Johnny Dime has aspiration of becoming a "G-Man" , gums up the work of Rogan, an actual government agent is his pursuit of Public Enemy No. 1. Dimes ambitious goal is to improve his "F" rating to a "G". His sweetheart, Evelyn hopes to not get shot in the process.
Stephen Dody
Aspiring Producer Michael McCreigh convinces Uncle Carlton to finance a play on the condition that he lives the play's ridiculous plot. If Michael fails, he must work in Carlton's meat packing plant.
Tony Foster
A star rower is forced to join a good school under a pseudonym because his wealthy dad doesn't like schools that have high academic standards.
Una familia de snobs se lleva a una niña huérfana ante la insistencia de su tío rico e irrespetuoso, incluso cuando su devoto padrino aviador lucha por la custodia.
Jerry Garton
Charlie Chan es contratado por la hermana de un joven británico condenado a muerte por un asesinato que la chica asegura no cometió. Sus investigaciones le llevan a una casa solariega, donde todos parecen ocultar algo.