Robert Reich

Robert Reich

Nacimiento : 1946-06-24, Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA


Robert Reich
Robert Reich


Clinton: Part 1
Clinton tells the story of a president who rose from a broken childhood in Arkansas to become one of the most successful politicians in modern American history and one of the most complex and conflicted characters to ever stride across the public stage. Part 1 follows their bumpy road to the 1992 presidential victory, an amazing triumph over repeated scandals and setbacks followed by a tumultuous first two years that see the beginning of the Whitewater scandal, the shocking death of Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster and the humiliating defeat of Hillary's healthcare bill.
Frontline: America's Great Divide
Self - Sec. of Labor, 1993 - 1997
A deep look into the growing divide in America from the Barack Obama era through the presidency of Donald Trump.
Salvar el capitalismo
Self- Presenter
Poder, dinero y corrupción crean un círculo vicioso de desigualdad política. Robert Reich propone pasar a la acción.
Love & Taxes
Sheldon S. Cohen
Love & Taxes is a riveting comic tale of seven years of tax avoidance. Following the possibly real-life exploits of Josh Kornbluth, an autobiographical monologist, Love & Taxes is a comedy that blends solo performance and scripted scenes to bring the subjective reality of the storyteller hilariously to life. A tale of procrastination, making movies and growing up, Love & Taxes is a middle-aged coming-of-age story that is also, quite possibly, the first ever pro-tax romantic comedy.
A Dangerous Idea
A dangerous idea has threatened the American Dream from the beginning - the belief that some groups and individuals are inherently superior to others and more deserving of fundamental rights. Such biological determinism provided an excuse for some of America's most shameful history. And now it's back. This documentary reveals how biologically determined politics has disenfranchised women and people of color, provided a rationale for state sanctioned crimes committed against America's most vulnerable citizens, and now gains new traction under the Trump administration.
Desigualdad para todos
En este oportuno y entretenido documental, el experto en política económica Robert Reich destila el tema de la creciente desigualdad de ingresos, y aborda la cuestión de los efectos que tiene esta brecha cada vez mayor en nuestra economía y nuestra democracia.
Landslide: A Portrait of President Herbert Hoover
Documentary about personal life of Herbert Hoover's and his governmental career, profiles the former head of state's political philosophy, memorable election campaigns, Great Depression policies and more. Through interviews with scholars such as David Kennedy, Robert Reich and Tim Egan, this biography sheds new light on the underappreciated president's difficult tenure and enduring legacy.
Cuando la actriz Annabelle Gurwitch fue despedida de una obra de Woody Allen, se preguntaba cómo lidiaría con el recorte de un ícono cultural. Dirigiéndose a sus amigos en el mundo del espectáculo, se le aseguró que no estaba sola. Todos los que ella conocía, desde su rabino hasta su ginecólogo, tenían su propia cuenta de haber logrado el arranque. Presentando entrevistas con comediantes, economistas y personas que trabajan regularmente, y haciendo uso de su libro muy popular, ¡Disparado! es una mirada humorística sobre la reducción de personal en los Estados Unidos.