Balla Habib Dembélé


OSS 117: Desde África con amor
Koudjo Sangawe Bamba
La tercera entrada en las aventuras de espías paródicas del agente secreto OSS 117.
Malian-French director Daouda Coulibaly's auspicious debut is a pulse-pounding political thriller. Wùlu tells the unsettling tale of a man's rise from the bottom rung of the social ladder to the heights of criminal power.
Melé canta en un bar, su marido Chaka está en el paro y la pareja está a punto de romper. El patio de la casa que comparten con otras familias se ha convertido en una sala de juicios: portavoces de la sociedad civil africana acusan al Banco Mundial y al Fondo Monetario Internacional de los males que afligen a África. Y mientras se suceden las declaraciones de acusadores, defensores y testigos, la vida en el patio continúa. Chaka no parece muy preocupado por este deseo insólito de África de luchar por sus derechos. (FILMAFFINITY)
When a woman shelters a group of girls from suffering female genital mutilation, she starts a conflict that tears her village apart.
Sia, the Myth of the Python
Le griot
Kaya Maghan, the despotic king of Wagadou, follows the instructions of his priest by ordering the religious sacrifice to the Python God of Sia Yatabaree, the virgin daughter of a notable family. A gift of gold equivalent to Sia’s weight is given to her family as compensation for surrendering their daughter for the sacrifice. However, Sia runs away and finds shelter in the home of a mad prophet who has railed against the king. The king orders his top general to locate Sia, but the general is conflicted since Sia was engaged to marry his nephew, Mamadi, who is in battle on behalf of the kingdom. Mamadi returns and joins his uncle to do battle against the Python God. - Wikipedia, accessed 31 July 2021
Inspired by the book of Genesis, this film tells the power struggle between two families: a clan of herders led by Jacob and another clan of hunters fronted by his brother Esau. Caught in the crossfire is their cousin, Hamor and his tribe of farmers.
Guimba the Tyrant
Sambou the Bard (as Habibou Dembele)
The movie shows the rise and fall of a cruel and despotic village chief Guimba, and his son Jangine in a fictional village in the Sahel of Mali.
Macadam Tribe
Four friends roam the streets, bars and boxing clubs in a bubbling and bewitching big African town.