Joe Guarneri

Joe Guarneri


Joe Guarneri


El instituto Atticus
Sergeant Parella
El Dr. Henry West fundó el Instituto Atticus a principios de 1970 para ayudar a personas con habilidades sobrenaturales como clarividencia, telequinesis... A pesar de ser testigo de varios casos notables, nada podría haber preparado al Dr. West y sus colegas para ver de lo que era capaz Judith Winstead. Ella superó todas las pruebas que la pusieron e incluso se ganó pronto la atención del Departamento de Defensa de EE.UU. que posteriormente tomó el control del centro de investigación. Los experimentos que llevaron a cabo en Judith, sólo demostraron una cosa: que sus habilidades eran la manifestación de fuerzas del mal que se mostraban a través de ella con lo que el gobierno tuvo que tomar medidas...
Buried (Enterrado)
Additional Voice (voice)
Después de ser secuestrado, Paul Conroy (Ryan Reynolds), contratista civil en Irak, se despierta enterrado vivo en un viejo ataúd de madera, sin más recursos que un teléfono móvil y un mechero. El teléfono podría ser el único medio que lo salvara de esa mortal pesadilla, pero la precariedad de la cobertura y la escasa batería parecen obstáculos insuperables en su lucha contra el tiempo: sólo dispone de 90 minutos para ser rescatado antes de que se le agote el oxígeno.
The Craving Heart
Scientist, Alexander Tom thought he had it all, great wife, great house, career... that was until the death of his best friend and a random affair with an anonymous woman force him to re-evaluate everything. In the ensuing days his relationships with his father, his wife, his co-worker and Walela, the mysterious woman, contribute to his edification that life is riddled with intangibles, that complacency and routine have deadened him and that despite his scientific understanding of life, there are other forces at play.
The Craving Heart
Scientist, Alexander Tom thought he had it all, great wife, great house, career... that was until the death of his best friend and a random affair with an anonymous woman force him to re-evaluate everything. In the ensuing days his relationships with his father, his wife, his co-worker and Walela, the mysterious woman, contribute to his edification that life is riddled with intangibles, that complacency and routine have deadened him and that despite his scientific understanding of life, there are other forces at play.