Barbara Ronchi

Barbara Ronchi

Nacimiento : 1982-06-22, Roma, Italia


Barbara Ronchi
Barbara Ronchi


Still Time
Dante accidentally kisses Alice and they get engaged. After a surprise party for his 40th birthday, he wakes up a year later, not remembering what happened. Not only does he discover that Alice is pregnant... He feels time is passing too quickly and he starts forgetting some of the most important moments of his life.
Il Boemo
Caterina Gabrielli
1764. Durante más de un año, Josef ha llevado una vida precaria en Venecia. Aspira a ser compositor de ópera. La ciudad, llena de autores con talento y ya consolidados, parece cerrada para él. Buscando trabajo como violinista, entra en la órbita de una joven adinerada. Gracias a ella tiene la oportunidad de tocar en salones. Pero su verdadera oportunidad surge cuando se convierte en el amante de una marquesa libertina. Ella le enseña modales sofisticados, le libra de los trazos de su origen provinciano y le introduce en una existencia hedonista libre de intolerancia religiosa. Transformado, Josef recibe un increíble encargo: escribir una ópera para el San Carlo, el teatro más grande de Europa.
Over the course of a day in September, three loosely related people realize their life is not the one they dreamt of.
En las nubes
Sigue a Nic Vega, un hombre con un pasado exitoso en la música. Cuando lo ha perdido todo: fama, amigos e inspiración, decide volver con Francesca, irrumpiendo en su vida pacífica y feliz.
Yo soy Papá Noel
Laura Interlenghi
Un ladrón recién salido de la cárcel conoce a Papá Noel. Los dos emprenden un viaje de autodescubrimiento juntos.
In the near future, the southern Italian city of Taranto is surrounded by barbed wire that no one, not even the police, dares to cross. The poorest are left fighting for survival, while gangs compete for the territory. Two thirteen-year-old orphans who grew up together, dream of joining one of the gangs.
Everything’s Gonna Be Alright
Bruno Salvati is a director of little success, fresh from the separation from his wife Anna with whom he had two children, the twenty-year-old Adele and the seventeen-year-old Tito. Following a sudden illness, Bruno is diagnosed with a disease that requires the intervention of a donor. All his family relationships are called into question, including that with his father Umberto, the custodian of a secret that will force Bruno to embark on a journey in search of someone who can help him.
Our Father
Two young boys, Valerio and Christian, form a powerful friendship over the summer.
Cristina Comencini defines the film as a "thriller of the soul." It's the story of a woman who returns to Italy from the US to attend the funeral of her late father, an American admiral living in Naples. Here she meets a man who seems to know too many things about her.
Lena is seven months pregnant and she's ready to sell the baby in her belly. Ermanno agrees to pretend to be the father. Fabio, the uncle of Ermanno, will pay them to buy the child that he and his wife Bianca cannot have. A fake adoption between relatives, a loophole to bypass the law in Italy. A world in which money is the only standard of value, the only thing that matters. Ermanno and Lena are two strangers that must pretend in public to be a couple and live together until the delivery. They are used to only thinking about themselves and they fight all the time. But living side by side they start becoming what they were only pretending to be.
I'm Not a Killer
Un amanecer lívido, sopla un viento frío y húmedo mientras un hombre camina solo en la oscuridad. El superintendente adjunto de policía, Francesco Prencipe, se encuentra de camino para encontrarse con su mejor amigo, el juez Giovanni Mastropaolo, a quien no ha visto en casi dos años. Los hombres conducen durante dos horas e intercambian unas pocas palabras. Más tarde esa mañana, el juez es encontrado muerto, con una sola herida de bala en la cabeza. Francesco es la última persona que lo vio y sus huellas dactilares son las únicas que se encuentran en la casa. ¿Pero es él el asesino?
The Fight
It is a sunny day on the river Trebbia. In the distance a patrol of German soldiers is approaching : they are nazis, guns blazing. It seems like they are chasing somebody. Tonino is the fugitive, a partisan with nothing left to do but dive into the river. This river will bring him to his real life.
Couch Potatoes
Giorgio and Tito, father and son. A successful journalist and a lazy teenager apparently impossible to understand. Giorgio's dream is to take Tito to the Nasca Hill in Liguria, but Tito prefers to spend his entire day with his group of friends, eating, talking about nothing and playing video games. Until one day when he suddenly informs his father that he would join him in this trip. After a series of accidents and misunderstandings, at the end, somehow father and son will find the way to communicate … or at least they will try.
In arte Nino
Rossella Falk
Biopic on one of the most prominent Italian actors: Nino Manfredi. The movie recall the period between 1939 and 1959, depicting the difficult beginnings, his passion for acting and the encounter with the love of his life, Erminia.
Felices sueños
Mère de Massimo
Turín, 1969. Massimo es un joven de nueve años que disfruta de una infancia feliz junto a su madre, una mujer cariñosa pero psicológicamente inestable. Una mañana, el pequeño es invitado a pasar unos días en casa de unos vecinos, quienes le explican que su madre ha fallecido. Massimo, quien crece sin haber conocido las causas de la muerte de su progenitora y nunca entablar relación con su padre. Treinta años más tarde, Massimo se ha convertido en un reputado escritor y periodista, comienza a sufrir una serie de ataques de pánico. Cuando Massimo se prepare para vender el apartamento familiar, Elisa, una doctora, le ayudará a enfrentarse a las heridas de su pasado. Este drama italiano está basado en la novela de Massimo Gramellini 'Fai bei sogni'.
Dall'alto di una fredda torre
Irene tiene 30 años y vive sola en una casa junto al mar, no muy lejos de Roma. Bajo el nombre en clave de MIELE, ayuda en secreto a morir dignamente a las personas que se encuentran en fase terminal y quieren hacer más corta su lucha contra la muerte, dándoles un potente barbitúrico. Un día le facilita una de esas dosis mortales a un nuevo "cliente", el Sr. Grimaldi. Para su sorpresa, descubre que está perfectamente sano y que quiere utilizar el fármaco para poner fin a sus días, después de haber perdido el interés por la vida. Grimaldi, de 70 años, cree que ha vivido suficiente. Decidida a no ser responsable del suicidio, Irene hará todo lo posible por evitarlo.
La cartuja de Parma
Miniserie de TV de dos episodios. Narra la historia de Fabrizio del Dongo durante los últimos años del dominio napoleónico en Europa. La tía de Fabrizio, la fascinante duquesa de Sanseverino, y su amante, el conde Mosca, urden un plan para promocionar la carrera del adorado sobrino en la corte de Parma.
La città invisibile
Dieci minuti
The Conversion
The story of Edgardo Mortara, a young Jewish boy living in Bologna, Italy, who in 1858, after being secretly baptized, was forcibly taken from his family to be raised as a Christian. His parents’ struggle to free their son became part of a larger political battle that pitted the papacy against forces of democracy and Italian unification.