Orlando Costa

Orlando Costa

Nacimiento : 1948-12-24, Braga, Portugal

Muerte : 2022-08-19


Orlando Costa


1970. To Fronteira's village arrives a new chief to the Fiscal Guard. With unshakable convictions about the application of the Law, he quickly comes into confrontation with the population, which survives with the practice of smuggling. But a passionate conflict calls into question all your values and your sense of duty, forcing him to make an unexpected and irreversible decision.
Portugal Não Está à Venda
The hypochondriac Sebastião and his not so normal family must save the country from the prime minister's plan of selling the country to China, Germany, France and Angola, and show that Portugal is not for sale.
Histórias de Alice
Meu Passado Me Condena 2: O Filme
Senhor da Estrada
The life of Fabio and Miá falls into the rut when differences, which are not few, need to be faced. After Fábio forget the third wedding anniversary, Miá decides to ask for a time in the relationship. When Fábio's grandfather, who lives in Portugal, tells him that he was a widower, he sees on this trip to the funeral an opportunity to save his marriage.
The Trip
Antonio decides to break free of his mundane existence and rents a silver convertible to take his wife on a dream vacation. Everything seems perfect. Except he doesn't know the way.
El Maligno
Sr. Costa
Un padre de familia de clase media alta lisboeta recibe en herencia una mansión en la sierra de la Garduña, al norte de Portugal. Cansado de la ciudad y contra los deseos de su mujer y sus tres hijos, decide mudarse a esta pequeña aldea, donde pasó parte de su infancia. Pero la idílica villa oculta un mundo siniestro de miedo, ignorancia y superstición que afecta inmediatamente la vida de toda la familia. Sólo el apoyo del joven sacerdote local sirve de ayuda a los personajes, que poco a poco son sugestionados por este pesado ambiente... ¿o será algo en la casa? (FILMAFFINITY)
Un tiro en la oscuridad
Pai Metralha
Un bebé es secuestrado en un aeropuerto brasileño. Años más tarde, la madre vive en Lisboa y trabaja en un bar de strip-tease para poder sobrevivir. Cuando la despiden, se une a una banda de ladrones de bancos...
A Filha
Taxi Driver
Ricardo Monteiro is a successful television producer specialising in reality shows. He is 45 years old and he has just received an award for the most popular television show of the year, when he receives an ultimatum from his 18-year-old daughter Leonor. If he does not come home that same evening to celebrate her birthday he will never see her again. Ricardo is distracted by business or other commitments and he is too late for the last flight home. When he returns next day the apartment is empty and Leonor is gone. At first Ricardo thinks that it is only a game, but there are no phone calls or messages and after a while he gets worried and starts looking for her. He discovers that she has quit school without telling him and that she has lost all contact with her old friends. She has become a complete stranger.
Silencio pactado
Le chauffeur hôtel
En Brasil, a Sor Sarah la ingresan en urgencias debido a unos extraños dolores. Atendida en la misión en que el padre Joachim ejerce de médico, el sacerdote muy pronto sospecha que la joven guarda algún secreto de su enigmático pasado. Decide entonces investigar su vida y descubre que Sarah tiene una hermana gemela, llamada Gaëlle, que se encuentra en Francia cumpliendo condena por haber cometido el más terrible de todos los crímenes. Como él también sufre remordimientos por su procopio pasado, decide trasladarser a París para seguir investigando y su curiosidad se convierte en obsesión. Haciendo caso omiso de sus principios y de las limitaciones que le impone su función sacerdotal, intenta por todos los medios descifrar el misterioso vínculo que une a las dos hermanas. Lo que no sospecha es que la verdad va a cambiar su vida para siempre.
A Falha
Twenty-five years after leaving school, a group of former students decide to organise a reunion. But, contrary to expectations, these "old boys" realise that time has accentuated their differences. The atmosphere is tense, the conversation taut and the old grudges resurface in no time.
A Sombra dos Abutres
police officer
Two simple, unassuming, apolitical men have their lives changed forever when they find themselves hunted by agents of the ruling dictatorship.
Black Shoes
Cândido, a contract killer
In today's Alentejo, a story of love and death based in a real criminal case.
Two Brothers, My Sister
1st Policeman
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
Uma Vida Normal
Dr. Esteves
Miguel has his life falling apart, but in one last push of hope, he tries to change that and start living a normal life.
Amor e Dedinhos de Pé
Macau 1897. Life is easy for Portuguese settlers. Young reveler Francisco Frontaria is deemed as irresponsible for all his partying and boozing. Shunned and exiled for crossing a line by insulting the daughter of a prominent family, he finds himself penniless and vagrant.
Luísa e os Outros
The tumultuous lives of a woman and her three daughters who used to live in Paris, and are now living in Bairro Alto.
Jogo de Mão
In a unique approach to what amounts to four pseudo-morality plays, director Monique Rutler has a street entertainer with hand puppets summarize the characters and idea of each story. The first sketch is about a young man who shines shoes for a living, and tries to keep up a relationship with two women while convincing each she is his only true love. The next story is about a man who beats up his wife when he is drunk, and sells furs for a living. One day, as she is riding in the back of his truck with the furs, he hits a bad patch and she and some furs fall out. The question is, will the woman be enterprising and leave the jerk - or not? The third tale concerns a woman looking into how much control a prostitute has over her clients, and to really find out, she becomes a prostitute herself for awhile - leading to some quite unexpected situations. The last segment handles the uglier side of the life styles of the rich and famous.
Joe Valente, a luso-american, returns home with the dream of turning molice picking into a real industry. But this will cause misery for those who use the traditional methods.
The Holy Alliance
In 1974, not long after the death of Portuguese dictator Salazar, who had ruled Portugal from the early '30s to the late '60s, a group of disgruntled Army officers held a coup. They were even more disgruntled when they realized how the coup was being manipulated by leftist officers to instigate genuine elections and establish a constitution for the first time in Portuguese history. Though their intent was to form a radical socialist state, circumstances prevented this, and a genuine parliamentary democracy emerged. This film explores the circumstances of a right-wing businessman during those times. The man is an old-fashioned authoritarian, whose attentiveness to the needs of his mistress, wife and son is crude where it exists at all.
O Funeral do Patrão
O Funeral do Patrão
Production Design
Sofia e a Educação Sexual
Jorge (voice)
After her mother's death, Sofia returns from a Swiss college to her family's luxurious villa, in Cascais. Through the relashionship between her father, Henrique, and his lover Laura, she will discover the complexity, egothistic, discrete and hypocrite way of life - from which there is no escape.