Melanie Read


Teesh and Trude
Teesh and Trude is the humorous, yet biting story of two hard and damaged women living on a diet of soapies, frustration and sarcasm. It reveals the dysfunction, denial and desperation of two people trapped by circumstances, apathy and class.
Memoria y Deseo
Sayo y Keiji, dos jóvenes pertenecientes a clases sociales distintas se enamoran y, ante la oposición familiar, emprenden un viaje a Nueva Zelanda con la intención de casarse clandestinamente. Sin embargo, durante el viaje, ocurrirá algo que alterará su relación.
Send a Gorilla
The girls and gorillas at a singing telegram company are overworked because it is Valentine's Day. A series of sub-plots - a sexist disc jockey loses his dog and the girls fine it; one of the girls fights for custody of her child; an aspiring opera singer gets her chance to audition; and evil developer demolishes the telegram company's offices, etc, which all adds up to a large dose of confusion.
Send a Gorilla
The girls and gorillas at a singing telegram company are overworked because it is Valentine's Day. A series of sub-plots - a sexist disc jockey loses his dog and the girls fine it; one of the girls fights for custody of her child; an aspiring opera singer gets her chance to audition; and evil developer demolishes the telegram company's offices, etc, which all adds up to a large dose of confusion.
Trial Run
Housewife Rosemary Edmonds leaves her family to take up residence in a remote cottage on the Otago coastline so that she can conduct a photographic essay on the yellow-eyed penguin. No sooner has she moved in than she becomes the victim of a series of increasingly more malevolent attacks from an unknown assailant.
Trial Run
Housewife Rosemary Edmonds leaves her family to take up residence in a remote cottage on the Otago coastline so that she can conduct a photographic essay on the yellow-eyed penguin. No sooner has she moved in than she becomes the victim of a series of increasingly more malevolent attacks from an unknown assailant.
Them's The Breaks
A dramatised documentary based on the experiences of a group of young Maoir women in New Zealand. The film tells the story of four street kids' encounters with various government departments, institutions and figures of authority. these include Social Welfare, Labour, Justice, Education, Police and parents. The film was shot on location in Wellington, New Zealand, but the social issues it raises are common to any big city.
Them's The Breaks
A dramatised documentary based on the experiences of a group of young Maoir women in New Zealand. The film tells the story of four street kids' encounters with various government departments, institutions and figures of authority. these include Social Welfare, Labour, Justice, Education, Police and parents. The film was shot on location in Wellington, New Zealand, but the social issues it raises are common to any big city.
Them's The Breaks
A dramatised documentary based on the experiences of a group of young Maoir women in New Zealand. The film tells the story of four street kids' encounters with various government departments, institutions and figures of authority. these include Social Welfare, Labour, Justice, Education, Police and parents. The film was shot on location in Wellington, New Zealand, but the social issues it raises are common to any big city.