Body Language Decoded takes the viewer deep inside the intriguing world of non-verbal communication. As human beings, our bodies communicate our inner emotions and feelings in ways that can sometimes be easily seen by others, but at other times are barely visible. To the trained observer, more is revealed by studying the way people move than by listening to what people actually say.
Body Language Decoded takes the viewer deep inside the intriguing world of non-verbal communication. As human beings, our bodies communicate our inner emotions and feelings in ways that can sometimes be easily seen by others, but at other times are barely visible. To the trained observer, more is revealed by studying the way people move than by listening to what people actually say.
Película documental que explora el mundo de las imitaciones. Se trata de una industria de larga historia, pero en los últimos 25 años se ha multiplicado exponencialmente y se ha expandido incluso a productos farmacéuticos o alimenticios, convirtiéndose en un peligro.
Facebook se ha convertido en la red social más exitosa del mundo con unos mil millones de usuarios. Está causando un cambio tan grande en la comunicación como en su día lo hicieron la imprenta o la televisión. Este documental presenta los peligros para los usuarios.