Broadway: The Golden Age is the most important, ambitious and comprehensive film ever made about America's most celebrated indigenous art form. Award-winning filmmaker Rick McKay filmed over 100 of the greatest stars ever to work on Broadway or in Hollywood. He soon learned that great films can be restored, fine literature can be kept in print - but historic Broadway performances of the past are the most endangered. They leave only memories that, while more vivid, are more difficult to preserve. In their own words — and not a moment too soon — Broadway: The Golden Age tells the stories of our theatrical legends, how they came to New York, and how they created this legendary century in American theatre. This is the largest cast of legends ever in one film.
Mrs. Anthony
Un encuentro casual con Margo Anthony en un tren conduce a una conversación en la que el mentalmente inestable Margo, que odia a su madre, sugiere que se intercambien asesinatos, a fin de resolver sus problemas.
Mrs. Franklin
Según los que le conocen, Phil Rides es un hombre afortunado. Es un abogado de prestigio, tiene un bonito apartamento, las mujeres se le disputan, lo tiene todo, pero carece de amor. Un día, en el zoológico, conoce a Gloria y sin poder explicárselo, tiene la convicción de que es la mujer de su vida.
Olivia Probashka
When the Circus Came to Town chronicles the life of Mary Flynn (Montgomery), a woman nearing middle age living in a small town. When the circus comes through town, she realizes nothing will ever change unless she does something different, so she leaves her boring sheltered life to run away and join the circus. While adapting to her new life, she finds herself challenged, and in the end, happy with her new life.
Emily Amend
Jordan West is a divorcée who moonlights at a professional dating service to make ends meet. But her secret job causes gossip among her neighbors and trouble at the real estate office where she works in the daytime, while her teenage daughter is the only one who remains oblivious to her mother's night job. When Jordan tries to quit her escort profession, she finds herself harassed by her boss/madam, Mrs. Kennedy, and then stalked by an unknown former client.
Aunt Kissy
Tras morir su marido en la noche de bodas, Judy decide alistarse en el ejército americano. Para una chica fina como ella no será fácil acostumbrarse a los duros entrenamientos y a la férrea disciplina castrense, pero Judy intentará no venirse abajo y conseguir pasar el periodo de instrucción. Una comedia protagonizada por Goldie Hawn -en aquellos años una de las mayores estrellas femeninas de Hollywood-, que obtuvo un gran éxito de taquilla.
After Jenny Clifford gets married, the ghost of her first husband comes back. Pilot episode for an unproduced series.
The Lady of Joy
Segunda Guerra Mundial, 1942. El coronel Robert Frederick recibe la orden de formar una brigada especial, denominada Fuerzas de Servicios Especiales. Al campo de entrenamiento van llegando los hombres que compondrán esa brigada, muchos de ellos desertores e indeseables. Pero también llega una compañía convencional canadiense. La relación entre los dos grupos no será nada fácil, pero el coronel consigue resolver el problema potenciando el espíritu de camaradería.