Paolo Triestino

Paolo Triestino


Paolo Triestino


Nel bagno delle donne
Padre di Giacomo
Giacomo, the main character, 35 years of laziness, is a man who doesn't know and doesn't want to fight. He is a introvert curmudgeon, a little bit nerd but not very social, who walks with the look downward on his device without giving to the people what they would like from him: only a little bit of attention and enthusiasm. He loses his job, he is left by his wife and coincidentally he remains closed in the women's bathroom of the art-house cinema, together with the owner's small dog.
The Man in the Movie Camera
Marcello is a professional film restorer and an avid cinephile. While working on some of the most popular titles of Italian cinema, he comes across a strange figure almost hidden among the extras - a man wearing a bowler hat and looking directly toward the camera, perhaps even at Marcello himself! He finds the same man in many other films from different movie ages. He grows obsessed with this figure, even if it seems Marcello is the only one who can see him.
Nonnas on the Run
Direttore di Banca
Angela and Franca decide to take the dream trip of their lives. They run away from their boring retirement home in Rome and make a daring getaway to fabulous Venice in this joyous, heart-warming on-the-road adventure where anything can – and does – happen.
Si accettano miracoli
Esaminatore commissione vaticana
Fulvio is the only one of the three brothers to have left the village to go to work in the city. Deputy chief of staff in a large company, he dismisses people without remorse until he gets fired himself and after being jailed for beating his superior, is entrusted to his brother, who's a pastor in the village where they grew up. Forced into a place far from the modern world, Fulvio decides to help the local church in crisis by inventing a miracle that makes everyone believe that the saint's statue weeps. Tourists and pilgrims rush to the village and are filling the pockets of local businesses until the Vatican decides to send someone to certify the event. Fulvio must confess the scam, but the entire village will rise to convince the envoys of the Holy City for the veracity of the invented miracle.
Ti sposo ma non troppo
Un pareja que tras siete años de convivencia por fin se van a casar, un seductor fisioterapeuta a jornada completa y una chica abandonada en el altar son los protagonistas de esta divertida historia que, gracias al chat de Facebook, entrelazan sus vidas entre equívocos hilarantes, intercambios de identidad y confusiones emocionales hasta el sorprendente final.
Benur - Un gladiatore in affitto
Italian comedy about casual work
Chimères absentes
School principal
Crociera Vianello
Vice Comandante
Di Che Peccato Sei?
ministro Giulio Pastorelli
Enemigos íntimos
Guglielmo Duranti
Narra una historia contemporánea de conflictos generacionales y de clase, que analiza el valor de la familia y de la comunicación.
Father Hope
Commissario Altieri
Don Vasari is an anti-conformist priest. For this reason he is transferred to a juvenile prison in a small town in the southern of Italy. Nino, a sixteen year old inmate, is accused of murder but Don Vasari does not believe his guilt and he starts a courageous investigation to help him.
Il ritorno del Monnezza
Imperia, la grande cortigiana
Agostino Chigi
Rome, early 16th century : Imperia is a much admired courtesan , a lover of the wealthy banker Agostino Chigi , but who prefers a man named Angelo del Bufalo , known for his charm and beauty , capable of striking women , despite his its modestwealth, known during a dance at the family palace near Castel Sant'Angelo, known today as the Villa Farnesina . Cesare Borgia , involved in the murder of his brother Juan, and his sister also participate in the inauguration party of the new home of the Chigi family on the TiberLucrezia with her husband Alfonso. During the party, Imperia dances with several knights, until she reaches the arms of a knight who the day before had saved her from a bad encounter with two brigands: that knight is just her angel, with whom she establishes a relationshipsecret. .
Il pranzo della domenica
Notaio Luzi
The life of Franca Malorni, exponent of the good bourgeoisie of the capital, suddenly changes when her husband dies suddenly. The woman begins to pour her attention on the three daughters, obliging them to have a Sunday lunch with their families.
And now sex
Eight episodes vaguely inspired to real events. The "fil rouge" is the relationship between the Italians and sex in the first years of 2000s. From prostitution to virtual sex all the categories are represented in a funny way that anyway tries to investigate this kind of reality.
Trapos sucios
"Panni sporchi" (Trapos sucios) es una comedia satírica sobre las disputas públicas y privadas de una empresa familiar. El negocio de los Razzi ha sido durante años la columna vertebral de una pequeña ciudad del norte de Italia. Pero, cuando Amedo (Paolo Bonacelli), el patriarca, encomienda a su sobrino Camillo (Francesco Guzzo) la financiación de un costoso complejo comercial en Roma, estalla la guerra dentro de la familia. Furio (Michele Placido), yerno y lugarteniente de Amedo, no aprueba el coste del terreno y la pésima campaña publicitaria de promoción del negocio. Pero, cuando Amedo muere, el inepto Camillo le entrega a otros el control de la empresa.
Gallo cedrone
Franco Feroci
The life and times of Armando Feroci, a fortyish year old, who's been everything, a divorced husband, a careless father, an unreliable brother. The story is told in flashback by his friends while Armando has been mysteriously kidnapped in an Arab country by an integralist group and condemned to death.
Shooting the Moon
Young doctor
14-year-old Siddharta, wise beyond his age, has to deal every day with his heroin-addict mother Silvia and an absent father. One day, his four-year-old sister Domitilla accidentally pricks her finger on one of Silvia's used needles without her noticing. Seeking advice on the Internet, Siddharta is told to have her tested for hepatitis and AIDS. Thus he embarks on a odyssey of medical bureaucracy and both kind and uncaring adults.
Five soldiers and their punishment.
Viaggi di nozze
Ugo, fratello di Giovanni
The vicissitudes of three couples of newlyweds from the celebration of weddings to their respective honeymoons.
Con los ojos cerrados
Pietro es un adolescente que se enamora perdidamente de Ghisola, una niña encantadora, pero que no es quien dice ser. Los dos viven una larga y enrevesada historia de amor con encuentros y desencuentros marcados por el desengaño.
La gran calabaza
Después de muchos años de tratamiento por epilepsia, Valentina ingresa en una clínica psiquiátrica. Allí conoce a Arturo, un joven psiquiatra, que a pesar de su conflictiva vida personal y de la enorme ineficacia de la Sanidad Pública italiana, entabla una intensa relación con ella. Centrando la terapia más en su vida familiar que en las drogas, acaba descubriendo la verdadera naturaleza de la enfermedad de Valentina.
El conde Max
Christian de Sica interpreta el papel que hizo su padre en 1937 en "Bajo aristocrático disfraz" y Alberto Sordi en 1957 en "El conde Max", el de Max, un romano de a pie fascinado con la clase alta, que confundido por un aristócrata, se hace pasar por enamorado del status y sobre todo, de una mujer.