Roberto Guerra

Nacimiento : 1973-07-25,


Dr. Hoffmann - Die russische Spende
Anna, Francesco and the eight years old Giorgio can't afford a fancy holiday. Afraid of losing their reputation, they decide to fake the vacation. They hide in their own house and they post on social medias photoshopped pictures of the family at the Bahamas. Inebriated by likes and folowers, the parents forget their son's needs.
Leoluca Tegano
The two brothers Antonio and Leoluca Tegano fall into the clutches of the Italian construction mafia in their hometown of Munich. But when head Domenico demands something unbelievable from Antonio, he doubts his new family. He is supposed to kill his own brother; according to Domenico, this is the only way he could prove that he belongs to the mafia. Now Antonio stands between his old and new family and before a decision that will change his life forever.
Urlaub mit Mama
Love Movie
Capitano Schettino
Lenz is a daydreamer. Charming, visionary and – as it is good manners for a thirty-year-old in Berlin – radically incapable of decision making. After an intense party night, Lenz wakes up next to Ira, completely deranged. Lenz is in love. As well as Ira. The summer of love begins: fooling through the nights of Berlin, beers at the canal, talks about sex and childhood. Everything is beautiful. Up until the moment when Ira asks this one question that changes everything: „Do you want to have kids?“ Now is the time for Lenz to do what he knows best, when things get tricky. He runs off. Anchorless, he stumbles through the summer and has to take up with the heroes of his daydreams, who keep examining him about his feelings. Meanwhile, his friend Kenn covers Lenz with affectionate incomprehension. When autumn arrives, Ira eventually confronts Lenz and he has to face the big “whatsoever”.
Un romance de estado
La canciller alemana mantiene una pugna con un adversario politico debido a un acuerdo energético europeo. En ese momento es cuando el recién elegido presidente de Francia llega a la convención. Se trata de un hombre apuesto y carismático con quien la canciller tuvo hace mucho tiempo una relación amorosa. (FILMAFFINITY)
El secreto del arca
Un profesor universitario pide ayuda a su sobrino Robert para que investigue la desaparición de un colega de profesión. Robert descubre que el hombre ha sido asesinado, pero no es lo único que encuentra. En sus manos cae un manuscrito medieval armenio que tendrá que descifrar. Mientras tanto, un expedición constituida por una secta religiosa encuentra en las profundidades del océano los restos de un antiguo naufragio en donde se haya la famosa reliquia del ojo de Dios.
Bajo el sol de México
Bárbara se va de vacaciones con una amiga a México sin su marido. Debido a un desafortunado suceso se encuentra sin dinero y no puede volver a casa.
El secreto del Lago Ness 2
Combat Roberto
Tim y su padre, Eric, se van a Escocia de vacaciones, donde ya habían estado dos años antes. Una vez allí, se alojan en el castillo Hartspring, junto al lago Ness. El niño descubre un documento escrito con caracteres celtas que se refiere a la existencia del legendario monstruo del lago. Secuela del telefilm de 2008 "El secreto del lago Ness"
Liebe macht sexy
Chicken Mexicaine
Walter Platz
Last Minute