Paul McGrath

Paul McGrath

Nacimiento : 1904-04-11,

Muerte : 1978-04-13


Paul McGrath


Senator Augustus Cole
La noche que van a condecorar al capitán de la policía de Washington Frank Matthews por haber entregado un asesino a la justicia, aparece su esposa asesinada en la cama con su amante. Matthews es encarcelado como principal sospechoso, y puesto en libertad el mencionado asesino, pero escapa y va en busca del hombre al que considera el verdadero asesino.
Community Shelter Planning
Bill - Civil Defense Director
Gene Hackman stars as a Regional Civil Defense official who attempts to convince a skeptical county commissioner to adopt a Community Shelter Planning program. The purpose of the program is to identify fallout shelter space for all of the citizens of the community.
Tempestad sobre Washington
Hardiman Fletcher
Propuesto por el presidente de los Estados Unidos para ocupar el puesto de secretario de Estado, Robert Leffingwell comparece ante un comité del Senado, presidido por el idealista senador Brig Anderson, que debe decidir si es la persona idónea para desempeñar el cargo.
Un rostro en la multitud
Una cadena de televisión convierte en estrella televisiva a un vagabundo. La sorprendente reacción del público hacia el personaje cambiará su vida por completo, convirtiéndolo en una víctima de los medios de comunicación.
Bloomer Girl
Governor Newton
In 1956, BLOOMER GIRL was presented in a live television production starring the magnificent Barbara Cook, whose star was then on the rise, with leading roles in CANDIDE and THE MUSIC MAN still in her future. A solid success when it opened on Broadway in 1944, BLOOMER GIRL boasts a glorious score by the legendary team of Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg (THE WIZARD OF OZ). The book by Fred Saidy is set at the brink of the Civil War and addresses issues of women's equality (priorities were the right to vote and to wear bloomers, a liberating alternative to hoop skirts) and racial equality.
Lady in the Dark
The unhappy female editor of a fashion magazine is undergoing psychoanalysis.
Inner Sanctum: Dead Level
Host (Voice)
A hearse driver is drawn into a plot by a beautiful blonde to haul away a man she's murdered and take the body to a cemetery.
Inner Sanctum: Port of Regrets
Host (Voice)
A distinguished judge who feels that no leniency is deserved in crimes of passion finds himself involved in a crime of passion.
No hay tiempo para amar
Henry Fulton
Katherine, una prestigiosa y brillante fotógrafa de moda, desdeña a todos sus pretendientes y muestra una actitud muy altiva con todos los que la rodean. Para bajarle los humos, su editor le encarga un reportaje fotográfico sobre unos trabajadores que están acabando un túnel. Un incidente entre Katherine y un obrero llamado Ryan se salda con el despido de éste. Entonces, la fotógrafa lo contrata como ayudante. Pero, cuando Ryan se interesa por una de las modelos, Katherine descubre el significado de la palabra 'celos'.
We Go Fast
A waitress falls for a foreign businessman (Mohr), while receiving attention from a pair of motorcycle cops, Curtis and Defore. She soon realizes that Mohr is actually a crook and goes back to flirting with her fast cop friends.
Dead Men Tell
Charles Parks aka Charles Thursday
Un mapa del tesoro en cuatro partes, el fantasma de un pirata ahorcado, un loro parlante y un barco lleno de pistas falsas complican la búsqueda de Charlie de un asesino a bordo de un barco atracado.
This Thing Called Love
Gordon Daniels
Two professional people marry, but the wife insists that they be celibate for the first three months to make sure they are truly compatible.
Wildcat Bus
Stanley Regan
A broke playboy signs on to help a young beauty save her ailing bus line.
Parole Fixer
Tyler Craden
This expose of the U.S. parole system, as seen through the eyes of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, takes dead aim on lawyers who manipulate the justice system in order to get undeserving convicts parole from prisons. The point is made when FBI agents are assigned to track down "Big Boy" Bradmore, who after getting an undeserved parole, via the efforts of a shyster lawyer, promptly murders an FBI agent.