William Charlton

William Charlton


William Charlton


Project Arbiter
A 20-minute sci-fi espionage short film that demonstrates how a small quiet victory tips the balance of power and foretells the outcome of World War II.
A Good Funeral
At her father's funeral, Junior Talmadge remembers back 30 years to the last time she saw her Dad: the summer of 1979. Junior was graduating from college and had just gotten engaged. Her dad surprises the family when he arrives with a brand new motor home. He entices his kids into a final "family summer vacation," the only way he knows how: he tells them he has cancer. Thus begins the family's road trip to California, and their quest to become a real American family, the old-fashioned way, by being on a real American TV game show. As the family arrives in LA to audition for the show, secret after secret is revealed about their dad, forcing Junior and her brothers to confront the reality of who their Dad really is.
El intercambio
Prison Guard
Christine Collins es una madre que recupera a su hijo, al que habían secuestrado meses antes. Pero en la locura del muy fotografiado reencuentro, comienza a sospechar que el niño que le han entregado no es su hijo. A pesar de unas fuerzas del orden corruptas y de una opinión pública más que escéptica, intenta dilucidar el misterio cueste lo que cueste. Tachada de loca e incapacitada, por fin encuentra un aliado en el reverendo Briegleb, que la ayudará en su búsqueda.
Super Agente 86
German Spy #1 (uncredited)
Adaptación de la serie de televisión de los años 60 "Superagente 86" interpretada por Don Adams y Barbara Feldon. Steve Carell interpreta al despistado y atolondrado Superagente 86 de la agencia de inteligencia gubernamental CONTROL, que lucha contra las fuerzas del mal encarnadas en KAOS, la agencia rival. Dicho agente siempre va acompañado de su compañera, la agente 99.
Power Trip
Editorial Production Assistant
Corruption, assassination and street rioting surround the story of the award-winning film, Power Trip, which follows an American multi-national trying to solve the electricity crisis in Tbilisi, capital of the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. Power Trip provides insight into today's headlines, with a graphic, on-the-ground depiction of the challenges facing globalization in an environment of culture clash, electricity disconnections and blackouts.