arrives in the 2020s in an attempt to prevent a major future catastrophe. He meets Holly, a queer black woman he befriends and draws into his plan by giving her his knowledge of the future so that she can make quick money. However, they unwittingly alter the future themselves with their actions, until Doris, another time traveller, arrives to stop them.
Después de ser contratado para investigar una muerte sospechosa en la pequeña ciudad de Wander, un investigador privado mentalmente inestable se convence de que el caso está relacionado con el mismo 'encubrimiento de conspiración' que causó la muerte de su hija.
Percy Sullivan's suicide attempt gets interrupted by a man claiming to be from the future.
Percy Sullivan's suicide attempt gets interrupted by a man claiming to be from the future.
An adolescent dreamer struggles to find closure after the untimely death of his older brother.
Un grupo de estudiantes desata sin querer una maldición que causa que la gente se suicide, convirtiéndose en criaturas mitad zombi, mitad demonio.