Lynette Sheldon

Lynette Sheldon


Lynette Sheldon


Albert Zack is a struggling, bumbling, advertising salesman hired to save the Beaver Bra Company from impending doom. He is charged with signing five specific, world-famous, busty woman as endorsers for the bra line. Silly antics and situations occur as he tries, mostly in various costumes, to get close enough to these women to make his pitch for their signature. Working against him are two board members who stand to gain if the company fails. As he circles the globe in search of these signatures, he is faced with a variety of challenges, one of which is a relationship with his own secretary.
Doctor's Compensaion
Sardú es el maestro de ceremonias del Teatro Macabro, en el cual él se dedica a asesinar personas en público, haciéndolo parecer como parte de su acto.
Let My Puppets Come
Doctor's Patient in Climax Ad
The three chief executives of Creative Concepts Systems & Procedures Brothers Unlimited Inc. of New York are in hot water as their latest venture has been a huge failure, and their Mafia investor, "Mr. Big", wants his $500,000 within 24 hours, or else. So Jimmy, a courier who over hears their plight, suggests they make a porno movie as an easy way of getting back the lost money.
Tarde de perros
Sadie (uncredited)
Unos delincuentes de poca monta deciden atracar la sucursal de un banco de Brooklyn. Sin embargo, debido a su inexperiencia, el robo, que había sido planeado para ser ejecutado en apenas diez minutos, se convierte en una trampa para los atracadores y en un espectáculo para la televisión en directo.