Jesús Mario Lozano


Matando Cabos 2: La Máscara del Máscara
Ante la inesperada muerte de su padre separado -El Máscara- y el posterior robo de su preciosa máscara, Rubén -Mascarita- se verá confrontado con su pasado. Junto a su invencible guardaespaldas Tony "El Caníbal" y, un aliado inesperado, sólo tendrá un día para recuperarlo y hacer las paces con la memoria de su padre.
Fuego adentro
A lonely and repentant man hides in a lost town until his younger brother finds him to bring him news of his beloved Marta.
Fuego adentro
A lonely and repentant man hides in a lost town until his younger brother finds him to bring him news of his beloved Marta.
Fuego adentro
A lonely and repentant man hides in a lost town until his younger brother finds him to bring him news of his beloved Marta.
Fuego adentro
A lonely and repentant man hides in a lost town until his younger brother finds him to bring him news of his beloved Marta.
Mexico is notorious for being ruthless with it's own people. Over the years, the ones in charge have fancied with different flavors of governance. Although nothing has truly changed in centuries. Juan has worked for years as a submissive and trustworthy handyman, employed by a wealthy family of Monterrey, in northern Mexico. His father also worked for them, for many years. This job is the only inheritance that he received. But today, Juan has decided that from now on, things will be different.
Barbarian Blood
Barbarian blood is the story of the struggles, aspirations and dreams of a Nahua community in the mountains of the Sierra Norte of Puebla, Mexico. Through a choral narrative, we'll hear the voices of each of the characters as we follow them in their daily lives.
Barbarian Blood
Barbarian blood is the story of the struggles, aspirations and dreams of a Nahua community in the mountains of the Sierra Norte of Puebla, Mexico. Through a choral narrative, we'll hear the voices of each of the characters as we follow them in their daily lives.
Windows on the Sea
En un hotel frente al mar se conocen dos parejas: una formada por dos jóvenes mexicanos y otra por dos jubilados extranjeros. Mientras esperan juntos la llegada de un ciclón, viven una entrañable experiencia que los transformará para siempre.
Windows on the Sea
En un hotel frente al mar se conocen dos parejas: una formada por dos jóvenes mexicanos y otra por dos jubilados extranjeros. Mientras esperan juntos la llegada de un ciclón, viven una entrañable experiencia que los transformará para siempre.
Más allá de mí
When friendship is worth more than any love. It’s the story of the inseparable young friends: Alejandra, Daniel and Omar, who live together, sharing a downtown apartment in a northern Mexican city. Due to family pressure, Alejandra is forced to give temporary shelter to a very attractive young couple they haven’t met before; Rufino and Paz. Du to an alleged family argument, the couple is on the run and need someplace to hide. At the beginning the couple appears to be very conservative regarding the friend’s lifestyle, but after a few days of sharing their living space, little by little an unusual web of desires develops among the five of them.
Más allá de mí
When friendship is worth more than any love. It’s the story of the inseparable young friends: Alejandra, Daniel and Omar, who live together, sharing a downtown apartment in a northern Mexican city. Due to family pressure, Alejandra is forced to give temporary shelter to a very attractive young couple they haven’t met before; Rufino and Paz. Du to an alleged family argument, the couple is on the run and need someplace to hide. At the beginning the couple appears to be very conservative regarding the friend’s lifestyle, but after a few days of sharing their living space, little by little an unusual web of desires develops among the five of them.
Every night at 23:32 for only 32 seconds, we witness Ivan's life.