A group of mockumentary filmmakers has been hired to make a full-scale studio production. The potential for hilarity is high when this low-rent team has access to a big budget -- and some big pressure from the studio bigwigs. Reality has never seemed so unreal.
Julianna is a struggling actress in a dead end relationship with Danny, a fireman who no longer lights her fire. When she decides to leave him and go "find herself" she ends up falling in love with an egotistical director, Michael, who can barely fit her in between Pilates classes.
El sueño de una noche de verano de William Shakespeare cambia el escenario a una rave moderna. Puck es un traficante de drogas, la flor mágica llamada love-in-ocleness se reemplaza con el éxtasis mágico, y el Rey y la Reina de las Hadas son los anfitriones del rave y el DJ.