Graham Moffatt

Graham Moffatt

Nacimiento : 1919-12-06, London, England, UK

Muerte : 1965-07-02


Moffatt was born on 6 December 1919 in Hammersmith, West London (England). He first worked as a call boy at Shepherd's Bush Studios, until actor Tom Walls suggested him for a bit part in the 1934 film A Cup of Kindness. Moffatt appeared in five more films, in mostly uncredited, minor roles, before getting his big break in Will Hay's Where There's Will (1936), then going on to appear in many more of Hay's films, alongside Moore Marriott.


Graham Moffatt


Inn for Trouble
Jumbo Gudge
Peggy Mount and David Kossoff star as Ada and Alf Larkin in this big screen version of the hugely popular 1950s TV comedy. Alf Larkin has finally made good his dream to own a pub. The trouble is, it's got no customers. But leave it to the Larkins to find unorthodox ways to bring in the punters.
Mother Riley Meets the Vampire
The Yokel
The legendary Bela Lugosi as "the Vampire" teams up with Britain's much-loved "Mother Riley" in this hilarious comedy adventure. The Vampire plans to control the world with the help of his robot, which accidentally gets shipped to Mother Riley. Through radar control, he contacts the robot and orders it to come to him, bringing along Mother Riley! But his life is turned upside down when he holds this most meddling of mothers captive.
The Second Mate
Murderous smugglers kidnap a troublesome Bargemans son in this British crime drama, filmed on the Thames.
El enemigo de las mujeres
Fat Boy
Ligera comedia amorosa en la que un playboy que vive en una zona vacacional presume de que no hay mujer que se le pueda resistir. Sin embargo, su ego cae por los suelos cuando conoce a una actriz que está por la zona de incógnito, y que no parece hacerle demasiado caso. Ante tamaña afrenta, el hombre decide seducirla a cualquier precio... incluido el matrimonio.
Sé a dónde voy
R.A.F. Sergeant
Joan siempre supo lo que quería desde que era una niña. Ahora está a punto de casarse con un millonario, pero las fuerzas de la naturaleza parecerán conspirar para que cambie de idea. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un cuento de Canterbury
Sergt. Stuffy
Tres "peregrinos" se encuentran durante la guerra cerca de Canterbury e intentan resolver el misterio del "fantasma del pegamento", que ataca a las chicas por la noche. Sus investigaciones los llevan a sospechar del magistrado de la localidad, un acérrimo defensor de los valores tradicionales... (FILMAFFINITY)
Welcome, Mr Washington
Albert Brown
Based on a story by author Noel Streatfeild, the film trells the story of two sisters who are left penniless by their father's sudden death and lease their estate as an airbase to US forces in Britain to help the war effort. Both eventually fall for American servicemen.
Time Flies
His Nephew
The Professor (Felix Aylmer) is showing Susie (Evelyn Dall) around his time machine when it accidently takes off with Tommy (Tommy Handley) and Bill (George Moon) also on board. They are transported to Elizabethan England where they come across Walter Raleigh, William Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth 1, Captain John Smith and Pocohontas. Will our time travellers return?
Back-Room Boy
Jilted by his fiancee, Arthur Pilbeam gets a job as far away from women as possible. Alone in a lighthouse, he soon finds that 12 other people end up living on the tiny island. Thirteen is an unlucky number; and one-by-one they disappear ...
Amor en onda corta
Albert Tomlin
Bebe y Ben son marido y mujer (precisamente como en la vida real), luchando por obtener la mejor primicia para sus transmisiones de radio rivales, en medio de los problemas causados por Vic Oliver. Bebe, ahora Miss Libertad para el esfuerzo de guerra, tiene una exclusiva: un niño refugiado británico cuyo padre es dueño de la posada del castillo de Amersham, que acaba de ser bombardeada durante los ataques aéreos. La campaña de recaudación de fondos comienza y también lo hace su carrera para conseguir el primero en Amersham. La película sigue el éxito del programa de radio británico del mismo nombre en la vida real.
I Thank You
Artistas que luchan y que intentan montar un espectáculo se hacen pasar por sirvientes de una mujer adinerada con la esperanza de recaudar dinero.
Charley's (Big-Hearted) Aunt
Albert Brown
Charley's (Big-Hearted) Aunt is a 1940 British comedy film directed by Walter Forde starring Arthur Askey and Richard Murdoch as Oxford 'scholars'. The film is one of many to be made based on the farce Charley's Aunt. Taking inspiration from a well-known Victorian play, a modern-day prankster poses as a wealthy woman in a ploy to prevent him and his friends from being expelled from college.
Cheer Boys Cheer
Albert Baldwin
Shades of "Romeo and Juliet" with rival British Brewery owners who hate each other and their children who fall in love.
Where's That Fire
Albert Brown
Un desventurado equipo de bomberos recibe el ultimátum: apagar un fuego con éxito o ser despedido. Fallan miserablemente, y su antiguo camión de bomberos es robado por criminales que intentan robar las joyas de la corona de la Torre de Londres.
Ask a Policeman
El sargento de policía Samuel Dudfoot y sus dos agentes, Albert Brown y Jeremiah Harbottle simulan una serie de falsos crímenes con la intención de salvar sus empleos; sin embargo, se verán involucrados en la cruda realidad.
Old Bones of the River
Albert Brown
En esta comedia británica, un profesor viaja río arriba en África para abrir escuelas. Pero sus nuevos alumnos no son receptivos y cuando el comandante de la base local sucumbe a la malaria, él también asume sus funciones. ¡Con la ayuda de la tripulación del barco en el que llegó, comienza a cobrar impuestos a los lugareños!
Convict 99
Albert Brown
Un desgraciado director de escuela, Benjamin Twist, es confundido por un duro gobernante de prisión y es designado a cargo de una prisión de peligrosos criminales. Creyendo que es enviado a una escuela, éste lo celebra llegando a la conclusión de que se ha despertado de su borrachera en el lado equivocado de los barrotes.
Owd Bob
Adam McAdam is an old, dour sheepherder whose life is devoted to his faithful dog, the whiskey bottle and his daughter, Jeannie. And a conflict that arises when the other sheep-men of the district try every means within their power to have his dog, accused of being a sheep-killer, destroyed.
Oh, Mr. Porter!
Albert Brown
Un inepto trabajador ferroviario es ascendido a jefe de estación en un remoto y aislado pueblo en el norte de Irlanda. Sus ayudantes serán un anciano y un joven insolente.
Doctor Syn
Jerry Jerk
A highly respected clergyman is actually a former pirate who exacts vigilante justice in this British production.
Newspaper reporter becomes involved with gang of crooks who take her for a tough American gangster.
Good Morning, Boys!
Albert Brown
Un profesor de escuela y sus alumnos viajan a París y desarticulan una banda de ladrones.
O-Kay for Sound
Albert, the page boy
Hyman Goldberger, presidente del estudio de cine Super-Colossal Pictures, está en problemas: su principal patrocinador amenaza con dejar de financiar sus películas. Encuentra un grupo de seis personas adineradas que pueden querer convertirse en inversores en el estudio si su partidario descontento se retira. Desafortunadamente, su torpe corredor Albert elige ese día para invitar a seis de sus amigos músicos callejeros a participar en la película que se está filmando actualmente en el estudio, y Hyman los confunde con los posibles inversores. Sobrevienen complicaciones.
Windbag the Sailor
Will Hay plays a bragging sea captain whose maritime experience actually extends to navigating a coal barge down inland waterways. His tall tales catch him out when he is co-erced into commanding an unseaworthy ship by an unscrupulous shipping agent who means to have it wrecked. This was the first film to couple Will Hay with both Moore Marriott and Graham Moffatt.
All In
Boy on Slot Machine
Archie, un joven, hereda un establo para carreras de caballos, y su tía intenta convencerlo de que lo convierta en un hogar para chicas trabajadoras durante las vacaciones. Sin embargo, Archie es un jugador empedernido y, antes de que se dé cuenta, se mezcla con dos estafadores y una arena de lucha que acaba de quebrar.
Where There's a Will
Willie, The Office Boy
Will Hay plays the pennyless, bungling solicitor Benjamin Stubbins, who arrives at his office to find his insolent office boy (Graham Moffatt) with his feet up on the desk, reading a wild west magazine, which Hay confiscates so that he can read it later. Stubbins later takes a job from a group of Americans who claim they want him to track down some ancestors of theirs in Scotland. In reality however they want to use his office so they can rob a safe in the room immediately below his office. Stubbins takes the job (which is designed to keep him out of the office). In the end Stubbins realises his mistake and at a Christmas Eve fancy dress party he informs a group of carol singing policeman about the Americans nefarious activities
The Clairvoyant
Page Boy (uncredited)
A fake psychic suddenly turns into the real thing when he meets a young beauty. (TCM)
Bunty Pulls the Strings
A woman named Bunty Bigger struggles to keep her family in line in a small Scottish village. For one, her brother Jeemy faces jail time for robbing a bank. Meanwhile, her father, Tammas, pays back the stolen money with funds given him by Susie Simpson, a woman who hopes to marry him. Susie gets angry, so Bunty borrows money to pay her back. Things turn out well when Bunty gets married in a double-wedding ceremony—during which her father not only gives her away but gets married himself. The movie is based on a play by Graham Moffat. The film is lost.