A black man in his thirties, from a very privileged and over-educated background, finds himself reduced to becoming a security guard in a supermarket in order to enter the working world. In order to be accepted by his new colleagues, he will quickly have to deny his culture and pass himself off as scum.
Early one morning, in an unspecified and seemingly far off time, a 12 year old boy, together with some friends, is searching a thick forest for objects of value. There is a lot of fog. The boy goes off by himself to another part of the wood and stands admiring an antique object he has found at the foot of a tree. His happy expression turns to one of curiosity as he is distracted by some high pitched cries which come and go intermittently.
Early one morning, in an unspecified and seemingly far off time, a 12 year old boy, together with some friends, is searching a thick forest for objects of value. There is a lot of fog. The boy goes off by himself to another part of the wood and stands admiring an antique object he has found at the foot of a tree. His happy expression turns to one of curiosity as he is distracted by some high pitched cries which come and go intermittently.
Early one morning, in an unspecified and seemingly far off time, a 12 year old boy, together with some friends, is searching a thick forest for objects of value. There is a lot of fog. The boy goes off by himself to another part of the wood and stands admiring an antique object he has found at the foot of a tree. His happy expression turns to one of curiosity as he is distracted by some high pitched cries which come and go intermittently.
Tres años después de la Crucifixión de Jesús, se extiende el rumor de que el Nazareno es un profeta que ha resucitado de entre los muertos, lo que incita a la gente a rebelarse contra el gobierno de Roma. Para reprimir los disturbios, el Emperador Tiberio envía a Judea a Taurus, un leal oficial romano, para que encuentre a Jesús o, al menos, su tumba para acallar los rumores. El gobernador Poncio Pilato intenta por todos los medios impedir que Taurus siga adelante con su investigación, pero no podrá evitar que el enviado de Tiberio se vea involucrado en un laberinto de pasión y fe. (FILMAFFINITY)