Luis Enrique Carrión

Luis Enrique Carrión


Luis Enrique Carrión


In Dreams
Camera Operator
Mis 500 locos
Director of Photography
Emotiva historia que evoca al cine negro de los años cincuenta y tiene lugar durante la cruel dictadura de Rafael Leónidas Trujillo. Después de que un grupo de pacientes mentales escapan del Hospital Psiquiátrico de Nigüa, el Dr. Antonio Zaglul es nombrado nuevo director de la institución con el propósito de calmar la prensa negativa que la falta de control del lugar estaba generando. Una vez allí será difícil distinguir si la locura vive dentro o fuera de las paredes del hospital.
Director of Photography
Rodada en una sola toma y sin cortes, Rendez-vous es un thriller mexicano original sobre una pareja que se conoció en línea.
An illegal Dominican immigrant and a lonely Spanish farmer start a love affair. Juanita and Mariano, who in Spain clung to each other like two castaways to a raft, will try not to drown in Santo Domingo this Christmas.
Un 4to. de Josué
Director of Photography
Josué, an eccentric high-school boy, sets out to win the heart of his classmate Martina before graduation.
Campfire Creepers: The Skull of Sam
Long before written language, cinema or television, there were campfire stories. Youth scaring the living bejeezus out of each other on dark nights at summer camp is a tradition as rich and eternal as the earliest campfire tales.
The Aunties
Director of Photography
The action of the story takes place around the Christmas time, when, as usually, the most unbelievable miracles come to life. The story starts with Masha - future doctor and meanwhile an eager student of medical university, her best friend Lilka - a colorful and charismatic young lady who is always in search of man of her life, and Masha's grandfather, Andrei Ivanovich, who is her only relative - a kind but deeply sad amateur painter. The heroes live their ordinary lifes with their worries and laughs until at Christmas Eve they receive a phone call... Three Aunties, who named them self as distant relatives, announce their arrival within an hour. With their arrival the story becomes dashing and somehow magical.
El Cosmonauta
Director of Photography
¿Y si volvieses a casa... y ya no hubiese nadie? En 1975, el primer cosmonauta ruso en la Luna no consigue regresar, y se le da por perdido en el espacio. Él, sin embargo, a través de fantasmales mensajes de radio, clama haber vuelto a la Tierra y haberla encontrado vacía, sin un alma. Su irreal presencia y su voz irán destruyendo poco a poco el mundo de sus seres queridos.