Art Arthur

Nacimiento : 1911-07-24, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Muerte : 1985-04-23


Hello Down There
Given the chance to live in a simulated underwater home for a month, a scientist convinces his family to take advantage of the offer. Once the family agrees to move in, underwater mayhem occurs!
Daring Game
Survival Devices, Inc are an organisation that employ a team of adventurers known as "the Flying Fish" who are adept in sky diving, scuba diving and martial arts. They are engaged to rescue a captured scientist imprisoned on a Caribbean island by a dictator. The team parachutes off the coast of the island in a HALO jump and establishes an inflatable underwater basecamp in an "Instant Underwater Habitat" or "Igloo".
Birds Do It
Melvin Byrd es conserje en Cabo Kennedy. Conoce a Judy, una chimpancé involucrada en un proyecto ultrasecreto. Cuando se cuela en la sala donde se lleva a cabo el proyecto, queda ionizado negativamente, lo cual le facilitará volar como un pájaro...
La vuelta al mundo bajo el mar
La tripulación de un submarino dirigido por el Dr. Doug Standish se embarca en una misión que les llevará a través de todos los océanos del mundo: Los científicos diseñarán dispositivos de alerta que harán sonar las primeras alarmas en caso de terremotos y maremotos. Pero la tarea es más peligrosa y ardua de lo esperado, especialmente porque las tensiones entre los miembros de la tripulación aumentan constantemente.
Clarence, the Cross-Eyed Lion
When a native village is apparently terrorized by a Lion, the local sergeant enlists the help of a veterinarian working at a nearby animal study center. It is soon discovered that the Lion has a unique problem, it has double vision due to the fact that it is cross eyed and therefore cannot hunt. The Lion is taken back to the study center and is soon adopted by the vet's daughter. Meanwhile, a dangerous criminal is planning to capture young Gorillas and sell them on the black market...
Zebra in the Kitchen
A young boy lets the animals out of their cages at the Zoo, to set them free, but the animals start taking over the town.
Rinocerontes blancos
A zoologist working to save the endangered animals of africa has problems with poachers and local tribesmen who don't understand his methods. But, with the help of the local district nurse,...
Rinocerontes blancos
A zoologist working to save the endangered animals of africa has problems with poachers and local tribesmen who don't understand his methods. But, with the help of the local district nurse,...
Flipper y los piratas
El famoso delfín y su amigo Sandy viajan a las Bahamas, donde se enfrentan a una banda de secuestradores que ha tomado a una familia como rehenes. Gracias a la gran amistad que les une, Flipper y Sandy intentan vencer todos los obstáculos.
Battle Taxi
In the Korean war, the commander of an Air Rescue helicopter team must show a hot-shot former jet pilot how important helicopter rescue work is and turn him into a team player.
Song of India
Jungle adventure drama about a young man and his wild animal friends attempting to thwart a government-approved hunting expedition.
la estampida del noroeste
La vida de Dan Bennett siempre había discurrido entre placeres, rodeos y ninguna preocupación, pero todo cambia radicalmente cuando recibe una carta del capataz del rancho de su padre en la que le informa del fallecimiento del Sr. Bennett, y le insta a hacerse cargo de la propiedad que ha heredado. (FILMAFFINITY)
la estampida del noroeste
La vida de Dan Bennett siempre había discurrido entre placeres, rodeos y ninguna preocupación, pero todo cambia radicalmente cuando recibe una carta del capataz del rancho de su padre en la que le informa del fallecimiento del Sr. Bennett, y le insta a hacerse cargo de la propiedad que ha heredado. (FILMAFFINITY)
Heaven Only Knows
Also released as Montana Mike, Heaven Only Knows is an offbeat western with fantasy overtones. Hard-bitten gambling boss Brian Donlevy rules his frontier community with brawn and bullets. To his dismay, Donlevy discovers that he has a guardian angel (Robert Cummings), who shows up in the guise of an Eastern tenderfoot. The angel has been sent from Above to save Donlevy's soul, and to that end encourages the one-time villain to squire a minister's daughter (Jorja Curtwright) rather than his usual dance-hall girls. Donlevy is also given tips on winning against his enemies without resorting to gunplay. The gambler finally redeems himself with Heaven by rescuing the angel from a lynch mob (how can you lynch an angel?) Heaven Only Knows deserves an "E" for Effort for bringing a fresh twist to the venerable western genre.
The Fabulous Dorseys
La historia de Tommy y Jimmy Dorsey desde su infancia en Pensilvania a través de su ascenso, su ruptura y su reunión personal.
Seeds of Destiny
Oscar winning postwar propaganda film in support of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. Strident but poignant, focusing on children. The film surveys the Nazi/Japanese atrocities, post-war devastation and the early relief efforts. This film was responsible for raising over $200,000,000, making it a top moneymaking film.
Love, Honor and Goodbye
A lawyer's wife walks out on him, then poses as a French nurse to spy on him.
En la cumbre de la felicidad
Ann Castle es una cantante y reina del burlesque que decide regresar al lugar que la vio nacer, Arizona, cuando su padre está a punto de perder una de sus minas de plata.
Lady Bodyguard
A.C.Baker, advertising executive for an insurance company, approaches test pilot Terry Moore with a proposition that in return for using his picture and endorsement he will get a paid-for-a-year $1000 policy. High-risk Terry agrees. George MacAlister fires his secretary, Miss Tracy, just as she is typing up the policy and she, for spite, changes the amount from a thousand dollars to one million dollars. A.C. delivers the policy, without noticing the difference, to Terry at a party at the Frolics Club, a cheap joint wedged between a burlesque house and a flop house hotel. Three characters, an elderly hat-check "girl" known as Mother Hodges; Avery Jamieson, a broken-down actor; and bartender Harry Gargan are named beneficiaries. When the company discovers the error, A.C. is sent to get back the policy and, pending that, don't let Terry make any test flights.
Priorities on Parade
Band leader Johnny Draper auditions his band, the Dixie Pixies, at the Eagle Aircraft Co., hoping to be hired to play for the workers in the plant. However, personnel manager E. V. Hartley can only offer them regular jobs, and when Johnny inspires the Dixie Pixies to work in the plant, lead singer and dancer Donna D'Arcy leaves the band for a singing job at the Club Martel in downtown Los Angeles.
Dr. Broadway
A New York doctor (Macdonald Carey) saves a chorus girl (Jean Phillips) from a window ledge, twice, and rounds up racketeers.
Sailors on Leave
If a shy sailor marries before his next birthday, he will inherit a fortune.
Sun Valley Serenade
When Phil Corey's band arrives at the Idaho ski resort its pianist Ted Scott is smitten with a Norwegian refugee he has sponsored, Karen Benson. When soloist Vivian Dawn quits, Karen stages an ice show as a substitute.
Tight Shoes
A crook with big feet buys shoes that are too tight from a salesman, then decides to use the store as a front for illegal gambling.
Everything Happens at Night
Two reporters compete to discover a scientist living in hiding and win his daughter.
Tejados de vidrio
Cuando una pareja va a celebrar su segundo aniversario de boda, ella descubre una mancha de carmín en el cuello de su esposo; así que comienza a sospechar de todas las mujeres que trabajan con su marido. Para pagarle con la misma moneda, ella acepta un trabajo como secretaria de un afamado playboy.
Kentucky Moonshine
The Ritz Brothers pretend to be Kentucky hillbillies in order to get a booking on a radio show.
Love and Hisses
As part of their public feud, Bandleader Bernie pretends a girl singer is no good so columnist Winchell promotes her in his column.
Love and Hisses
As part of their public feud, Bandleader Bernie pretends a girl singer is no good so columnist Winchell promotes her in his column.
Charlie Chan on Broadway
Returning from European exile where she avoided testifying against her criminal associates, a former singer with a tell-all diary is murdered to insure her silence.