Henry Hebert

Henry Hebert

Nacimiento : 1879-11-12, Providence, Rhode Island, USA

Muerte : 1956-01-18


Henry Hebert


El manantial
Juror (uncredited)
Gary Cooper es un arquitecto vanguardista en desigual lucha con el mundo. Su deseo de demostrar tanto su talento como el valor del individuo frente a la masa se mezcla con una tórrida y compleja historia de amor en este atípico melodrama, ejemplarmente rodado por Vidor con toda la pasión y el pulso narrativo que le caracterizan. Impresionante banda sonora de Max Steiner y magníficas interpretaciones para una obra maestra del género, de interés especial para los amantes de la arquitectura -los proyectos de Cooper se parecen sospechosamente a los de Frank Lloyd Wright-.
Pasión que redime
Attorney's Assistant
Madeleine Damien es editora de una elegante revista de Manhattan durante el día y el alma de la fiesta por la noche. La presión de su trabajo y su mala suerte con los hombres la están llevando cuesta abajo, por lo que decide buscar la ayuda de un psiquiátra, quien le recomienda romper con todo, abandonar su trabajo, cambiar de barrio y de nombre. En su nuevo hogar empieza a interesarse en la pintura y en un guapo vecino, pero éste pronto descubre su pasado cuando un antiguo pretendiente la implica en un crimen.
El castillo de Dragonwyck
Party Guest (uncredited)
Año 1844. Miranda, la frágil e inocente hija de unos granjeros, es invitada a pasar una temporada en el castillo de Dragonwyck, donde vive un primo lejano de su madre, Nicholas Van Ryn, su esposa enferma y su hija. Miranda se enamora de Van Ryn, quien, al poco de enviudar, se casa con ella, pero entonces empiezan a salir a la luz turbios secretos. (FILMAFFINITY)
La séptima víctima
Devil Worshiper (Uncredited)
Mary (Kim Hunter), una joven provinciana, decide ir a Nueva York para buscar a su hermana Jacqueline (Jean Brooks), que ha desaparecido. Con la ayuda de su ex marido (Tom Conway) y de un prestigioso psiquiatra, Mary descubre horrorizada que la desaparición de su hermana está relacionada con una secta satánica. (FILMAFFINITY)
Misión en Moscú
Isolationist (uncredited)
El empresario Joseph E. Davies es nombrado por el presidente Roosevelt embajador de los Estados Unidos en la Unión Soviética para que averigüe cuáles son las intenciones de este país respecto a la inminente Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). El embajador se llevará algunas sorpresas en una nación que pocos conocen realmente.
Mi espía favorita
Wedding Guest
Justo antes de embarcarse en su luna de miel, el soldado Kay Kyser recibe la orden de presentarse en el cuartel general para una peligrosa misión: actuar como espía en un club nocturno donde parece ser se ha localizado a un grupo de nazis. Su esposa Terry no parece conformarse con la soledad, así que parte en busca de su nuevo marido. Esto, unido a la torpeza de Kyser y la intervención de una rubia agente secreta dará lugar a todo tipo de situaciones cómicas.
Ciudadano Kane
Best Man at Wedding (uncredited)
Un importante financiero estadounidense, Charles Foster Kane, dueño de una importante cadena de periódicos, de una red de emisoras, de dos sindicatos y de una inimaginable colección de obras de arte, muere en su fabuloso castillo de estilo oriental, Xanadú. La última palabra que pronuncia al expirar es Rosebud. El país entero y la prensa en general quedan intrigados por saber el significado de esta palabra. Para descubrirlo, un grupo de periodistas se pone a investigar.
The Lone Wolf Keeps a Date
Cyrus Colby
Complicated plot involving missing stamp collection and kidnapped businessman, with the Lone Wolf keeping one step ahead of the police in Havana trying to solve the crime and make a profit.
La nueva melodía de Broadway
Theatregoer (uncredited)
Johnny Brett y King Shaw son dos ambiciosos bailarines que buscan la fama en Broadway, y que trabajan como empleados en el café de una sala de espectáculos. Uno de ellos es elegido para el papel principal de un gran musical, pero se confunden de nombres y escogen al compañero. Desde entonces son rivales en la carrera hacia el éxito...
Caballero sin espada
Senator (uncredited)
Jefferson Smith, un joven ingenuo e idealista, que parece fácilmente manipulable, es nombrado senador. Ignora que en Washington tendrá que vérselas con políticos y empresarios sin escrúpulos que le harán perder la fe. Sin embargo, gracias a su secretaria, una joven que conoce muy bien los entresijos de la política, protagoniza en el Senado una espectacular y maratoniana intervención en la que, además de defender apasionadamente la democracia, pone en evidencia una importante trama de corrupción.
The Rage of Paris
Cousin George Morgan (uncredited)
Nicole has no job and is several weeks behind with her rent. Her solution to her problems is to try and snare a rich husband. Enlisting the help of her friend Gloria and the maitre'd at a ritzy New York City hotel, the trio plot to have Gloria catch the eye of Bill Duncan, a millionaire staying at the hotel. The plan works and the two quickly become engaged. Nicole's plan may be thwarted by Bill's friend, Jim Trevor, who's met Nicole before and sees through her plot.
It Couldn't Have Happened (But It Did)
When a play's two producers are murdered, the playwright tries to solve the crime.
Easy Money
Mr. Johnson
Dan Adams resigns his position as prosecutor on the district attorney's staff and sets out to clean up a gang of fake-accident racketeers. He gets a job with an insurance company, and assures the company president he will get the goods on the gang or die in the attempt. At the company offices, he meets Carol Carter and she, believing he is a shyster (possibly redundant) lawyer in the employ of the racketeers gives him as little help as possible. Dan visits his brother Eddie, who is mixed up with the gang and tries to make him break away. Eddie is belligerent but finally, because of the pressure brought by Dan and his wife Tonia, agrees to go straight. The gang, led by "Duke" Trotti, fears he will squeal and they kill him, plus they make his death look like an accident and plan to collect on it. Dan is closing in on the gang when Carol, who is now his assistant, comes up with some conclusive evidence, but "Duke" has plans to get rid of her before she can give the information to Dan.
Búsquenme una novia
Member of Board of Directors (uncredited)
Jim Buchanan es un ejecutivo de capa caída cuya novia no le ama; pero un día conoce en un parque a Joan, una cocinera desempleada que está buscando un cocinero. Ambos deciden hacerse pasar por marido y mujer para un trabajo que requiere una pareja.
The President Vanishes
The President Vanishes, released in the United Kingdom as Strange Conspiracy, is a 1934 American political drama film directed by William A. Wellman and produced by Walter Wanger. Starring Edward Arnold and Arthur Byron, the film is an adaptation of Rex Stout's political novel of the same name.
Let's Fall in Love
Party Guest
A carnival girl pretends to be Swedish in order to win a movie role.
Board Member (Uncredited)
Alison Drake (Ruth Chatterton) administra una empresa de automóviles y mantiene una buena relación con sus empleados, en especial con los hombres, con los que suele tener fugaces relaciones sexuales. Un día, llega a su empresa el ingeniero Jim Thorne, un hombre independiente por el que se siente atraída.
Their Own Desire
Uncle Nate
Lally is a rich girl whose father writes books and plays polo. After 23 years of marriage her father decides to divorce Lally's mother and remarry to soon-to-be-divorced Beth Cheever. This sours Lally on all men. While on vacation with her mother she meets Jack, who succeeds in stealing her heart. Then Lally discovers that Jack is the son of Beth Cheever, the woman who is to marry her father.
El barbero de Napoleón
"Napoleon's Barber" es la versión cinematográfica hablada del notable drama de Arthur Caesar, que George Bernard Shaw calificó como la mejor obra de un acto en inglés. (Prin Ad- The Angola Record, ((Angola, NY)) 21 de febrero de 1929)
The Look Out Girl
The lookout girl for the notorious Mowbray gang tries to leave her gangster past by marrying a wealthy doctor, but her past catches up with her very quickly when the gang finds her.
Farael Fuentes
1927 picture starring Carmel Myers and Walter Pidgeon.
One Chance in a Million
Robert Weston
Secret Service agent Jerry Blaine is hot on the trail of a gang of jewel thieves, Jerry briefly poses as a crook himself to gain the gang's confidence.
Desert Greed
William Devlin
A deputy comes upon a young girl who has been fired and cheated out of her wages by her former employer. The deputy helps her get what's due her, and accompanies her to her hometown, where they discover that her stepfather has plans to marry her off to a big-time smuggler.
The Enchanted Hill
Bud Shannon
Based on a Peter B. Kyne novel, The Enchanted Hill featureds a triangle romance between Jack Holt, rancher's daughter Mary Brian and jealous foreman Richard Arlen.
So Big
William Storm (as Henry Herbert)
After graduating from a fashionable finishing school and touring Europe with her father, Selina Peake returns to the United States, where her father is accidentally killed after losing his fortune in a gambling den. Selina is reduced to teaching in a high school in the Dutch community at High Prarie near Chicago. She boards in the farmhouse of Klass Poole, a dull-witted market gardener, and finally marries Pervus DeJong, a poor and backward farmer. She shares the drudgery of her husband's futile life and finds happiness only in their small son, Dirk, whom she calls "So-Big."
Captain Blood
Capt. Hobart
Young Irish physician Peter Blood is exiled as a slave to Barbados, where he and his friend Jeremy are purchased by Colonel Bishop at the behest of his niece Arabella. With other slaves he captures a Spanish galleon and becomes the terror of the Caribbean privateers until offered a commission in the English Navy. He defeats the French at Port Royal, and as a reward he is named governor of Jamaica and marries Arabella.
Little Wildcat
Captain Carl Herman
Robert Ware takes it upon himself to tame wild girl, Mag, to prove to his doubting friend Arnold, he can turn her into a graceful young lady. Later, when Arnold is in the war, he meets a pretty nurse who greatly impresses him. Back home he recalls the pleasant encounter to Robert, telling him of the gentle beauty he never forgot. Mag, now Margaret, overhears the story and reveals to Arnold, she was the nurse. The surprised Arnold now has to admit that Robert was right about gentling the little wild cat.
Yellow Men and Gold
Parrish, a young author, leaves his study during a storm to answer a call for help. He discovers a dying man and is rewarded with a treasure map, which he shows to Carroll, a retired sea captain. They plan a quest for the treasure; but before Carroll's ship sails, Parrish is drugged, relieved of the map, and thrown from the dock.
The Little Minister
Lord Rintoul
A Lord's fiancée poses as a gypsy and falls in love with the new minister.
Blind Hearts
James Bradley
In 1898 friends John Thomas and Lars Larson travel to the Yukon with their wives to make their fortunes. While in Alaska Thomas' wife gives birth to a boy, and Larson's wife has a girl, Julia. However, Larson spots a birthmark on his daughter's shoulder that resembles one on Thomas' shoulder, and he begins to suspect that he may not actually be the girl's father. Over the next 20 years the two become millionaires, but Larson's wife dies. Julia and Thomas fall in love and wish to marry, but Larson is determined to oppose it.
Black Roses
'Monocle' Harry
Japanese architect Yoda is hired as groundskeeper for retired criminal Benson Burleigh.
Suspicious Wives
James Brunton Jr.
A melodrama of misunderstandings in which a rich couple grow more and more suspicious of each other fidelities after the groom’s father is shot dead on their wedding night.
Sunset Sprague
Mace Dennison
When Sunset Sprague saves Calico Barnes from a bandit, the two men become friends. Barnes is heading out to protect his niece, Rose Loring, whose father was murdered right after his mine struck gold. Sprague goes to help and finds himself up against the villainous Mace Dennison.
The Cyclone
Ferdinand Baird
A Tale of The Canadian North-West Mounted Police
Heart o' the Hills
Morton Sanders
Family tensions in the Kentucky hills are inflamed by an outsider's dishonest scheme to exploit the area for its coal.
The Last of the Duanes
Cal Bain (as Henry J. Hebert)
Buck Duane guns down the man who killed his father and flees from the law. He rescues a girl he once loved from outlaws, but the wife of outlaw chief has her own designs on him.
When Fate Decides
Harry Carteret
Vera Loudon is unhappily married to the wealthy but profligate Herbert Loudon who openly makes advances to Mrs. Alicia Carteret at a dinner party. Donald Cavendish, a former admirer of Vera's, witnesses her humiliation and advises her to leave her husband, which she is unwilling to do.
The Ghosts of Yesterday
Roger Stearns (as Henry J. Hebert)
After his wife/model has died of starvation with her portrait unfinished, an impoverished artist meets another woman with a striking resemblance to her. -from IMDB.
The Black Wolf
Don Phillip
In the Spanish Mountains, the Black Wolf, a bandit, reigns at the head of his band, known as "The Charcoal Burners."
Fires of Conscience
Paul Sneed
George Baxter presents his new wife, Margery. Paul Sneed, Baxter's neighbor, knew Margery before the marriage. When Baxter returns home unexpectedly one night, he finds Sneed and his wife together. As Sneed runs away, Baxter shoots and kills him. Both Margery and Sneed's father, Judge Randolph Sneed, witness the shooting.