'Chance' is a black comedy about how hard it is to find "the one". Mostly told from the point-of-view of a young, sexually aggressive woman, named Chance, whom according to her: "we're all out there looking for true love", which turns out to be a very elusive thing indeed, and Chance is no exception. She's desperately on the prowl for a man, but since she's more mouse than cat, she gets herself into scrape after scrape in her screwball pursuit of love. Surrounded by a bevy of adoring but completely wrong-for-her men (and one dead girl from Manchester, England), Chance has to pick her way through her messy life in order to figure out which guy is "it".
Harriet M. Welsch es una niña de once años que sueña con ser escritora. Su niñera y mejor amiga, Ole Golly, le anima a escribir sobre todo lo que le rodea. De este modo, Harriet se convierte en una espía que sigue todos y cada uno de los pasos de sus amigos y parientes, y además disfruta con ello. Pero su suerte cambia el día en que sus amigos descubren la libreta donde anota sus observaciones.