Aleksandr Volodin

Aleksandr Volodin

Nacimiento : 1919-02-10, Minsk, Byelorussia [now Belarus]

Muerte : 2001-12-17


Aleksandr Volodin


Another Year
Theatre Play
Puede ocurrir que uno un día se despierte, mire a su alrededor, y se pregunte cómo ha llegado donde está, y si no está acaso viviendo la vida de otro. Sólo que ese momento está precedido de un millar de sutiles movimientos que, en el espacio de un año, le convierten a uno en otra persona. Como les pasa a Yegor (en paro, con una taxi ilegal) y a Zhenya (diseñadora gráfica), tremendamente jóvenes, amantes y cómplices, pareja en feliz convivencia en el Moscú de hoy y para la que ese año, y todo lo que en él ocurre, cambiará todo lenta pero implacablemente.
Aleksandr Volodin. Gloomy Marathon
An almost unknown girl Frida accompanied Aleksandr Volodin to the front. When he returned, he married her. A sense of duty and gratitude bound them, but this did not prevent him from continuing to search for a female ideal... The name of the poet and playwright Aleksandr Volodin is familiar to everyone who loves russian cinema and theater. The films Elder Sister, Five Evenings, The Magician, Autumn Marathon, the famous performances of the Tovstonogov's BDT and Efremov's Sovremennik, staged according to his plays, were remembered for their unique intonation, the soft, not at all edifying voice of a person who knows something about life that we pass by without noticing. Most of Volodin's works are autobiographical, he writes about his generation, about the generation "scorched by war".
A young Russian store clerk has a drab existence in times of shortages and is berated by her ailing mother for not seeing men. So she brings home an unknown young man who she met on the tram. She dreams many things but pines for this man.
Мать Иисуса
Мать Иисуса
Theatre Play
Humiliated and Insulted
Based on the Fyodor Dostoevsky novel about a young woman who leaves her family to live with her lover whose father dead set on keeping them apart.
Сирано де Бержерак
Two Arrows. Stone Age Detective
A parable in the manner of a tragedian based on the play by A. Volodin "On the tribes of the Bison and Scorpions, who lived many thousands of years ago on a small island." The events that the film tells about take place in ancient times, in the Stone Age. In the forest, where a large tribe lives, two shots in the back killed one of the clan, nicknamed Long. His widow demands that the killer become her husband. The head of the clan is trying to find out who the killer is.
Dulcinea z Tobosa
Не хочу быть несчастливым
Tears Were Falling
A beautiful man, husband, father and worker Pavel Ivanovich Vasin got into the eye with a shard of the mirror of an evil wizard. And the world for him appeared in a gloomy light. He began to insult and offend everyone at home and at work. Anger and suspicion overwhelmed Vasin's heart. Enemies, schemers and thieves are seen everywhere. Everywhere he sees intrigues and intrigues. In complete despair from the ineradicability of evil, Vasin cries bitterly... along with tears, the unfortunate splinter disappears...
Dulcinea of Tobossa
Dulcinea seeks an eternal dream of justice, chivalry, protection of the wronged in real, everyday life but all her dreams fail to come true. All men to whom she turns for setting the out-of-joint time right fall short of her expectations because they are too small for the task. She is mocked, exposed and disappointed. So what to do? Somebody has to take Don Quixote's place.
Don't Leave Your Lovers
Theatre Play
Sometimes divorce process could be really painful. This is exactly the case for the heroes of this romantic drama.
Don't Leave Your Lovers
Sometimes divorce process could be really painful. This is exactly the case for the heroes of this romantic drama.
The Appointment
A soft and gentle man suddenly starts to change after being appointed to the manager position.
Maratón de otoño
Andrei Pavlovich Buzykin, que se gana la vida enseñando en un instituto y traduciendo literatura inglesa, está engañando a su mujer. El principal problema de Buzykin es que es un hombre con un débil carácter. Las mentiras que está contando a su mujer son poco convincentes, pero nunca tiene el coraje de decirla la verdad. Su amante, Alla, es consciente de su vida familiar, pero se ofende cuando, por ejemplo, no puede cumplir con ella para no llegar tarde a casa, o cuando no quiere ir a casa con una nueva chaqueta que le da para no tener que dar explicaciones a su esposa. Alla y Nina, la mujer de Andrei, le dejan, le olvidan, y vuelven con él al mismo tiempo, y Andrei continúa con este tipo de vida, llena de sufrimiento y engaño. Finalmente, ambas mujeres son tan alimentadas con sus mentiras que no le creen incluso cuando está diciendo la verdad...
Bells of Autumn
A musical fairytale based on the poem "The Tale of the Dead Princess" by Alexander Pushkin.
Cinco tardes
Theatre Play
Aleksandr Ilyín, que trabaja de camionero en Vorkutá, está de vacaciones en Moscú, ciudad donde había vivido antes de la guerra. Ahora, estando de visita en casa de una amiga, se da cuenta de que su antigua casa de alquiler se encuentra enfrente. Decide ir a visitar a Tamara Vasílievna, la mujer que antaño le había alquilado una habitación en un piso comunitario y a quien no ha visto desde hace dieciocho años. Tamara lleva una vida dedicada a sus actividades profesionales en una fábrica y a la educación de su sobrino Slava, hijo de su hermana fallecida durante la guerra.
Портрет с дождем
Confusion of Feelings
Theatre Play
A young man tries to make everybody happy including the girl he's in love with and her divorcing parents.
Confusion of Feelings
A young man tries to make everybody happy including the girl he's in love with and her divorcing parents.
The young girl Olga Vasilyeva grew up in an orphanage. She never knew her mother and wants to find her. The only trace she has is a preserved letter from her mother from her personal file, which she managed to get from the administration of the orphanage. For a short vacation at her factory school, she travels from Sverdlovsk to Moscow following the unreliable traces of this letter. Yelena Alekseyevna — the woman she finds when she arrives at the address turns out to be a teacher in a ballet school, the wife of an ordinary senior teacher at the Moscow Technical Institute (who didn't defend his dissertation and is complacent about this) and an old-Moscow intellectual. She kindly meets her, but she is not the person Olga is looking for, she only has the same last name and first name and consonant middle name. She is kind and hospitable, ready to help the girl find her real mother and offers Olga to visit her house during a short stay in Moscow.
The Magician
The Incident Which Nobody Noticed
The modest shop assistant in a grocery shop Nastya dreamed about happiness. She dreamed about miracle, which would have made her beautiful. She dreamed all day and all night. And one day the miracle happened ...
The Incident Which Nobody Noticed
The modest shop assistant in a grocery shop Nastya dreamed about happiness. She dreamed about miracle, which would have made her beautiful. She dreamed all day and all night. And one day the miracle happened ...
Elder Sister
A drama about a life of two sisters - Nadya and Lida, who both are dreaming about theater and actress career.
Elder Sister
Theatre Play
A drama about a life of two sisters - Nadya and Lida, who both are dreaming about theater and actress career.
The Girl and the Bugler
It is a story about 12 or 13 years old girl in the middle of 60-th in USSR. She is a pioneer. She is in love with her pioneer leader - 16-17 years old boy, who doesn't even notice her. In order to impress him she tries to find someone, who was a member of pioneer squad in 1923 - one of the first Soviet pioneers...
Adventures of a Dentist
This is story about a dentist with the talent of painlessly extracting teeth, and what happens to him as a result of being naturally good at his job.
Proshlym Letom
One evening Grisha dares to approach Polinka, a girl from the neighbouring village he has admired for a long time. They begin to date and all goes well until the day when Grisha’s impudent friend Kostya decides to ridicule Polinka in public.