Gustavo Torres Gil


El árbol rojo
Associate Producer
When his father dies, Eliécer is left in charge of his half-sister. The decision not to take responsibility, forces him to the mission to take the girl to the capital to find her mother who abandoned her when she was a baby.
Sobre ruedas - Rolling Elvis
Es 1985 y mientras los ciclistas colombianos triunfan en el Tour de Francia, Elvis Antonio, a sus 12 años, descubre que la vida le pueda cambiar en un segundo.
El cuarto
A thriller about the dark and dangerous secrets shared by a 12 year old boy, his new teacher and the school principal, a catholic priest. Months after the death of his father, Simon (12) discovers the affair his Mother (Sarah) is having with a charming but enigmatic new teacher (Mario). The boy discovers the teacher's intentions and his dark secrets, but with his mother in love, it seems there is nothing he can do to show her that their lives are in danger.