Bobby Burns

Bobby Burns

Nacimiento : 1878-09-01, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Muerte : 1966-01-16


Bobby Burns


The Good Bad Egg
Minister (uncredited)
In this Columbia All-Star Comedy short (production number 8438), Joe DeRita is a bachelor inventor who reads a marriage proposal written on an egg by a lonely widow with one child. He accepts, and soon finds out the boy is the "bad" part of the egg in the title, as he soon destroys whatever it was that Joe had invented.
Amor sublime
Parent at Clinic (uncredited)
Biografía sobre la enfermera Elisabeth Kenny, que consiguió notoriedad por sus revolucionarios tratamientos para la parálisis infantil tras su experiencia en los campos australianos con pacientes con polio.
El ladrón de cadáveres
Edimburgo, 1831. Donald Fettes, un joven estudiante de medicina, llega a la mansión del doctor MacFarlane, un prestigioso cirujano y profesor, para servirle como ayudante. El siniestro cochero John Gray es quien le proporciona clandestinamente al médico los cadáveres que utiliza en sus clases y en sus investigaciones, cadáveres frescos procedentes de las tumbas del cercano cementerio. Gray aprovechará la situación para chantajear a MacFarlane, poniendo así, inconscientemente, su vida en peligro.
Lazos humanos
Library Patron (uncredited)
Crónica de una humilde familia de inmigrantes irlandeses que viven en el barrio neoyorquino de Brooklyn a comienzos del siglo XX. El padre es un hombre amable, pero con problemas de alcoholismo; la madre una mujer luchadora, y la hija pequeña es una brillante muchacha que sueña con salir del barrio para emprender una nueva vida.
Off Again, on Again
Customer (uncredited)
Good samaritan Shemp rescues a girl from an accident, and a newspaper photographer snaps a picture of her thanking Shemp. The paper mixes up the caption, implying that Shemp and the girl are lovers. This doesn't sit well with Shemp's fiancee, who breaks off their engagement, leaving him so heartbroken he asks the rescued girl's gangster boyfriend (Dick Curtis) to kill him. When Shemp's intended returns and apologizes, he realizes that his days are numbered unless he can find the gangster and call off the hit.
Esta tierra es mía
Courtroom Spectator
Arthur (Charles Laughton), un profesor francés tímido y muy cobarde, recupera el valor y la dignidad al pronunciar un encendido discurso sobre la libertad durante el juicio al que es sometido por un asesinato que no cometió. Louise Martin (Maureen O'Hara) tiene un hermano que toma parte en sabotajes contra los nazis. George Lambert (George Sanders), en cambio, colabora con los alemanes porque piensa que ése es el único camino para lograr la paz y la seguridad.
Comin' Round the Mountain
A Tennessee boy (Bob Burns) returns from the big city, runs for mayor and puts his musical kin on the radio.
El explorador perdido
Geographical Society Delegate
Henry M. Stanley acepta una inusual propuesta del director del periódico para el que trabaja. Se trata de localizar al misionero escocés David Livingstone, desaparecido en plena selva africana. Cuando por fin le localiza, descubre que éste ha contraído una grave enfermedad, y que se siente cómodo viviendo entre los nativos.
Sue My Lawyer
Asst. Prosecutor
Comedy. Although he lacks a law degree Harry persistently pesters District Attorney O.T. Hill for a job
Healthy, Wealthy and Dumb
Room Service Waiter (uncredited)
Curly wins $50,000 in a radio contest and the stooges move into the Hotel Costa Plente. Their suite is furnished with many expensive items which they systematically wreck, running up quite a bill. When they discover that, minus tax deductions, the jackpot is only $4.85 they quickly agree to marry three pretty rich widows who are also living in the hotel. The "widows" are actually gold diggers conniving to the get the jackpot money. When the girls find out what the jackpot is really worth, the boys get conked with champagne bottles.
My Old Kentucky Home
Larry is engaged to Lisbeth Blair but he becomes attentive to Gail, a singer, and is injured in an accident in her apartment. He is slowly going blind and decides that he shouldn't marry Lisbeth. A surgeon restores his sight and he and Lisbeth reconcile to the strains of "My Old Kentucky Home" sung by the Hall Johnson Choir.
Dizzy Doctors
Man in Wheelchair (uncredited)
The stooges get a job selling "Brighto", what they think is cleaning fluid. After ruining a cop's uniform and a new car, they discover Brighto is actually medicine. Taking their sales pitch to a hospital, they get into more trouble and must leave on the run when the head of hospital turns out to be the owner of the car they ruined.
Jail Bait
Buster agrees to pose as a murderer to throw off the police while his room mate, a reporter, searches for the real killer.
Pawnbroker (uncredited)
A struggling young engineer, Bob Sanderson, refuses to marry the very-rich Edith Stuart until he can support her on his own earnings. He goes to work for her father as a messenger in the telegraph business, and, via his engineering skills, discovers a plot to kidnap Edith.
Dummy Ache
Dummy Ache is a 1936 American short comedy film directed by Leslie Goodwins. An assuming husband, suspicious of his wife, follows her for the day. Misunderstandings, mishaps, and hijinks ensue. It was nominated for an Academy Award at the 9th Academy Awards in 1936 for Best Short Subject (Two-Reel). Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with Library of Congress. Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division in 2013.
A Pain in the Pullman
Man in Berth (uncredited)
The stooges are small time actors traveling by train to an engagement. Along with their pet monkey, they manage to spoil the trip for quite a few of the other passengers including the conductor and a big movie star. Eventually their antics get out of hand and they are literally tossed off the train.
Top Flat
Water Bomb Victim (uncredited)
When Patsy criticises Thelma's poetry, she ups and leaves for a better standard of living.
Honeymoon Bridge
His wife's obsession with playing bridge is starting to drive Leon crazy.
Slightly Static
Member of Stock Company (uncredited)
Thelma and Patsy get jobs at a radio station.
El hombre de los brillantes
La historia del legendario jugador Diamond Jim Brady y su romance con la actriz y cantante Lillian Russell.
Pop Goes the Easel
Prof. Fuller
The stooges are down and out. With a cop chasing them, they flee into an artists studio where they are mistaken for students. The cop continues to hunt for them and they use a variety of disguises and tactics to elude him. A wild clay throwing fight ends the film.
Speed Limited
A wealthy blonde gal in Las Vegas gets mixed up with a lady gangster and the G-man that is chasing the gangster.
The Dancing Millionaire
Squared Circle Maitre D'
The Blondes and Redheads series: To prove his sophistication, a brutish gangster enlists the girls' help in winning a dancing competition
The Curtain Falls
Seven Eleven Club Maitre d'
In this drama an older actress plays her last role. The aging thespian is terribly depressed and ready to kill herself when she finds out that an older more successful friend has vanished. The missing actress's family is in a real quandry. To help them, the other impersonates the older actress. Loose ends are knitted together and then she admits her ruse.
En Busca de la Salud
Stan y Ollie viajan a las montañas por la salud de Ollie y estacionan su caravana cerca de un pozo en el que una pandilla de licoreros ha arrojado su alcohol ilegal anteriormente; y los muchachos proceden a saciar su sed pensando que es agua de montaña rica en hierro. Sin embargo, el verdadero problema no comienza hasta que una pareja casada de automovilistas se detiene para pedir prestada gasolina, y el marido, que ya está de mal humor, deja a su esposa sedienta con los niños mientras él se va a llenar el tanque de gasolina vacío de su automóvil. Se hizo una secuela de esta película: TOMA Y DACA, qv
Hold Your Temper
The day starts out fine for Leon, but as it goes on, things start to deteriorate.
Cheating Blondes
Tenement Neighbor
A reporter sets out to prove that his girlfriend was framed and sent to prison.
Mr. Bride
Bass Fiddler
Charley's boss "rehearses" for his honeymoon--with Charley.
Sneak Easily
Professor Austin
Juror Zasu accidentally swallows a piece of evidence which just happens to be a time bomb.
Washington Merry-Go-Round
Senate Clerk
Button Gwinett Brown is a freshman congressman on a mission to rid Washington of corruption. He quickly runs afoul of the powerful Senator Norton...
Slightly Married
Mary Smith is picked up by the police and is about to be sentenced, in night court, to jail for prostitution. But a stranger, Jimmie Martin, stands up and tells the judge that Mary was waiting for him and they were going to be married.
Alum and Eve
Hospital Patient (uncredited)
When Thelma is stopped by a cop for speeding, she tries to get out of it by telling him that she and Zasu are on their way to the hospital.
Show Business
Train Passenger in Lower Berth (uncredited)
The girls and their pet monkey create havoc on board a train carrying a traveling Broadway troupe.
The Thirteenth Guest
Photographer (Uncredited)
Thirteen years after a dinner party in which the thirteenth guest failed to arrive, the remaining guests are being murdered one by one, and their bodies being placed at the same dinner table in the appropriate seats they occupied thirteen years prior.
The Old Bull
Farm Hand (uncredited)
Thelma and Zazu are on a leisurely excursion in a borrowed car. Thelma lets Zazu drive. When she brakes to avoid a bull pulled along by three rustics, her foot gets stuck and the car crashes through a barn. The barn's owner won't let them leave without paying damages. The gals hoof it, walking in a large circle to arrive back at the farmer's house after dark. While outside his door, they hear a radio broadcast to beware a lion escaped from a wintering circus. Can Thelma and Zasu reclaim the car while avoiding the angry farmer, his prize bull, and the renegade lion?
Red Noses
Lucas' Secretary (uncredited)
Thelma and Zasu go to a Turkish bath to try to get rid of a cold.
En cada puerto un terror
Justice of the Peace
Ya en puerto, tras una expedición ballenera, Stan y Ollie se hospedan en un hotelucho en el que salvan a una chica de tener que casarse con el rudo propietario del lugar. En su huida, olvidan el dinero ganado. Pronto, Stan se ve convertido en boxeador para conseguir de nuevo dinero.
Ollie's house is a mess after a wild party from the previous night. Ollie receives a telegram from his wife (who is on vacation in Chicago), which tells him that she is returning home in the afternoon. Fearing his wife's wrath he calls Stan over to help him clean up. Things go downhill and they make more mess not less.
The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case
Nervous Relative at Window (uncredited)
Ollie da con una nota del periódico en la que se reclama la presencia de los herederos de Ebeneezer Laurel, de Chicago, que falleció dejando una herencia de 3.000.000 millones de dólares. Éste convence a Stan de que debe asistir pretendiendo ser un familiar y hacerse con el legado. Tras un tremendo viaje en tren, llegan a la residencia del difunto y se encuentran metidos en una trama de asesinato...
Below Zero
Street musicians Stan and Ollie have no success earning money in the dead of winter in a bad neighborhood. Their instruments are destroyed in an argument with a woman, but their luck seems to turn when Stan finds a wallet.
Pieters Sohn
Arnold Horn, a young idealistic chemist, discovers a compound that can be used for the production of an effective deadly poisonous gas. Against his will the chemical factory starts production of the poison gas to increase the value of their shares.
Lazy Days
While the other kids and animals find things to do on the farm, Farina becomes single-minded in his quest to do nothing at all.
Three Tough Onions
The Minister
In-laws make life unbearable for Monty (Review from Selectd Motion Pictures journal)
Scared Silly
The guests at a dinner party in a mansion are spooked when a creepy "spirtualist" decides to stay for dinner.
Grandpa's Boy
The Butler
Big Boy's grandfather is ordered by the authorities to provide a home for Big Boy, so he sends his butler to get him.
Way Out West
Way Out West silent comedy
Deviled Crabs
Hallucinations abound after eating Deviled Crabs with Pokes & Jabs.
Before the Show
The small town vaudeville manager, before the afternoon performance, discovers his property man has quit without notice, so is compelled to hire one of the hangers-on, Slippery Pokes
Before the Show
The small town vaudeville manager, before the afternoon performance, discovers his property man has quit without notice, so is compelled to hire one of the hangers-on, Slippery Pokes
Behind the Footlights
Pokes, the property man at the Vim theater, incurs the hostility of Prof. Jabbs the wonderful Escape King on the opening day of the performance.
Behind the Footlights
Pokes, the property man at the Vim theater, incurs the hostility of Prof. Jabbs the wonderful Escape King on the opening day of the performance.
A Pair of Skins
A comedy involving tiger skins.
A Pair of Skins
A comedy involving tiger skins.
The Wrong Hand Bag
Mrs. Hanson reminds hubby that it is her birthday as he is about to leave for his office. On the way he stops in a jewelry store, and purchases for her a silver mesh bag, which he sends home by a messenger. When Mrs. Hanson receives the bag she cannot resist the temptation to show it to her next-door neighbor, Mrs. Jones, who at once becomes jealous.
Fixing a Flirt
Instead of paying his landlady, a man invites a seamstress out for dinner. To tease him her colleagues appear uninvited at the restaurant. When the bill comes it is huge and costs the man all of his money, his watch and other belongings, while the seamstress doesn't even want him to walk her home. He goes home penniless and his landlady does not let him in: he has to sleep outside.
Willie, the Hunter
In bear costume
A comedy about Willem, who goes out hunting; his friends decide to scare a him with a bear suit.