En 2016 se cumplen 500 años de la muerte de El Bosco. Es casi el único dato sobre el autor de El jardín de las delicias al que podemos poner fecha precisa. El Bosco, el jardín de los sueños es una película sobre su cuadro más importante, y uno de los cuadros más icónicos del mundo: El jardín de las delicias.
Orhan Pamuk – Turkey’s Nobel laureate for Literature – opens a museum in Istanbul. A museum that’s a fiction: its objects trace a tale of doomed love in '70s Istanbul. The film takes a tour of the objects as the starting point for a trip through images, landscapes and the chemistry of the city. A film about Istanbul, love, memory and loss.
A journalist arrives in a Turkish town to make an article about the local community. He is investigating things, whilst he is also noticed by a secret agent. Who is following who?
Based on a short story from Kara Kitap (The Black Book) by Orhan Pamuk, with Pamuk writing the screenplay, Gizli Yüz takes the viewer on a mystical journey where time becomes an important leitmotif.