Abraham, a dedicated husband and father, struggles to provide for his young wife, Katie, and their four-year-old daughter. But, through his creative determination, he finds patronage in Jong Jans and Jong's wife, Almeri. Abraham and Katie settle into their new home, working for Jong and Almeri, but Katie's battles with mental illness and alcoholism rock the boat. Abraham staunchly supports his wife, but his own ambitions as an artist make him restless. Abraham is a dreamer who wishes to rise above his station in life and make his mark on the world, but the realities of his circumstances get in the way of happiness. In Afrikaans language with English subtitles.
Various Koegelenberg's and the Mayor
Mia Moolman works for a Sandton-based event coordination company that has been commissioned by the department of Trade and Industry to create an event celebrating the most successful ad campaigns in South African history. The gala event will happen at Emperors Palace, and the CEO of the company, Theodore, has asked his employees to pitch ideas for the show and whoever comes up with the best idea will be awarded a promotion and a special bonus. Mia comes up with the idea to make the three guys from the old Castrol commercials, Boet, Swaer and Mogae, part of the show. Her boss eventually agrees to this, but Mia must go and find them in the Kalahari and bring them to Emperors Palace in time for the big gala event. Will she get them to the big show in time?
Ben Wolhuter
Drama que cuenta la historia en Sudáfrica del predicador Angus Buchan y las historias entrelazadas de tres hombres en el camino a uno de Buchan los valientes de Conferencias . No es una secuela de la película La fe como las papas , también basada en la historia de la vida de Angus Buchan.
Lwellyn Greef
A South African family comedy about three primary school girls and their obsessed mothers who share the same desire: for their girls to become Head Girl of their junior school. When things go badly for one of them, she becomes mean in her attempts to win, but after sacrificing the good qualities in her personality she finally learns what a true leader should be.
The existence of the anti-Iraq coalition was threatened when Saddam targetted Israel. In order to keep Israel out of the war, and the coalition together the Scuds had to be stopped. SAS patrol Bravo Two Zero, under the command of Sgt. Andy McNab was tasked to destroy these weapons. Three of the SAS troopers were killed and four captured: Only one escaped - Cpl. Chris Ryan.
Corre el año 62 a.C., y el ya anciano apóstol Mateo rememora los increíbles sucesos de los que fue testigo de joven. Al ver y oír su narración, los años se desvanecen y nos encontramos íntimamente involucrados en la vida de Jesús. Narración basada exclusivamente en el fiel texto de la Nueva Versión Internacional. Esta película narra el evangelio de Mateo versículo por versículo, fue grabada en Marruecos y Sudáfrica. Sin duda es una película que todo cristiano debería tener, se dirige a todo el publico tanto para niños como para ancianos.