Greg Mayor

Greg Mayor


Greg Mayor


Twilight of the Gods
A Maori warrior comes upon the aftermath of a battle to find that the only survivor is a wounded enemy soldier. His wishes to avenge his fallen countrymen by finishing off this helpless enemy but the gods won't allow it (as conveyed to him through a spirit bird). Anguished that he must instead treat the soldier's wounds, he's further repelled by the soldier's incessant homosexual advances. Slowly and surprisingly, a change comes over the warrior to accept the soldier's advances, but the war all too soon intrudes upon them.
El piano
Año 1851. Ada, que es muda desde niña, acaba de enviudar. Un matrimonio concertado la obliga a dejar su Escocia natal y viajar a Nueva Zelanda, acompañada de su hija y de su piano. Allí conoce a su futuro marido, un próspero granjero que se niega a llevar a casa el piano. Abandonado en la playa, el instrumento será rescatado por un vecino que establece un extraño pacto con Ada: él la dejará usar su piano a cambio de que ella se deje tocar.