Jô Mitsumura


Epitaph to My Love
A hospital clerk
Ishihara Kiyoshi plans to marry the woman he loves, Chiee, a coffee shop girl. After an accident, Chiee loses her memory. A romance movie whose original work by Ayako Sono was made into a melodrama by a combination of Shinoda Masahiro and Terayama Shuji.
One-Way Ticket for Love
Night & Day club manager
Shirai es un joven saxofonista a quien le acaban de dar la oportunidad de demostrar sus habilidades. Esa misma noche conoce a Mitsuko, una chica desesperada tras enterarse de que su amante está casado. Shirai le ayuda a encontrar trabajo en un club nocturno, pero se muestra confuso al respecto de sus sentimientos hacia ella.
I Will Buy You
A talent scout moves sharply, dead-set on signing a promising athlete to the baseball team the Toyko Flowers.
Young village man B
A botanist woos the secretary of an industrialist whose company threatens the local water supply.
The Big Ambition
Somewhere Beneath the Wide Sky
This drama of middle-class life in postwar Japan tells the story lower-middle-class workers in the city of Kawasaki, and their troubles and travails.