Moray Hunter

Moray Hunter


Moray Hunter


Scotland In A Day
Mockumentary set on the day of the 2014 Scottish Independence referendum and designed to capture a snap shot of a nation on the brink of both triumph and disaster.
El escocés volador
La verdadera historia de Graeme Obree, famoso ciclista escocés que superó innumerables adversidades para conseguir su sueño de ser un gran campeón ciclista.
Two very bored shadowy characters try to think of something to do--and end up playing "Shadow Puppets."
The Slab Boys
Jack Hogg
Paisley, Scotland, in 1957. Three likely lads look forward to the staff dance at the local carpet factory where they work
Crossing the Floor
Down and Out
Political satire closely mirroring real-life British politics of the time - a self-serving Conservative minister "crosses the floor" to join the opposition Labour Party, at a time when the Conservative Party has a majority in Parliament of just one seat. Sequel to A Very Open Prison.
Siglo XIX. Jude Fawley es un campesino que, desde niño, sueña con convertirse en un hombre ilustrado. Sin embargo, entre Jude y los libros no tarda en cruzarse Arabella, una seductora mujer con la que acaba casándose. El matrimonio resulta un fracaso y, tras la separación, Jude conoce a su prima Sue, una mujer muy avanzada para su época. Entre ambos se entabla una amistad que pronto se convertirá en amor.
The Robbie Coltrane Special
A comedy special starring Robbie Coltrane as a variety of different characters.