Rikard Brzeska


A panoramic view over society across ten unfortunate characters whose stories sometimes intertwine.
Le vieil homme
A woman revisits long-suppressed nightmares as she is being chased through an abandoned warehouse by a strange man.
Bombing Process
In 1928 young Communist activist was arrested and put on trial for anti-state activity. Years later he became known as Tito, Communist president of Yugoslavia, and this TV-movie was made for the 50th anniversary of those events.
A Shot
In a village of heterogeneous ethnic composition (populated by Serbs and Croats), the local hunter gets wounded by an accidental shot which stirs up passion among the two communities.
Daredevil Times
Sfaira (1971-1984) dedicated to Pythagoras and Plato is a homage to two of his favourite spheroids: the Earth and the Sun.
Captain Mikula the Kid
In late 1943 German forces are advancing towards Dalmatian coast, forcing many people to flee to Allied or Partizan controled areas. Group of children get stranded on a deserted island after their ship's engines broke down. However, the real adventure of their is only to begin.
A Performance of Hamlet in the Village of Mrdusa Donja
A corrupt village commissar insists on mounting a production of Hamlet. The clever local teacher, however, casts the son of a man framed for theft as Hamlet, and the commissar as the usurping king, leading to a climax of truly Shakespearean proportions.
Pajo is a hardworking, lonely but also very rich farmer. His son Toma was, however, bored with country life and tried to seek fortune in the city. Short on money, Toma returns to the farm for a handout while Pajo tries to convince him to stay.
You Get It, Man
Our hero is Glista - a young Zagreb punk whose (sub)urban adventures depict his world and philosophy.
The Accordion
The action takes place in a village where police investigates a murder committed because of an accordion.
Lone Wolf
A boy finds a large wolf-like dog in the mountain and they befriend. The local peasants think that it may be a real wolf responsible for the sheep pestilence. They decide to kill the animal, but the boy is worried about it and he secretly provides the dog with the food.
La Corta Noche de las Muñecas de Cristal
Pierre (as Riki Brzeska)
El cadáver del reportero Gregory Moore es encontrado en una plaza de Praga y llevado a la morgue local. Pero Moore esta actualmente vivo, atrapado dentro de su cuerpo muerto y desesperadamente recordando como la desaparición de su bonita novia, que esta relacionada con una terrorífica conspiración de depravación. ¿Puede un reportero sin signos visibles de vida resolver este perverso puzzle antes de su última existencia?
Yugoslavia, 1948, the year of Inform Bureau's resolution and Tito's break-up with Stalin. The story takes place during a wedding in the Dalmatian inland in Croatia. Ante marries a much younger woman, Visnja; the groom's godfather is Andrija, the partisan war hero born in this very village, and a member of the new Communist political establishment. Two members of the Yugoslav State Security crash the traditional wedding ceremony. In the growing atmosphere of fear nobody knows who will be arrested.
One Song a Day Takes Mischief Away
Set in pre-World War II Zagreb, the story is seen through the eyes of 6-year-old Perica Šafranek (played by Tomislav Žganec). A dandy from Zagreb, Mr Fulir (played by Relja Bašić), starts flirting with Perica's mother during a family picnic. At first, Perica's father doesn't notice anything, but wants to marry off Perica's aunt, so he invites the man to their residence. After multiple rendezvous, Perica's father becomes aware of Fulir's attempts to seduce his wife.
The Ravine
Old Soldier
In the winter of 1943, deep in the frozen waste of German occupied Yugoslavia, a lone parachute drifts from the snowy skies, falling ever closer to earth and a waiting German patrol car. Suddenly shots ring out from a hidden sniper, the Germans are killed, and the parachutist scurries away into the forest. The sniper is a woman, the number one partisan terrorist on the German hit list, and her adversary is the German number one exterminator sent direct from berlin to eliminate her. The battle is on, orders from high command - capture her… alive. Both are professional, but now the hunter becomes the hunted.
An Event
Nakupac s naočalama
A grandfather and his grandson go to a fair to sell a horse. A ranger and his vicious partner, Matijevic, follow them as they return home in order to rob them. The confrontation takes place in the forest.
The Naked Man
The story is set in a small Dalmatian town. Soon after the death of a local nobleman, a girl who worked as a servant in his house, gets pregnant. Even though the father's identity remains unknown, the whole neighborhood saw a naked man jumping down from her window on that same night when the nobleman died. Local teacher who lives in that house, falls in love with the girl who decides to tell him the truth about the "naked man".
Tramp or the Only and Incomparable Lenny Jacobsen
The drifter has a name - Lenny Jacobsen" - An outsider is chased to his death. The case remains uncertain, while what otherwise interests at best incidentally, the sensitivities of the victims and the perpetrators, to seemingly trivial expressions, gestures, sentences becomes the main thing.
An experimental film about peaceful and carefree life in a small Dalmatian town, which turns into bloodshed and horror on the Eve of Italian occupation of the country.
The Birch Tree
Janko Godinić
A beautiful but ailing girl is married to a harsh man who doesn't care for her. Only after she dies does he realize that he actually loves her.
La carabina de plata
Forester quiere crear una guerra entre las tribus nativas americanas y los blancos. El temerario hombre de negocios y sus crueles mercenarios atacan a un grupo de colonos y culpan a los apaches para apropiarse de los pozos petrolíferos en las tierras de los Ponca. Winnetou, Old Shatterhand y Castlepool tratarán de evitar el enfrentamiento a toda costa.
Signal Over the City
Portir u bolnici
The movie is based on true events that occured in Croatian city of Karlovac in 1941. In order to save the imprisoned high ranking member of the resistance movement, the group of Partizans are conducting daring raid in the very center of the enemy stronghold.
El noveno círculo
Police officer (uncredited)
Una mujer ofrece a una chica judía que se case con su hijo católico para salvarla de los nazis. Al chico no le gusta la idea, pero tras la boda poco a poco va surgiendo el amor entre ambos. Tanto, que cuando los nazis se la llevan al campo de concentración y la obligan a prostituirse, el chico corre en su ayuda dispuesto a todo.
A bus and a truck are moving towards each other along a two-way traffic highway on a rainy day. At the very beginning we learn that a reckless driver of another car will cause them to collide while trying to pass the bus; we even learn what seats will spell doom for their occupants. The rest of the movie follows two streams of events on the bus and on the truck, getting us to know and like a wide variety of characters, wondering which ones will end up being casualties and holding breath for our favourites. The epilogue brings some more surprises...
El camino de un año
En un pueblo del interior, donde la tierra es pobre y casi nadie tiene trabajo, un parado concibe la idea de construir una carretera que una el pueblo con la ciudad. Se pone a trabajar él solo, con su familia, sin permisos ni haber hablado con nadie. Pronto, el resto del pueblo se les unirá. No tardarán en llegar los conflictos, los problemas, pero también los amores y otras buenas noticias...
Master of His Own Body
Due to negligence that caused the death of a family cow, an extremely poor but handsome young man Iva must obey his father's demands to marry an unattractive and limping daughter of wealthy villagers.