Ana Mary Ramos


Genoveva, espíritu del viento
The daily life of a woman in her eighties, who rides her bicycle to sell her products
Genoveva, espíritu del viento
The daily life of a woman in her eighties, who rides her bicycle to sell her products
Genoveva, espíritu del viento
The daily life of a woman in her eighties, who rides her bicycle to sell her products
Espejos de piedra
A group of old houses in ruins, and people who inhabit them, lead us to reflect on the fragility of human illusion.
Espejos de piedra
A group of old houses in ruins, and people who inhabit them, lead us to reflect on the fragility of human illusion.
Lluvia después del concierto
Toño accompanies Sara, his best friend's girlfriend, to a rock concert. Unable to reach a bus to return to their city, they are forced to spend the night in a cheap hotel room. The intoxication and euphoria of having seen their favorite group make them feel an illusory affinity.
Lluvia después del concierto
Toño accompanies Sara, his best friend's girlfriend, to a rock concert. Unable to reach a bus to return to their city, they are forced to spend the night in a cheap hotel room. The intoxication and euphoria of having seen their favorite group make them feel an illusory affinity.
Lluvia después del concierto
Toño accompanies Sara, his best friend's girlfriend, to a rock concert. Unable to reach a bus to return to their city, they are forced to spend the night in a cheap hotel room. The intoxication and euphoria of having seen their favorite group make them feel an illusory affinity.
La Proporción Aura
Art Direction
When Leonardo meets Aura at school, he also takes his first steps in the weird and unexpected world of love.
A man carries a dead body of another man into a mass grave.
A man carries a dead body of another man into a mass grave.
El Gran Milagro
El Gran Milagro es una inspiradora historia que revela la esperanza y la fe. La historia gira alrededor de la vida de tres personajes en crisis: Mónica, una mujer viuda y madre de un niño de 9 años,hace todo lo posible por mantener su hogar. DonChema,un conductor de transporte público quién recibe la noticia de una enfermedad que puede llevar a la muerte a su hijo. DoñaCata, una mujer mayor de edad que siente que su misión en esta vida ha terminado. Las historias se entrelazan cuando ellos sienten una gran necesidad por estar en la Iglesia. Y lo que no se imaginan es que están apunto de cambiar sus vidas para siempre. Con la ayuda de los ángeles guardianes , serán testigos del verdadero significado de la misa, de una lucha constante entre el bien y el mal y el triunfo de la fe.