Spanish Delegate (uncredited)
Adaptación a la gran pantalla del popular cómic de Bob Kane, que ese mismo año y con los mismos protagonistas conocía una exitosa versión en formato de serie de televisión que duraría dos años en la pequeña pantalla. Batman y Robin se enfrentan a un grupo de criminales entre los que se encuentran sus eternos rivales Joker y El Pingüino, quienes se han apoderado de un sofisticado artilugio para dominar el mundo.
A pesar de que todos los miembros de su tribu se niegan, un muchacho indio se empeña en cuidar y criar a un potro salvaje. La relación entre el joven y el animal se estrechará cada vez más.
Romero's Trainer (uncredited)
Walter Gulick, un prometedor boxeador que acaba de ganar un importante campeonato, decide tras acaba el servicio militar volver a su tranquila vida de mecánico de coches en su pueblo natal en Cream Valley, New York. Pero tendrá que superar las argucias de su representante, que consigue poner en peligro su carrera tras una traición inesperada.
Chief Iron Shirt (uncredited)
Jake Cutter, un 'ranger' de Texas, arresta a un jugador llamado Paul Regret para llevarlo a la horca. Pronto, sin embargo, se encontrará haciendo equipo con él en otra difícil misión: acabar con una banda de forajidos que se dedican a proporcionar armas y licores a los comanches. La última película del legendario cineasta húngaro Michael Curtiz ("Casablanca") fue este wéstern que dirigió con su habitual energía, sólo un año antes de su fallecimiento y pese a tener ya 75 años. Atención a Lee Marvin en un breve pero intenso papel de villano que le sirvió claramente como inspiración para el de Liberty Valance, que interpretó al año siguiente.
Don Alejandro
El cruzado enmascarado Zorro y su padre, Don Alejandro, se enfrentan al misterioso déspota El Águila en una lucha por el control de la vieja California española.
Don Alejandro de la Vega
En esta película, editada a partir de ocho episodios de la exitosa serie de televisión de Disney, Don Diego regresa a casa para encontrar su ciudad bajo el talón de un cruel dictador, Capitan Monastario. Diego se pone la máscara de Zorro para luchar contra la tiranía del malvado comandante y, con la ayuda de su mudo sirviente Bernardo, libera al pueblo de su opresión.
Ned Bannon, un pistolero, llega a un pueblo dominado por Hardy Bishop, un antiguo enemigo. Unos granjeros pretenden asentarse en el lugar, pero Bishop pretende hacerles la vida imposible para que se vayan. (FILMAFFINITY)
Eddie Rico (Richard Conte) era el contador de una organización mafiosa, pero ahora se ha retirado y vive feliz junto a su esposa Alice (Dianne Foster) con quien planea adoptar un niño... pero a veces no es fácil liberarse del pasado, y un nuevo lío en el que están involucrados sus hermanos, obligará a Eddie a tomar partido.
Los ganaderos y agricultores de Texas quieren que el ferrocarril una el tramo que hay entre ellos y el pueblo de Kansas donde van a vender sus mercancías, ya que así se ahorrarían la fuerte especulación de los intermediarios de Missouri.
George Gerrity
Un psicópata, además de matar animales, se dedica a atacar a jóvenes parejas en una zona alejada de la ciudad. Un día secuestra a una chica y la esconde en su apartamento. El padre de la muchacha, que es inspector de policía, emprende una frenética búsqueda siguiendo métodos no muy ortodoxos
Finales del siglo XIX. A Cash Addams, un aventurero que se dedica al tráfico de armas, le encargan llevar un cargamento a Cuba, cuyos destinatarios son los rebeldes que luchan contra España por la independencia de la isla. Aunque planea dejar las armas en Florida, se ve obligado a hacer un peligroso viaje hasta la colonia para poder cobrar.
Ginna Rumma
Set in a desert land where the stooges run a restaurant, the boys need money to pay their fiancée's taxes, or the girls will be sold as slaves. Some crooks come into their restaurant and convince the boys to recover the stolen Rootin Tootin diamond. The stooges decide to return the diamond to the government and get the reward money. They learn that the Emir of Shmo has absconded with the contraband jewel. They journey to the stronghold of Shmo where they disguise as Santa Clauses and scare the ruler into giving them the diamond.
Father Larocca
Cuando el policía Steve Collins está a punto de desmantelar la organización de Vic Amato, un mafioso de San Francisco, cae en una trampa y va a parar a San Quintin, condenado por asesinato. Tras cinco años de reclusión, recobra la libertad y se lanza a la caza del responsable del complot.
Capt. Alonzo Clark
En 1870, unos años después de la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865), el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, U. Grant, confía a Johnny McKay (Alan Ladd) la misión de llevar la paz al sur de Oregón, donde una tribu india dirigida por el capitán Jack (Bronson) ha abandonado la reserva arrasándolo todo a su paso.
O’Rourke y el indio Cajou, su hermano de leche, vuelven de una cacería en el Norte de Canadá. En el camino, se encuentran con una diligencia en llamas que ha sido atacada por los indios sioux. La única superviviente es una mujer que se resiste a acompañarlos hasta el fuerte Saskatchewan e intenta huir de ellos. Sin embargo, al ser perseguida por los sioux, no tiene más remedio que seguirlos.
Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865). Cuando la derrota del Sur es inminente, el mayor Mattson intenta desesperadamente salvar a su ejército. Roba un cargamento de oro y se dirige a una ciudad en la frontera con Méjico, cerca de Río Grande, para intercambiar con el general Calleja oro por municiones. Pero, antes del trueque, Mattson tiene problemas con el Barón Von Holden, el asesor militar alemán de Calleja, y con Carmelita, la temperamental dueña del saloon.
Two episodes of "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
Jorge Gomez
Obligado a cumplir condena por matar a dos hombres en defensa propia, Billy Reynolds, antiguo ayudante del sheriff, es encarcelado en la prisión de máxima seguridad de la comarca. Allí se encontrará con Jessie Gormar, un hombre cruel y despiadado que prometió matarle cuando saliera de prisión.
Lt. Lopez
El legionario Paul Lartal sobrevive milagrosamente a un ataque sorpresa y, deambulando por el desierto, se despierta en un idílico reino gobernado por la bella princesa Morjana. Allí transcurren los días como en un cuento de hadas, pero cuando regresa a su puesto, ninguno de sus compañeros da crédito a sus palabras. (FILMAFFINITY)
A hired hand gets caught between a noble rancher and ruthless land grabbers.
Ryker Man (uncredited)
Alabama, finales del siglo XIX. Shane, un hastiado pistolero, llega a la granja de los Starretts, un matrimonio con un hijo que, al igual que los demás campesinos del valle, se encuentra en graves dificultades, pues el poderoso ganadero Rufus Ryker pretende apoderarse de sus tierras. Cuando Ryker se entera de que Shane es un hábil pistolero, le propone que trabaje para él. Ante su negativa, contrata a Jack Wilson, un peligroso asesino a sueldo.
En el año 1830, el barón Cesare Jonatto gobierna la isla de Córcega con mano de hierro, sin permitir ninguna disensión entre sus súbditos. Un grupo de ciudadanos amantes de la libertad, liderados por el conde Mario Franchi, deciden organizarse para derrocar al tirano. Después de una serie de escaramuzas sin demasiado éxito, el líder de los rebeldes decide pedir ayuda a su hermano gemelo Carlos, a pesar de que no mantienen una relación demasiado fluida.
"Far Away Mountain" Test Actor #2 (uncredited)
Un tiránico y manipulador productor de cine que ha caído en desgracia pide ayuda a un director, a una actriz y a un guionista a los que ayudó a triunfar, pero que tienen sobradas razones para detestarlo. Los tres le reprochan su falta de escrúpulos para alcanzar el éxito sin reparar en las personas a las que traicionaba o engañaba.
Vicente (as George Lewis)
Un grupo de mineros que se dedican a buscar oro se unen para enfrentarse a un terrateniente que, además de aprovecharse de ellos, está intentando sabotear el movimiento de unificación de los territorios de California. (FILMAFFINITY)
Colonel Wells
En 1852, un audaz leñador llamado Janes Bowie se dirige a Nueva Orleáns para vender un cargamento de madera. Nada más llegar, conoce a Judalon, una bella joven de la que se enamora, a pesar de que es pretendida sin éxito, por casi todos los jóvenes casaderos de la ciudad.
Carlos de la Torre
Gene Autry is back in the saddle again as an undercover detective in this action-packed Western complete with a showdown. Gene poses as a jailbird to wangle the truth from a boy (Dick Jones) suspected of stealing an Army payroll. When the youngster escapes from lockup and rejoins his family's medicine show, intrigue is in the wind as Gene tries to solve the mystery of the missing money and to save the lad from a vicious mob. Pat Buttram co-stars.
Mike Donelli
The Bowery Boys are enrolled in a fancy college by a pair of rich snobs who think they can turn the Boys into classy guys. Sach becomes a football star, and is kidnapped by gangsters to keep him out of the big game.
Quantrell Man
Hacia el final de la Guerra Civil Norteamericana (1861-1865), un oficial del ejército Confederado se ve involucrado en los delitos de una cuadrilla de bandidos que recorren el territorio robando y asesinando.
Abbott y Costello son dos detectives que reciben en su despacho a su primer cliente: un boxeador llamado Tommy Nelson acusado injustamente de haber matado a su mánager; un crimen que Tommy dice no haber cometido. Acompañado de los dos detectives, el púgil visita a un doctor, que le inyecta el suero de la invisibilidad, para que así pueda demostrar su inocencia
Mexican Police Captain
A cattle inspector runs a rustling ring on the side.
Sammy Page
Al Jennings, un abogado con un futuro prometedor, se ve obligado a dejar Kansas tras participar en una trifulca. Se instala en Oklahoma y cambiará su forma de vida por completo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Steve Llewellyn hung up his guns after killing a man in self-defense, left Willow Creek and went on the drift for five years. Now he’s back. And the bad blood stirred up by his return and the violence caused by a cattleman’s grab for all the good grasslands mean Steve must strap on his sidearms again. Rod Cameron -- who became a marquee draw with a pair of espionage serials in the 1940s and went on to establish himself as a popular cowboy star -- makes Steve a hero to reckon with in Short Grass, one of the actor’s 10 films with busy shoot-‘em-up director Lesley Selander. Johnny Mack Brown, a sagebrush stalwart in his own right, plays the marshal who allies with Steve. Adding to the Western pedigree is costar Cathy Downs, who plays the title role in the iconic My Darling Clementine. Buffs will note other familiar faces, including Alan Hale, Jr., well remembered as the skipper who takes a “three-hour tour” to Gilligan’s Island.
A whip-cracking federal marshal goes under cover as a masked bandit to ferret out a gold-bullion thief.
As a boy, Shamrock's parents were killed. He took possession of a pistol belonging to his father, a famous marshal. Now that he is grown, he takes the job of marshal and uses the same gun, but he still has to solve the mystery of what happened to his parents.
Ellison is the star searching for the killer of his parents while Hayden's a not-too-bad bandit leader.
An outlaw impersonates Shamrock in order to lease his land to an oil company for $75,000.
The Shamrock Kid, Lucky, and The Colonel get caught in a feud between outlaws and homesteaders.
Nate Tulliver
Shamrock and Lucky team up to drive the Tulliver Brothers out of Heldorado.
Leo Cronin
Tras el asesinato de un empleado de Correos, una monja asegura que podría reconocer a uno de los asesinos si lo volviese a ver. Desde ese momento su vida correrá peligro.
Mortimer Black
Buffalo Bill Cody battles a gang of outlaws secretly headed by an unscrupulous lawyer.
Captain Rodriguez
Primavera de 1945. James Mason encarna al doctor Matson, que se aprovecha de su condición de psiquiatra de un jefe de la mafia para robarle 200.000 dólares. Así que emprende una desesperada huida desde Los Ángeles hasta la frontera mexicana, donde espera poder iniciar una nueva vida con todo ese dinero. Sin embargo, en su camino encontrará a una muchacha que le hará recapacitar sobre su acción.
Jim Knowlton
In this remake of No Man's Range (1935), Shamrock travels to the ranch of his stepfather who he has never met and finds himself caught in the middle of a range war.
Chief Irahu
Deputy Marshall Larry West goes undercover to find out who has been terrorizing the territory, Navajos or the Dalton Gang.
Colonel José Vargas
Wanted outlaws have mysteriously disappeared. Ranger Captain Henley and Steve have a plan to find them. Steve becomes a wanted man by faking the killing of Henley. Not only is he now in trouble as both the Rangers and the Mexican Rurales are after him, but Smiley knows him and may expose his masquerade to the bad guys.
Ginna Rumma
Set in a desert land where the stooges run a restaurant, the boys set out to recover the stolen Rootin Tootin diamond after they learn from the thieves that the Emir of Shmo has absconded with the contraband jewel. They journey to the stronghold of Shmo where they disguise as Santa Clauses and scare the ruler into giving them the diamond.
Steve 'Whip' Wilson
Jungle Jim fights a lion and sharks trying to save an African village from those who would despoil it.
Juan Vazcaro
Gene es contratado para trabajar como capataz en un rancho. La dueña del mismo está siendo presionada para casarse con un villano, que lo que realmente busca es llegar a hacerse con la propiedad del rancho y del resto de la fortuna que tiene la mujer.
Although ostensibly the grand-son of the legendary hero, Clayton Moore's Ken Mason is little more than a cowboy in a black mask in this 12 chapter Republic serial. Mason, the head of the telegraph line work crew, assumes his ancestor's trade-mark mask (but not whip) in order to prevent a local czar (Roy Barcroft) from sabotaging the burgeoning telegraph line. Pamela Blake, a brunette starlet formerly known as Adele Pearce, played Mason's imperiled girlfriend, and the serial also benefitted from the usual competent work of Republic's great stunt-performers, including Dale van Sickel, Tom Steele, Eddie Parker, and Joe Yrigoyen.
Border Patrolman (Uncredited)
Jenny Marsh es una ex presidiaria que, tras pasar cinco años en la cárcel y conseguir la libertad condicional, establece una estrecha relación con el agente que debe vigilarla.
When Ranger Raymond is killed during a stage holdup, Wells Fargo Agent Whip Wilson assumes his identity.
Lt. Manuel Agura
The war lords of a potential enemy of the US has the spy ring, led by John Baroda, the Spy King and his aide Nitra, sabotaging the plans for a vast defense system of radar stations along the American borders. Radar Defense Bureau operative Chris Calvert comes to the rescue of a brilliant radar scientist, Joan Hughes, who has been kidnapped by Baroda henchmen in chapter 1 ("The Fatal Fog"), and the two battle together before putting an end to the Spy King in the aptly-named chapter 12, "Day of Reckoning".
The sole surviving Texas Ranger of a murderous ambush - John Reid, becomes the great masked hero. He fights for justice with his companion, Tonto.
Juan Gonzalez
In order to learn the location of a fabled Aztec treasure, a professor kidnaps his colleague, the only man able to read the ancient Aztec script that is supposed to reveal the location of the treasure. Charlie Chan and his #1 and #2 sons journey to the jungles of Mexico to find the victim and bring the kidnapper and his gang to justice.
Chief Eagle Claw
Cowboy Rocky Lane thwarts an attack on a courier delivering a precious Indian tribal belt and becomes embroiled in a conspiracy in the process. When the courier dies, Rocky delivers the belt to the Agent. But he quickly finds himself arrested for murder and learns not only is the belt missing, but the murdered Agent is not the man he gave the belt to.
Rafe Henley
Jesse James returns to Missouri, and he and brother Frank come to the aid of a young woman who owns a gold mine. Her father was murdered and she took over the mine, and now the villains who killed her father are trying to drive her out of the mine so they can take it over.
Confederate (uncredited)
Drama ambientado en la guerra de secesión americana. Morna pertenece a una familia que tiene una plantación en el Sur, pero sus ideas les inclinan a la Unión. En cambio Clay, el prometido de Morna, se va a alistar en el ejército confederado. Para complicar las cosas, Keith, un periodista local, se enamora de Morna.
José Esteban
Jimmy and Cannonball find the body of Don Muquel after he has been shot and robbed by henchmen Ramsay and Sturgis. Jimmy is accused of the crime by Jose Esteban but the latter's rich uncle, Don Esteban, clears his friend Jimmy. Jose accuses the the settlers, led by John Chambers, of confiscating the land of the native Californians, through murder and theft. Actually, surveyor Willard Jackson is making forged copies of stolen land-grant papers after his men have killed the rightful owners. Playing both ends against the middle, Ramsay urges Chambers and his daughter, Diane, to drive off the Californians.
Eddie trabaja en unos grandes almacenes cuyo dueño ha adquirido una valiosísima escultura de Venus y se propone dar una fiesta para mostrarla a sus amigos. Eddie debe reparar el mecanismo que descorre las cortinas que la cubren. Emocionado por su belleza, la besa y se produce el milagro. La estatua de mármol cobra vida y se convierte en una bellísima mujer que dice ser la mismísima diosa Venus. Eddie es acusado de la desaparicion de una obra de arte valorada en doscientos mil dólares y, naturalmente, la policía no cree su fantástica explicacion. Pero, por fortuna, Venus está con él para ayudarle.
Harry entertains a potential advertising client.
Slip Drago
A singing cowboy named Jimmy ends up posing as an outlaw called "the Melody Kid" after his big-mouthed friend Cannonball spreads tall tales.
Sergeant Dansiger
Detective Charlie Chan springs into action when top officials of a New Orleans chemical company begin dropping like flies.
Cowpuncher (uncredited)
Chester Wooley y Duke Egan son unos vendedores ambulantes que realizan una escala en Wagon Gap, Montana, mientras se dirigen a California. Durante la escala, un criminal famoso, Fred Hawkins, es asesinado, y los dos son acusados del crimen. Rápidamente son juzgados, condenados y sentenciados a morir en la horca. El jefe del comité de ciudadanos locales, Jim Simpson, recuerda una ley por la cual el vencedor en un duelo debe asumir la responsabilidad de las deudas y la familia del difunto. La ley impide la ejecución de los dos, pero ahora Chester es responsable de la viuda Hawkins y sus siete hijos...
Blue Chip Winslow
A private detective is offered a job protecting a rich business man from suspected blackmail. Before he can accept the case a murder is uncovered.
Captain Gonzáles
Gene and Pokie are on vacation in Mexico when they learn that their buddy Dusty has been bumped off.
In Old California, a young Frenchman transporting a chest full of silver travels by stagecoach to San Marino, to complete a complex business deal. The stagecoach is ambushed by a band of men whose leader, a mysterious bandido known as Cisco (Gilbert Roland), claims the silver is money that was extorted over a period of years from the poor people of California. The bandits take the money and escape, but Cisco stays behind with the Frenchman -- who, it turns out, is actually a lovely mademoiselle, Jeanne DuBois (Ramsay Ames). She follows him to the bandit's lair, where Cisco tells her he intends to return the stolen money to the poor people. The two rivals are irresistibly drawn to each other, however, and as a token of love Cisco offers to return the money to Jeanne instead. Now she must decide whether to complete her business deal, or to comply with Cisco's wishes and redistribute the wealth.
Chief Flying Eagle
Rodeo star Roy Rogers returns home to find that his old friend Tom Craig has been murdered after he was accused of stealing a family crest from Helen Williams. Helen joins up with Roy and Gabby Whittaker to find the killers and the crest.
Jan Field
Mientras investiga el robo de una valiosa estatua de jade conocida como "La Dama Desaparecida", y el posterior asesinato de un comerciante de arte, el detective imperceptible Lamont Cranston, también conocido como la Sombra (Kane Richmond), es culpado del crimen. No ayuda las afirmaciones de inocencia de La Sombra cuando más cuerpos comienzan a acumularse. Menos mal que sabe exactamente quién es el culpable entre un grupo cada vez más pequeño de sospechosos.
Julian Leighton
An advertising man's new campaign for a fashion designer attracts the attention of mysterious characters.
Jim Pollard
Roy visits his home town while on a personal appearance tour. While there he enters a pony express race. To keep him from winning, bad guys try to sabatoge Roy's entry. They fail, or course. Songs include the title song and "Smile for me, Senorita."
Huerta (uncredited)
Johnny Farrell, un aventurero que vive de hacer trampas en el juego, recala en Buenos Aires. Allí le saca de un apuro un hombre llamado Ballin Mundson, propietario de un lujoso casino. El recién llegado termina convirtiéndose en el individuo de confianza de su anfitrión. Un día, su superior le presenta a su esposa, Gilda. Él reacciona con perplejidad, ya que ella lo convirtió en el ser amargado y cínico que es ahora.
Blue Feather
A new town doctor arrives at the same time as local Indians needprotection from troublemaking looters.
Arturo Martinez
Actress Carol Adams retires from the theater when she becomes engaged to businessman Gregory Davis, but is increasingly frustrated by Greg's unwavering devotion to his business. Tired of being ignored, Carol leaves her engagement ring with Greg's secretary, Sarah Anderson, and flies to Mexico City to repair her broken heart and visit her friends, Anita and Arturo Martinez. On the plane, Carol meets Ramon Carranza, a handsome singer and movie star who is wildly popular in Mexico.
In this western, Red Ryder leads a wagon train of homesteaders into a ghost town and discovers that it has become an outlaw's hideout.
A Mexican crooner tries to put off fans by faking marriage to his American co-star.
Miguel Sanchez
The Kid (Duncan Renaldo) masquerades as a government inspector in this pleasant, and pleasantly tuneful, Cisco Kid series entry. Learning that his old friends have been killed and Manuel Gonzales (Tito Renaldo) wrongly accused of cattle rustling by corrupt district officer Miguel Sanchez (George J. Lewis), the Kid assumes the identity of the murdered government official.
A white gorilla causes trouble in the deepest heart of Africa. The film uses footage from the silent 1927 serial Perils Of The Jungle which was written by director of The White Gorilla Harry L Fraser under the name Harry P.Crist
Jim Belmont
Jerry Blake (aka Federal Operator 99) teams-up with Joyce Kingston to thwart the plans of escaped crime boss Jim Belmont.
Vic Gordon
Pretty Girl Barbara Mededith takes over her murdered brother's crusading newspaper. She also assumes the dead sibling's identity as "The Black Whip," righting the wrongs of Crescent City very much in the manner of her famous ancestor, Zorro.
Ricardo Martel
After his wife complains about the number of nights Woodcock (Shemp Howard) spends at the Hoot Owl Lodge, he takes her on a belated honeymoon. The first person they meet is lodge member Joe Wilson, who asks Woodcock to help him retrieve some ill-advised letters to lovely hotel guest Irene (Christine McIntyre). Woodcock soon finds himself caught between his jealous wife, and Irene's Latin-tempered fiancee Ricardo.
An international jewel thief tries to keep his secret from his neice.
Detective Castro (uncredited)
La nueva intriga implica un reciente cuadro con la firma de un artista muerto 15 años atras, y el misterioso asesinato del dueño de una galería de arte, Tom termina con sus huesos en México en compañía de la bella Barbara (Martha Vickers), la hija del artista que busca respuestas acerca de la pintura y de su padre.
Greedy oil speculators, led by Morgan, are trying to force Tiger Woman and her band of warriors from their jungle home. Allen Saunders of Inter-Ocean Oil wants to develop the oil, too, but fights with Tiger Woman to stop the bad guys.
John Emerson
A cowbody acquires a ranch whose previous owner is believed to be dead.
Paul Arranto
Un científico que trabajaba en un nuevo explosivo es asesinado. El servicio secreto entonces decide acudir a la sagacidad de Charlie Chan (Sidney Toler) para encontrar al culpable. Primera película del detective chino del estudio Monogram.
Bart Matson
Una serie de misteriosos asesinatos llama la atención del Presidente de Estados Unidos, que entrena a Grant Gardner para convertirlo en un superhéroe. El Dr. Clinton Lyman le confía a Cyrus Maldor sus planes y que él es el responsable de los asesinatos. Maldor avisa a la policía pero Lyman activa el Vibrador Dinámico y convierte a Maldor en el malvado Escarabajo. El Escarabajo huye del laboratorio y empieza a hacer el mal. Grant Gardner, ahora convertido en el Capitán América, va a derrotarlo.
With a plot line mostly lifted from 1941's "White Eagle", Columbia's 24th serial (following "The Desert Hawk-1944" and ahead of 1945's "Brenda Starr, Reporter"), "Black Arrow" finds carpet-baggers Jake Jackson and Buck Sherman arriving in Blue Mesa in search of gold.
Vic Fowler
A man framed for a series of Wells' Fargo stage robberies and a comical sheriff's deputy join forces to uncover the real robbers, unaware that a U.S. Marshal assigned to the case and the Mayor of the town which is at the center of the robberies, are the leaders of the gang.
An American secret agent travels to Africa to infiltrate a Nazi spy ring.
Japanese master spy Daka operates a covert espionage-sabotage organization located in Gotham City's now-deserted Little Tokyo, which turns American scientists into pliable zombies. The great crime-fighters Batman and Robin, with the help of their allies, are in pursuit.
Henchman Turner
A gang of land-grabbers tries to prevent safe passage of the Foster Stage Company through frontier territory.
A horse called Brilliant is the only one who knows the location of a gold mine. When Brilliant's owner is killed, the trio known as the Three Mesquiteers (Bob Steele, Tom Tyler and Jimmie Dodd) are mistakenly arrested for the murder.
Japanese spies attempt to subvert America's war effort; G-Men attempt to thwart their plot.
Haggling Arab Monkey Seller (uncredited)
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Casablanca era una ciudad a la que llegaban huyendo del nazismo gentes de todas partes: llegar era fácil, pero salir era casi imposible, especialmente si el nombre del fugitivo figuraba en las listas de la Gestapo. En esta ocasión el principal objetivo de la policía secreta alemana es el líder checo y héroe de la resistencia Victor Laszlo, cuya única esperanza es Rick Blaine, propietario del 'Rick’s Café' y antiguo amante de su mujer, Ilsa. Cuando Ilsa se ofrece a quedarse a cambio de un visado para sacar a Laszlo del país, Rick deberá elegir entre su propia felicidad o el idealismo que rigió su vida en el pasado.
Director William Witney puts his distinctive stamp on the Don "Red" Barry western Outlaws of Pine Ridge by opening the picture with a body sailing through the plate-glass window of a frontier saloon. Barry stars as gun-slingin' Chips Barrett, who makes it his mission in life to prevent the inaccurately nicknamed Honest John Hollister (Noah Beery Sr.) from becoming territorial governor. Complicating things is the fact that Chips is in love with Honest John's daughter Ann.
Well-known philanthropist and deaf-mute John G. Harrison is identified leaving the scene of several murders but evades successful prosecution as there are hundreds of witnesses who have also seen him emceeing benefits at the exact same time as the murders.
Gay Lawrence (George Sanders) es un detective aficionado, elegante y frío, conocido tan solo como “El Halcón”. Se entera de que su hermano Tom (Tom Conway) ha sido asesinado a bordo de un barco procedente de Sudamérica. “El Halcón” comienza a investigar a los posibles asesinos antes de descubrir que su hermano aún sigue vivo. Su búsqueda lo lleva por turbias aguas repletas de espías, chantajistas y criminales. “El Halcón” persigue a los delincuentes y debe proteger a un diplomático para evitar que atenten contra su vida. Todas las investigaciones le conducen a una famosa revista de moda y a enfrentarse con una red de espías Nazis.
A murder occurs on a train bound for Shanghai during World War II.
Sheik Ibrahim
American correspondent Mike Malone uncovers a Nazi plot for an uprising of the Arab tribes in Lybia. Pursued by Sheik David and his men, Mike takes refuge in the suite of Nancy Brooks, who is in the British Intelligence. He asks her to hide a gun and escapes through a window. Reporting the affair to British Consul Herbert Forbes, the latter tries to discourage him from further investigation, as the British are aware of the plot and are planning on staging a coup. He goes with Mike to Nancy's apartment, and she denies having ever seen him before. Sheik Ibrahim, next in command of the Arab tribe to Sheik David, is plotting with Nazi agent Yussof Streyer to kill David who is friendly with the British. Mike and Nancy have gone to David's camp, escape from Ibrahim's henchmen, and get back to El Moktar before the Arabs attack the garrison.
Joey Morrison, alias Mason
Police detectives battle the League of Murdered Men, a gang of resurrected dead criminals.
Dave Paulson
A wise-cracking private detective's honeymoon is interrupted by a kidnapping case.
Hoppy, Johnny and California go to Arabia to buy some horses. There they get involved with a sheik and a harem and a kidnapping plot.
Maitre d' (uncredited)
Un joven le pide a una encargada del guardarropa que finja ser su prometida para hacer a su padre feliz en su lecho de muerte. Sin embargo, la salud del anciano mejora y ahora su hijo no sabe cómo decirle que está comprometido con alguien más, en especial porque su padre se ha encariñado con la impostora.
Lt. Norval
A draftswoman, the sister of an aging, alcoholic pilot, secretly uses her brother's ideas to solve design problems for an experimental military plane in an attempt to save the company and salvage her brother's reputation.
Ed Morrow
Government Agent Conway, posing as a crew member of a ship, is investigating the flood of counterfeit money that seemingly is originating for a gambling ship, moored off-shore beyond the three-mile limit and operated by gangster Dave Reeves.
Danny Emmett
A bumbling detective chases an escaped convict in an amusement park haunted house in Coney Island.
Nicholas Makaroff
"An average American family", the Middletons, visit the 1939 World's Fair and witnesses the advent of future technology, encountering robots and dishwashers for the first time.
Bob Hale
The life of a young kid, who starts stealing small things to fit in with the "cool crowd".
Bob Cameron
It is the story of Gene's, a Cavalry scout, who manages to quell an Indian uprising.
A South Seas skipper fights off thieves and pirates who are after a lost treasure.
Dummy Ache is a 1936 American short comedy film directed by Leslie Goodwins. An assuming husband, suspicious of his wife, follows her for the day. Misunderstandings, mishaps, and hijinks ensue. It was nominated for an Academy Award at the 9th Academy Awards in 1936 for Best Short Subject (Two-Reel). Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with Library of Congress. Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division in 2013.
Sgt. William Schiller [Chs. 1-4]
Corporal Larry Grant and Sergeant "Mac" McGowan, of the United States Marine Corps, are rival for the love of Frances Schiller, but team up to hunt down "The Tiger Shark," a mad, scientific wizard who is holding Sergeant William Schiller, Frances' brother, a prisoner on a wild, jungle island in the Pacific.
When the daughter of a newspaper publisher is falsely charged with murder, a reporter on her father's paper goes into hiding with her. At first hoping to get an exclusive story, the reporter eventually finds himself falling in love and trying to find the real killer.
Garcia (as George Lewis)
A war between Bolivia and Paraguay is the setting for the stories of flyers involved with both sides in the conflict.
A captain's daughter become marooned on an island after the ship is taken over by a mutinous crew.
Mr. Hayburn
In this Broadway Brevity short, a soda jerk/songwriter dreams (literally) of performing his songs on Broadway.
Escort (uncredited)
Sonia es una viuda, inmensamente rica, de Marshovia, pequeño país centro europeo del que controla la mitad de la riqueza. El país depende de que ella gaste su dinero en él, así que, cuando se traslada a París porque no logra encontrar marido, el rey envía al Conde Danilo a cortejarla y traerla de vuelta. Si no lo consigue, se le formará consejo de guerra.
Anthony Populopulini
A lawyer handing a divorce case discovers the attorney for the opposition is his ex-wife.
The Great Apollo
When Buster's girlfriend falls for a trapeze artist, Buster tries to beat him at his own game.
Armand Lescalle
Ex-convicts try to stop a Chinese smuggling ring.
When a theater offers a free wedding to a couple, confusion reigns.
Bob Whitlock
The story of a boy, a dog, and a man. The boy discovers he is heir to a shipping line, and travels to Los Angeles, accompanied by inventor/radio operator Bob Whitlock and Irene Blaine. Their journey is aided by Pal, a wolf dog.
Party Guest (Uncredited)
Nasa (Clara Bow) es una mestiza con sangre blanca e india. Rebelde e indomable, no respetará las tradiciones de su padre y huirá con un hombre que no la conviene, quedando embarazada. Como si de una maldición se tratase, la vida de Nasa irá degradándose irremediablemente hacia el vicio, el alcohol y la prostitución.
Bobby "Lefty" Doyle
During a boxing match a fighter accidentally kills his opponent in the ring. Afterwards he finds himself falling in love with the dead man's sister.
The Baron is an aging, cynical lady's man. He has a key-chain with about 50 keys to different women' apartments in Paris. He selects one at random to see who he will sleep with at night. His adversary is a young Parisian artist (the next Picasso), Victor. Victor believes in love and he's going to marry his girlfriend Claudette as soon as he sells his first painting. The Baron seduces Claudette, seemingly to teach Victor a lesson. However, as might be predicted, he soon falls in love with Claudette himself.
Ramon Ruiz
Sergeant Carlos Olivarez (Buck Jones) becomes entangled in the machinations of an oil baron, havoc-wreaking bandits, and the femme fatale who ruined his brother.
A cowboy avenges his father's murder, but must flee the law as a result. He attempts the rescue of a young woman from an outlaw, but becomes entangled with the outlaw's wife.
Robert Wilson
college love movie
Ed Benson
One of the final installments of the Collegian series of short films where they are set to compete in a long race.
Jack Bauer Jr.
The owner of a fruit cannery is facing financial ruin as a result of a strike. Unbeknownst to him, his son is the person who is organizing it.
Leopold Ostberg
A composer and his daughter emigrate to America in the hope that he can sell his symphony. But he meets with little success and begins to give up hope. His daughter and her friends, however, never give up hope.
Phil Levine
We Americans was based on the Broadway play of the same name. Returning to the "melting pot" themes that he handled so well, director Edward H. Sloman concentrates on the trials and tribulations of three first-generation American families: The Jewish Levines, the German Schmidts and the Italian Albertinis.
Jack De Peyster (as George Lewis)
In this comedy, a wealthy matron is terribly upset when she learns that her socialite son is planning to marry a blue collar girl.
Ed Benson (as George Lewis)
Sliding Home is a 1928 Comedy short
Ed Benson
Series #2, Episode #8 of The Collegians, where in this case centers around various water sports, and Benson even finds himself in jail at one point.
Ed Benson
Series #2, Episode #7 of The Collegians and they are preparing for a auto race.
Ed Benson
Series #1, Episode #9 of The Collegians with the main focus on rowing and clubbing.
Ed Benson
Series #1, Episode #8 of The Collegians.
Ed Benson
When the freshman girls beat the sophomore girls in the big relay race, the 'Frosh' start lording it over the 'Sophs.' Will the 'Sophs' take that kind of treatment? Not a chance!
Ed Benson
Series #1, Episode #4 of The Collegians.
Ed Benson
A comedy short in The Collegians series starring George Lewis, where college students do what students do. Flirt around and do sports.
Ed Benson
The Collegians was a four year series of 46 two-reel films, in which the same players played the same roles through four years of college life, as envisioned by Hollywood's screenwriters of the mid-1920's.
Ed Benson
The first entry in the Collegians comedy short series, with 4th of July celebrations.
Léon Valyon
A wealthy Parisian surgeon finds himself serving time in a brutal penal colony.
Sammy Cominsky
The two sons of a poor Russian-Jewish pushcart peddler on New York's Lower East Side are causing their father grief. As Morris and Sammy stray from traditions cherished by their parents, each generation learns to accept change to preserve the family as a source of love and respect.
During a carnival in Venice, Horace Pierpont, a wealthy American (Lewis Stone), falls in love with Fay Kennion (Virginia Valli). Their romance is derailed when she goes over to his apartment and finds the vampy Fifi (Nita Naldi) there. Fay goes down to Algiers, where she marries a former sweetheart, Dr. Alan Mortimer (Edward Earle).