Stepin Fetchit

Stepin Fetchit

Nacimiento : 1902-05-30, Key West, Florida, USA

Muerte : 1985-11-19


Stepin Fetchit (1902–1985) was an American comedian and actor. His Fetchit persona parlayed into a successful film career, eventually becoming the first black actor to become a millionaire. He was also the first black actor to receive screen credit. Stepin Fetchit typical film persona and stage name have long been controversial, and seen as illustrative of negative stereotypes of Negroes. However, a newer interpretation of his film persona contends he was ultimately subversive of the status quo.


Stepin Fetchit


Won Ton Ton, el perro que salvó a Hollywood
Dancing Butler
Hollywood, año 1924. La dulce Estie llega a la ciudad soñando con convertirse en una estrella de cine. Pero no será sencillo de conseguir triunfar en la meca del cine, aunque ella y el perro Won Ton Ton harán todo lo posible por conseguirlo.
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Self (archive footage)
Period music, film clips and newsreel footage combined into a visual exploration of the American entertainment industry during the Great Depression.
Amazing Grace
Cousin Lincoln
Amazing Grace is a 1974 light comedy featuring black comedienne Moms Mabley as a widow who tries to influence the local mayoral election in Baltimore, Maryland, after she discovers that a black candidate is being used by the incumbent mayor to further his own reelection efforts. Mabley appeared in the film, along with veteran actors Butterfly McQueen and Stepin Fetchit, only a year before her death at the age of 81. The film does not deal with the popular Christian hymn (with words by John Newton) but is a play on Mabley's character, who happens to be named Grace. It has been released on home video.
Shoeshine Man
Private eye searches for a missing football quarterback in Chicago.
a.k.a. Cassius Clay
The study of crazy brilliance and flamboyant sincerity. a.k.a. Cassius Clay presents a fascinating look at the incredible life and achievements of one of the most courageous, outspoken and charismatic figures of boxing: Muhammad Ali. Born Cassius Clay in 1942, Ali soon rose to become a renowned athlete, an articulate author and a compelling political; leader. Audacious, ambitious and totally fearless, Ali became a symbol of pride, a legend of hope and one of the most extraordinary cultural icons of the 20th century.
Inquiring Nuns
Two nuns travel across Chicago asking people the question, "Are you happy?"
El sol siempre brilla en Kentucky
Jeff Poindexter
Ambientada en 1905, narra la sentimental historia de un afable y popular juez de Kentucky que se presenta a la reelección contra un fiscal yanqui.
Horizontes lejanos
Dos hombres de turbio pasado, Glyn McLyntock y su amigo Cole, dirigen una caravana de colonos desde Missouri a Oregón. Cuando el invierno se acerca, deciden acampar en las afueras de Portland e intentan recuperar las provisiones que les han robado unos corruptos oficiales. En el viaje de vuelta, Cole organiza un motín para vender los suministros en un campamento de mineros y así obtener pingües beneficios.
Miracle in Harlem
'Swifty', the Handyman
A crooked real estate tycoon tricks a trusting young woman out of her small candy store. When he is found dead, the girl is suspected of the crime.
Big Timers
A wealthy young society man is dating a beautiful young woman who he believes is also in his "class" because of her beautiful, classically trained singing voice. In actuality, she is the daughter of a poor hotel maid, and in order to keep the boyfriend from finding out just how poor the family is, the mother manages to get a fancy room in the hotel to try to convince him that her daughter is "good enough" for him.
Thru Different Eyes
A celebrated district attorney reflects on the way circumstantial evidence impacted a famous murder case.
A modest country doctor in the antebellum South has to contend with his daughter's upcoming marriage and an affectionate medicine show elephant.
His Exciting Night
A milquetoast clerk is betrothed to the socialite whose aunt holds a big account with his company.
Fifty Roads to Town
A man on the lam in the Canadian wilds encounters a young woman in a remote lodge who is also on the run.
Amor y periodismo
La labor del periodista Steven Leyton es husmear en las vidas privadas, y a su modo de ver, frívolas y ociosas, de los ricos. Un día, Tony Gateson, una rica heredera hija del financiero Gateson y uno de sus personajes favoritos, decide pagarle con la misma moneda al anunciar su próximo compromiso con el joven. A partir de ese momento, cada detalle de la vida de Leyton será también de interés público.
On the Avenue
A new Broadway show starring Gary Blake shamelessly lampoons the rich Carraway family. To get her own back, daughter Mimi sets out to ensnare Blake, but the courtship is soon for real, to the annoyance of his co-star, hoofing chanteuese Mona Merrick.
Shirley Temple vive con el abuelo de bolsillo en la ciudad de Nueva York del siglo XIX. Ella entretiene a la multitud mientras él trabaja su raqueta. Una mujer rica hace posible que la niña se haga legítima. Se realiza "Cabina del tío Tom".
36 Hours to Kill
Flash - Pullman Porter
Duke and Jeanie Benson, an outlaw couple hiding out under assumed names. Duke realizes that he has a winning sweepstake ticket and will win $150,000 if he can cash it in without getting apprehended
The Virginia Judge
Spasm Johnson
Walter C. Kelly, Marsha Hunt, Stepin Fetchit
Barco a la deriva
Mientras que el sobrino del doctor John Pearly debe juntarse con su tío para navegar sobre el Mississipi en un viejo barco a vapor, es arrestado por el crimen de un hombre que le impedía marcharse con Fleety Belle, con la que tenía la intención de casarse. El joven hombre es condenado al ahorcamiento. El doctor intentará todo para salvar a su sobrino...
Hot Tip
An amateur handicapper must help his future son-in-law recoup the money he lost while playing the ponies.
Charlie Chan en Egipto
Charlie Chan (Warren Oland) va a la tierra de las pirámides para investigar el crimen de un arqueólogo momificado.
One More Spring
Zoo Attendant
Three people live together in the maintenance shed at Central Park as an alternative to living on the streets.
María Galante
Waiter in Pacific Gardens
María Galante, una joven e ingenua telefonista francesa, es raptada por un capitán que la desembarca en Yucatán, dejándola abandonada a su suerte. Con grandes dificultades, María llega a la zona del Canal de panamá, donde encuentra trabajo como cantante en un café.
El juez Priest
Jeff Poindexter
El juez William "Billy" Priest vive en una patriótica y muy confederada región sureña. Allí, viudo y muy dedicado a su trabajo, Priest se enfrentará al caso más difícil de su carrera. Mientras, también tendrá que ejercer de casamentero con su tímido sobrino.
Paz en la tierra
Historia de una familia propietaria de una prospera fábrica textil a lo largo de un siglo (1824-1924), desde su expansión hacia Europa (Inglaterra, Francia y Alemania), pasando por la I Guerra Mundial y finalmente en la recuperación económica post-bélica, centrándose en los esfuerzos de sus miembros por mantener a la familia unida.
La alegría de vivir
Stepin Fetchit
El presidente Roosevelt nombra nuevo Secretario de Diversiones a un productor teatral, con el fin de levantar los ánimos del pueblo estadounidense. El nuevo secretario pronto se harta de los grupos de presión que intentan destruir su departamento.
David Harum
Sylvester Swifty
Rogers plays a small town banker in the 1890s whose chief rival is the deacon (Middleton) with whom he has traded horse flesh. Taylor is a bank teller who places a winning $4,500 bet on a 10-1 harness racing horse, making him Rogers' bank partner.
Tras la Guerra Civil, la familia Connolly recupera su antiguo esplendor cuando Will Connolly se casa con una granjera yanqui, pese a las objeciones de su temperamental padre.
Slow Poke
Stepin Fetchit in the Educational Pictures short "Slow Poke," doing the shtick that made him a millionaire in the 1930s.
Neck and Neck
The Hustler
Bill Grant is a small-time gambler who spends more time embellishing his accomplishments than actually doing anything. He has a small run of good luck when he wins a racehorse during a poker game. This enables him to enjoy the lifestyle he has been bragging about for so long. While in high society, he falls for Norma, whose father is big in racing circles.
The Galloping Ghost
Baxter College Locker Room Attendant
A gambling ring run out of the Mogul Taxi company is intent on fixing college football games. Football star Harold "Red" Grange is a target for the gamblers, whose thugs try to eliminate Grange from playing. Grange's buddy Buddy is himself vulnerable to blackmail, since he has broken team rules by marrying. The crooks use all their wiles to keep Grange and Buddy from leading their team to victory.
Wild Horse
Ben Hall offers $1000 for the wild Devil Horse which Jim Wright and Skeeter capture. While Jim is away, Gil Davis kills Skeeter and takes the horse. The Sheriff then arrests Jim for Skeeter's murder. But unknown to them, an outlaw witnessed the killing
The Prodigal
An aspiring singer, who has fallen on hard times and is now living as a hobo, returns to his wealthy southern family.
Face of Desire
Spanish-language version of The Big Fight (1930).
Swing High
To avoid hostilities, Maryan, the ward of Doc May, a medicine show owner, induces Pop Garner, a circus owner, to join forces with her guardian. Doc May and Daphne, his wife, work as clowns; and Garry, a singing soldier of fortune, sings along with Maryan's act. Ruth, Maryan's partner, quits to get married; and Joe, who is jealous of Garry, replaces her with Trixie, his former assistant. When Garry announces his engagement to Maryan, Trixie persuades him to join a strip poker game in a drunken state and "compromises" him in the presence of his fiancée. Grief-stricken, Maryan falls during her act, and Garry, robbed of circus funds, is arrested. In spite of her injuries, Maryan, learning of Trixie's treachery, performs the act with her and forces a confession by threatening to drop her; Garry is released and is welcomed back to the show.
The Big Fight
Based on the David Belasco stage production of the Max Marcin play in which heavyweight-champion Jack Dempsey played the role of the fighter, Tiger: This "behind-the-scenes look of a heavyweight-championship fight" looks much like all of the other boxing films in which the Champ gets involved in a frame-up and is asked to take a dive.
Cameo Kirby
Cameo Kirby, an honest riverboat gambler who works the Mississippi, rescues a girl from a gang of ruffians in New Orleans, but she disappears after he sings her a love song.
Big Time
The relationship between a male dancer and his actress girlfriend is threatened by a scheming chorister.
El triunfo de la audacia
Smoke Screen
West Point Cadet John y Annapolis Midshipman Frank centran su rivalidad fraternal en el gran partido de fútbol entre el Ejército y la Marina.
Show Boat
This film sticks very closely to the Edna Ferber novel, rather than the musical based on the novel. There are only two major changes from Ferber's book : *Julie in this version is a white woman, not a racially mixed one; therefore she and her husband are not unlawfully married. * Ravenal returns at the end, instead of dying as in the novel
Fox Movietone Follies of 1929
Lila Beaumont is an understudy in a Broadway musical. Her boyfriend, George Shelby, arrives in New York hoping to take Lila back home with him to marry.
Thru Different Eyes
Harvey Manning is placed on trial for the murder of Jack Winfield, his closest friend, whose body was found in the Manning home. During the trial, the prosecuting and the defense attorneys put forward sharply different versions of the character of Manning and his wife, Viola, and of the events leading up to the murder. The jury returns a verdict of guilty, but a young girl then comes forward and confesses that she killed Winfield for having wronged her.
The Ghost Talks
Christopher Lee
Miriam Holt hopes to solve the disappearance of a million dollars in bonds allegedly stolen by her late uncle. A team of crooks is following her, though, in hopes she'll uncover the missing money and they can grab it from her. She checks into a hotel where Franklyn Green works as a desk clerk. Franklyn is learning to be a detective through a correspondence course, and he thinks he's just the guy to help Miriam solve her mystery. The fact that she's a very attractive lady doesn't hurt, either.
Hearts in Dixie
Nappus sends his grandson north for schooling to shelter him from their community.
The Tragedy of Youth
Neglected by shallow husband Dick, young bride Paula Wayne seeks male companionship outside the marital nest. She soon finds it in the form of mature lover Frank Gordon. Lost film.
The Devil's Skipper
Slave's Husband
The Devil's Skipper was based on Demetrios Contos, a seafaring yarn by Jack London. Effectively cast against type, Belle Bennett plays a wronged woman who becomes the most brutal and feared slave-ship captain on the Seven Seas.
La canción de Kentucky
Una acaudalada familia sureña que basa gran parte de su fortuna en el negocio de los caballos ve como la I Guerra Mundial acaba con su armonía a raíz de que el hijo vaya a luchar al frente y los caballos sean ofrecidos al ejército.