Dwight D. Eisenhower

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Nacimiento : 1890-10-14, Denison, Texas, USA

Muerte : 1969-03-28


Dwight David Eisenhower (pronounced [ˈaɪzənhaʊər]) (October 14, 1890 - March 28, 1969), nicknamed "Ike", was the 34th President of the United States, during two terms from January 20, 1953 to January 20, 1961. During World War II, he is General of the Army and Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces in Europe. He is a member of the Republican Party. He was Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the United States from 1945 to 1948 and Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe from April 2, 1951 to May 30, 1952. As President of the United States, he oversaw the ceasefire - fire in Korea, launched the space race, developed the network of interstate highways and made the development of nuclear weapons one of its priorities in the context of the cold war with the USSR.


Dwight D. Eisenhower


«Núremberg: una lección para el mundo de hoy»: historia de una película
Self - US Army GA (archive footage)
En 1945, dos jóvenes soldados estadounidenses, los hermanos Budd y Stuart Schulberg, reciben el encargo de recopilar pruebas filmadas y grabadas de los horrores cometidos por el infame Tercer Reich para demostrar los crímenes de guerra nazis durante los juicios de Núremberg (1945-46). La historia de la realización de «Núremberg: una lección para el mundo de hoy», un documental histórico de primer orden, estrenado en 1948.
Louis Armstrong's Black & Blues
Self (Archival Footage)
Sigue la vida y el legado de Armstrong como padre fundador del jazz, una de las primeras superestrellas a nivel internacional y un embajador cultural de los Estados Unidos. La película muestra cómo la propia vida de Armstrong abarca el cambio de la América post Guerra Civil a la del Movimiento por los Derechos Civiles, y cómo él se convirtió en un tótem durante esa turbulenta era.
Campo secreto: Nazis en EE. UU.
Himself (Archival Footage)
En plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, un grupo de jóvenes refugiados judíos son enviados a un campo secreto de prisioneros de guerra cerca de Washington D.C. Los recientes refugiados pronto descubren que los prisioneros no son otros que los principales científicos de Hitler.
The Soul of America
Self (archive footage)
El escritor, periodista, historiador y biógrafo presidencial ganador del Premio Pulitzer John Meacham ofrece sus conocimientos oportunos e invaluables sobre el momento político e histórico actual del país al examinar su pasado. Basado en su bestseller de 2018 del mismo nombre.
The Queen and the Coup
Self (archive footage)
Planned by Britain’s MI6 and then executed by America’s C.I.A., the coup d’état which follows will destroy Iran’s last democracy, and relations between Iran and the West until the present day. Most shocking of all, the truth about Her Majesty’s role will be hidden from the Queen herself, and even the all-powerful Shah who will be used by Britain and American to replace Iran’s last democratic Prime Minister. The coup will lead to political upheaval all over the Middle East for decades to come, eventually resulting in the Islamic Revolution of 1979 which will end the reign of the Shah, and British and American influence in Iran, inspiring countless other Islamist revolutions around the world.
Fat Fiction
Self (Archival footage) / President
Leading health experts examine the history of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines and question decades of dietary advice insisting that saturated fats are bad for us.
El hombre más peligroso de Europa
Self - Politician (archive footage)
El oficial de las Waffen-SS Otto Skorzeny (1908-75) se hizo famoso por su participación en audaces acciones militares durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En 1947 fue juzgado y encarcelado, pero escapó menos de un año después y encontró un refugio seguro en España, país gobernado con mano de hierro por el general Francisco Franco. ¿Qué hizo Skorzeny durante los muchos años que pasó allí?
Camp Century: The Secret City Under the Ice
Self - Politician (archive footage)
How in 1959, during the heat of the Cold War, the government of the United States decided to create a secret military base located in the far north of Greenland: Camp Century, almost a real town with roads and houses, a nuclear plant to provide power and silos to house missiles aimed at the Soviet Union.
Laboratory Greece
Self (archive footage)
A journey through Greece and Europe’s past and recent history: from the Second World War to the current crisis. It is a historical documentary, a look into many stories. «If Democracy can be destroyed in Greece, it can be destroyed throughout Europe» Paul Craig Roberts
La trinchera infinita
Himself (voice)
Un pequeño pueblo de Huelva, Andalucía, España, 1936. Higinio y Rosa llevan casados solo unos meses cuando estalla la Guerra Civil. Higinio, temiendo ser represaliado por la facción rebelde, decide usar un agujero excavado en su propia casa como un escondite temporal.
Coup 53
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Teherán, Irán, 19 de agosto de 1953. Un grupo de conspiradores iraníes que, con el beneplácito del depuesto tirano Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, han conspirado con agentes del MI6 británico y de la CIA estadounidense, consiguen poner fin al gobierno democrático liderado por Mohammad Mosaddegh, un dramático hecho que dará inicio a la trágica era de los golpes de estado que, orquestados por la CIA, tendrán lugar, a lo largo de las décadas siguientes, en decenas de países de todo el mundo.
Breakpoint: A Counter History of Progress
Self (archive footage)
An account of the last two centuries of the Anthropocene, the Age of Man. How human beings have progressed so much in such a short time through war and the selfish interests of a few, belligerent politicians and captains of industry, damaging the welfare of the majority of mankind, impoverishing the weakest, greedily devouring the limited resources of the Earth.
Storm Front in Mayo
Himself (archive footage)
Ireland, June 1944. The crucial decision about the right time to start Operation Overlord on D-Day comes to depend on the readings taken by Maureen Flavin, a young girl who works at a post office, used as a weather station, in Blacksod, in County Mayo, the westernmost promontory of Europe, far from the many lands devastated by the iron storms of World War II.
Memphis Belle in Color
In January 1942, the U.S. military created a new bomber command, the Eighth Air Force, and sent a small contingent of men overseas to loosen the Nazis' grip on Europe. The command's star player was the B-17, a fast, heavily armed aircraft that changed the course of World War II. Witness them take on the mighty German Luftwaffe over enemy skies. Discover the story of how one B-17--the Memphis Belle--and its crew lifted the spirits of a nation and became a symbol of American prowess in defense of freedom.
Above Majestic
Self (archive footage)
Una mirada a los orígenes, la historia y las conspiraciones detrás del "Majestic 12", un grupo clandestino de figuras militares y corporativas encargadas de la tecnología extraterrestre de ingeniería inversa.
Martin Luther King, Jr. : Marked Man
Himself - Archival Footage
National Geographic documentary on Martin Luther King Jr. helps drive change in the United States in the face of bitter opposition, not least from opponents within the U.S. government; King is subjected to a fierce campaign of intimidation by J. Edgar Hoover's FBI.
Pásame con Roger Stone
Self (archive footage)
Crónica del ascenso político de Roger Stone, asesor de Donald Trump durante la campaña electoral que le llevó a alcanzar la presidencia de los Estados Unidos tras las elecciones de 2016. Stone, que ha acompañado al multimillonario durante tres décadas, llevaba planeando esta conquista durante años. El documental se adentra en la mente de Stone a través de su propio testimonio y el de gente de su entorno, incluido Trump, para ofrecer una nueva visión de las manipulaciones que llevaron a la transformación en la política estadounidense.
Imminent Threat
Self (archive footage)
A look at the War on Terror and the threat it's causing to our civil liberties and political discourse. Academy Award nominee James Cromwell presents Janek Ambros' directorial debut. The feature doc tackles the War on Terror's impact on civil liberties and the strange coalition it's creating between the progressive left and libertarian right. The doc examines the NSA, drones, the war on journalism and other encroachments on civil liberties started by the Bush era and expanded by the Democratic establishment.
Marlon Brando: An Actor Named Desire
Self - Politician (archive footage)
In his early days as an actor, Marlon Brando (1924-2004) was a shy young man with theatrical ambitions, like many others; but his charisma and superb acting skills made him truly unique, so that the doors to the starry sky of Hollywood opened for him. However, his peculiar manners, political commitment and complicated love life always overshadowed his artistic success.
Unwarranted Influence
A brief look at the military industry in the United States.
Self (archive footage)
Dr. Steven Greer—an Emergency room doctor turned UFO researcher—discloses top secret information about classified energy and propulsion techniques, investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal and murderous suppression. He does so by accumulating over 100 Government, military and Intelligence-community witnesses who testify on record about the cover-up.
Los secretos del caso Kennedy
Self (archive footage)
Durante años, los hombres del Servicio Secreto responsables de proteger al presidente John F. Kennedy guardaron silencio sobre el magnicidio que, el 22 de Noviembre de 1963, segó la vida del joven y carismático líder norteamericano. Ahora, por primera vez ante las cámaras, los agentes del Servicio Secreto a cargo de la seguridad de los Kennedy durante esos turbulentos años han accedido a compartir sus historias sobre la familia, así como sus recuerdos y reflexiones sobre el atentado de Dallas.
Hollywood contra Franco
Self (archive footage)
La Guerra Civil española ejerció un fuerte impacto en los artistas de Hollywood. Muchos de ellos apoyaron campañas contra la política de no intervención del gobierno de Estados Unidos, participaron en mítines o pagaron ambulancias para el bando republicano. El documental muestra cómo se utilizó el conflicto en la meca del cine entre 1937 y 1975.
All the Presidents' Wives
Self (archive footage)
A look at the women who has served as First Ladies of the United States.
Blood and Oil
The notion that oil motivates America's military engagements in the Middle East is often disregarded as nonsense or mere conspiracy theory. In Blood and Oil, bestselling author and Nation magazine defense correspondent Michael T. Klare challenges this conventional wisdom and corrects the historical record. The film unearths declassified documents and highlights forgotten passages in prominent presidential doctrines to show how concerns about oil have been at the core of American foreign policy for more than 60 years -- rendering our contemporary energy and military policies virtually indistinguishable. In the end, Blood and Oil calls for a radical re-thinking of US energy policy, warning that unless we change direction, we stand to be drawn into one oil war after another as the global hunt for diminishing world petroleum supplies accelerates.
Sputnik Mania
Self (archive footage)
Fifty years ago, at the height of the Cold War, the USSR launched Sputnik, the first satellite to orbit the earth, bringing America to its knees in awe - then fear. Initially thrilling as a marvel of science, Sputnik was soon viewed by America a weapon of mass destruction.
Freedom's Fury
En 2006, coincidiendo con el 50 aniversario de la Revolución Húngara, se realizó este documental sobre la semifinal de waterpolo de los Juegos Olímpicos de 1956 entre Hungría y la URSS, conocido como el "Baño sangriento de Melbourne". Está narrado por Mark Spitz, entrenado de joven por Ervin Zádor, figura central de lo ocurrido. El film fue producido por Lucy Liu y Quentin Tarantino, quien describió los hechos como "la mejor historia jamás contada".
Buenas noches, y buena suerte
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Basada en hechos reales. Narra el enfrentamiento que mantuvieron el famoso periodista de la CBS Edward R. Murrow (David Strathairn) y su productor Fred Friendly (George Clooney) contra el senador Joseph McCarthy, hecho que determinó el final de la "caza de brujas".
JFK II: The Bush Connection
Self (archive footage)
Four part documentary about JFK's murder, and who had reasons and means to do it, and to escape. - Part 1: History is written by the winners. Part 2: Through the Looking Glass. Part 3: Who killed JFK?. Part 4: Deep History.
Presidential Bloopers
34th President
A look back at some of the funniest presidential moments in history.
Sports on the Silver Screen
Self (archive footage)
HBO (in association with the American Film Institute) presents this 1997 anthology, narrated by Liev Schreiber, which looks at sports in cinema from the earliest silent films until the nineties. Watch not for dramatic scenes but for the glimpse of historical figures shown both cinematic and athletic- in this tribute to the merging of sports and Hollywood.
Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie
Self - U.S. President (archive footage)
"Trinity and Beyond" is an unsettling yet visually fascinating documentary presenting the history of nuclear weapons development and testing between 1945-1963. Narrated by William Shatner and featuring an original score performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, this award-winning documentary reveals previously unreleased and classified government footage from several countries.
The Champagne Safari
Self (archive footage)
The story of Charles E. Bedaux, Franco-American industrial efficiency expert, adventurer, and Nazi collaborator. In 1934, he bankrolled a 1,200-mile expedition across northern Canada, supported by an outrageously equipped entourage. Documentary about a wealthy adventurer whose Nazi ties eventually led to charges of treason.
American Experience: Ike
Self (archival footage)
He went off to war an unknown soldier and returned a beloved national hero. Often dismissed as a "do-nothing" president and a good-natured bumbler, Dwight D. Eisenhower -- the last American president to be born in the 19th century -- was actually a skillful politician, a tough Cold War warrior, and one of America's most misunderstood and unappreciated presidents. Two-part documentary from American Experience.
Beyond JFK: The Question of Conspiracy
Self (archive footage)
A documentary destined to calmly explain and analyze the facts, myths and rumours about John Kennedy's assassination and the overwhelming use of information in Oliver Stone's epic "JFK" (1991), at the same time it presents a behind the scenes documentary on the controversial film. Features interviews with the cast and director, and the personalities who lived and remember the facts concerning the November 22, 1963, like reporters, eyewitnesses and others, and some of the real characters from the movie, like Jim Garrison, Numa Bertel, Lou Ivon and Perry Russo.
Superstar: The Life and Times of Andy Warhol
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Documentary portrait of Andy Warhol.
Self (archive footage)
The mass murder of Jewish people by the Nazi regime is chronicled, with a warning that anti-Semitism is on the rise and the events of the Holocaust could happen again. The history of European Jewish culture and events before and during the Holocaust are seen in newsreels, photographs, and animated segments. The words of the victims of the era are read, and footage from the liberation os a concentration camp is shown.
CBS Reports: The CIA's Secret Army
as Himself (archival)
This program examines Cuban exile terrorists living in Miami. These terrorists were secretly trained and employed by the U.S. government in the early 1960s to fight Fidel Castro. Now, without U.S. support, terrorist activities continue in Miami and Latin America. The program reviews secret U.S. policies toward Cuba in the 1960s and includes interviews with Castro and former top CIA officials. Members of this group, formerly secretly trained and employed by U.S. Government until 1967, have been active in Watergate crimes and anti-Castro terrorism including bomb explosion on Cuban Airline killing seventy-three. Includes interviews with Castro, E. Howard Hunt, Bernard Barker, and Rolando Martinez.' - The Paley Center For Media
La tapadera
Self (archive footage)
Durante la famosa época de la "caza de brujas" de Hollywood, el guionista de televisión Alfred Miller era uno de los escritores condenados al ostracismo por sus ideas de izquierdas. Para poder seguir trabajando, ofreció dinero a Howard Prince, un excompañero del colegio, a cambio de que le permitiera utilizar su nombre para firmar sus textos. No será el único escritor que requiera los servicios de Howard como testaferro.
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Self (archive footage)
Period music, film clips and newsreel footage combined into a visual exploration of the American entertainment industry during the Great Depression.
McCarthy: Death of a Witch Hunter
Self (archive footage)
Documentary of the U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, who rose to prominence in the early 1950s by trumpeting allegations of a vast conspiracy by alleged Communist agents whom he claimed had infiltrated the U.S. government, media, film industry, labor unions and other organizations. (IMDb)
Hearts and Minds
Self (archive footage)
Aclamado documental sobre los efectos de la Guerra del Vietnam en dicho país. Ganador del Oscar al mejor documental en 1975.
The Movie Orgy
Self (archive footage)
Clips from assorted television programs, B-movies, commercials, music performances, newsreels, bloopers, satirical short films and promotional and government films of the 1950s and 1960s are intercut together to tell a single story of various creatures and societal ills attacking American cities.
La Rabbia
Self (archive footage)
Con imágenes de archivo de los años 50, dos personalidades (Pier Paolo Pasolini y Giovanni Guareschi) responden a la misma pregunta: ¿Por qué nuestras vidas se han caracterizado siempre por el descontento, la angustia y el miedo? La película está dividida en dos partes claramente diferenciadas. En la primera parte, Pasolini responde con su convicción de hombre de izquierda; en la segunda, Guareschi, sustenta la versión conservadora.
The Young Lovers
Himself, in photo (uncredited)
A young employee of the British State Department falls in love with the daughter of a top Russian diplomat, much to the panic of their respective countries' officials, who suspect espionage. The cast includes David Knight, Odile Versois, Theodore Bikel and David Kossoff.
The Century Is Fifty
Self (archive footage)
As the title of this French documentary indicates, Ce Siecle a 50 Ans examines the 20th Century at its halfway point. Utilizing the archives of several European film reserves, director Denise Tua offers a fascinating mosaic of the people and events that shaped the years 1900 to 1950. Complementing the vintage film clips are three dramatized sketches, delineating the romantic customs of three different points in time. These sketches are inadequately performed, and can easily be ignored. Ce Siecle a 50 Ans both preserved and provided celluloid material for scores of future documentaries.
Beyond Glory
Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
Sintiéndose responsable de la muerte del Capitán Daniels, el cadete Rocky Gilman visita a su viuda y entre ellos surge el amor. Ella lo anima a ir a West Point para someterse al interrogatorio de la comisión encargada de investigar el caso.
Rhin et Danube
Self (archival footage)
A documentary produced by the French armed forces which chronicles the way of France’s “1ere armée” in the second world war from the days it first crossed the Rhine in March of 1945, through the liberation of a POW-camp in Swabia, until the forces reached the Danube and the Alps at the end of the war and the day French troops marched in the victory parade in Berlin.
Campos de concentración nazis
Compilación del metraje rodado en los campos de concentración nazis, que fue utilizado como evidencia en los juicios de Nuremberg contra crímenes de guerra.
The True Glory
A documentary account of the allied invasion of Europe during World War II compiled from the footage shot by nearly 1400 cameramen. It opens as the assembled allied forces plan and train for the D-Day invasion at bases in Great Britain and covers all the major events of the war in Europe from the Normandy landings to the fall of Berlin.
Death Camps
This film is made up of several reports shot by French and Allied war correspondents on 8 concentration camps located in Germany and liberated by the American and British armies in March and April 1945: Colditz, Langestein, Ohrdruf, Dachau, Buchenwald, Tekhla (Gardelegen), Belsen and Mittelgladbach A detailed description of the infrastructure and functioning of these death camps, where mass graves and starving survivors rub shoulders, bears witness to the atrocity and scale of the crimes committed by the Nazis.
UFO Invasion at Rendlesham
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
The Unelected Statesman
Self (Archive Footage)
Billy Graham was a man known worldwide for his southern charm, unmistakable voice and most importantly to him, his love and devotion to Jesus Christ. Lesser known, however, is his role as a statesman of the United States. Despite never holding public office, Graham comforted the nation in some of its darkest hours, spread its causes and principles to all corners of the globe, and counseled every president from Harry Truman to George W. Bush. This is the story of the unelected statesman.