Elliot Tong


Triple amenaza
Se ha puesto precio a la cabeza de la hija de un multimillonario que tiene la intención de acabar con el mayor sindicato del crimen de la ciudad. Un equipo de mercenarios retirados deberán enfrentarse a un grupo de asesinos profesionales, y detenerlos antes de que maten a su objetivo.
Guardianes de la tumba
Executive Producer
Un grupo de científicos encuentran la tumba de un emperador de la antigua China del año 200 antes de Cristo. El hallazgo de los restos momificados del regente parece que se va a convertir en el descubrimiento arqueológico del siglo. Sin embargo, con esta expedición, el equipo de científicos desata una pesadilla con más de 2.000 años de antigüedad y deberán hacer frente a un secreto que debería haber seguido oculto y enterrado hasta el fin de los tiempos.
Steven y Shanon recientemente adoptaron una niña quien se pierde en un pequeño pueblo. Entonces no planearán detenerse hasta descubrir qué se oculta tras su desaparición y el peligroso secreto que oculta la agencia de adopción en la que ellos confiaron. Arriesgando sus propias vidas descubrirán el verdadero significado de ser padres y hasta dónde llegarán para recuperar a su hija.
Deep Gold
Amy Sanchez (Bebe Pham) is a champion free diver who breaks a crucial free diving record. Her boyfriend, Tony dela Cruz (Jack Prinya), an Air Force Pilot, mysteriously disappears along with his plane that carries gold worth millions of dollars that was to be taken to the Central Bank. Determined to unearth the truth, she goes off to find out what has actually happened accompanied by her sister Jess Sanchez (Jaymee Ong). She moves on her adventurous journey not knowing that she herself is going to get entangled into a trap of lies that leads her to a much complex conspiracy.
Legend of Kung Fu Rabbit
In order to keep his promise to an aging kung fu master, Fu the Rabbit must venture out of the comfort of his kitchen and team up with Penny, a kung fu prodigy, on a heroic quest to save their kung fu academy.
I'll Call You
Mr Tong
Man works as a clerk in a shipping company. His life is truly non-eventful and dull, until he meets the beautiful but highly arrogant Karen. By day, Karen is a two-bit host of a home shopping network. When the sun is down, she frequents clubs and discos to fill her time and search for company. Man's affection towards Karen is obvious, but she thinks of him as nothing more than a friend, someone whom she can always rely on though not someone she will care for in return...
The Moustache
Associate Producer
One day, on a whim, Marc decides to shave off the moustache he's worn all of his adult life. He waits patiently for his wife's reaction, but neither she nor his friends seem to notice. Stranger still, when he finally tells them, they all insist he never had a moustache. Is Marc going mad? Is he the victim of some elaborate conspiracy? Or has something in the world's order gone terribly awry?
The search for her vanished brother Tsuyoshi leads Kaoru to the lonesome village Kozukata in the Japanese back-land. The locals react repelling to her, which the exception of the Chinese girl Sally. As her car breaks down Kaoru is trapped in the village; will she have to repay for something she has done in the past?
Impacto inminente
Con la carrera armamentística internacional como telón de fondo, Jackie Chan, un oficial de la policía de Hong Kong contratado por la CIA y por una Organización de Inteligencia Rusa, utiliza todas las armas a su alcance para recuperar una cabeza atómica ucraniana que ha sido robada.