Filmed in homage to his original TV series, this fictionalised account follows Dave Allen from childhood to becoming one of the UK and Ireland's comedy greats, with just a whiskey, a cigarette and nine-and-a-half fingers. Dave Allen is played by Aidan Gillen
Kid's Party Dad
Adaptación de High Rise, novela publicada por J.G. Ballard a mediados de los años ‘70. La historia narra la llegada del doctor Robert Laing a la Torre Elysium, un enorme rascacielos dentro del cual se desarrolla todo un mundo aparte, en el cual parece existir la sociedad ideal. Pero secretamente, el recién llegado se sentirá perturbado ante la posibilidad de que este orden utópico no sea tal. Sospechas que rápidamente serán corroboradas de la forma más siniestra.
When Captain Fred Roberts discovered a printing press in the ruins of Ypres, Belgium in 1916, he decided to publish a satirical magazine called The Wipers Times - "Wipers" being army slang for Ypres. Full of gallows humour, The Wipers Times was poignant, subversive and very funny. Produced literally under enemy fire and defying both authority and gas attacks, the magazine proved a huge success with the troops on the western front. It was, above all, a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming adversity. In his spare time, Roberts also managed to win the Military Cross for gallantry.
Jack Kelly is a successful novelist who leads a reclusive life in his apartment in Paris. His first novel, Made in Belfast, was a critical and commercial success – there was only one problem: it exposed the private lives and innermost secrets of his close friends and family, and none of them have spoken to him since he ran away. But when circumstances conspire to bring him back to his hometown for a few days, he decides to spend that time putting things right with the friends he betrayed, the brother he abandoned, and the fiancée he jilted.