Ludovica Fales


I racconti del Santo Nero
The Real Social Network
Between the first UK student protests in November 2010 and the global uprising in the spring of 2011, a new radicalism, fuelled by modern technology, has hit the streets. Over 6 months of government cuts, a collective of filmmakers has had exclusive access to the backroom meetings of a group of London students as they hacked software, occupied universities and shut down banks. In the process, they've helped build the movement currently sending ripples across the globe.
Letters from Palestine
What if in your great-grandfather's letters there is a mystery your family doesn't want to talk about? In 1920 Angelo Levi Bianchini set out to Palestine on an Italian diplomatic mission and never came back. This film is my journey into the Middle Eastern conflict and into the death of a man who believed in a land shared by Arabs, Jews and Christians.