Wilbur Mack

Wilbur Mack

Nacimiento : 1873-07-29, Binghampton, New York, USA

Muerte : 1964-03-14


Wilbur Mack (born George Frear Runyon, 29 July 1873 – 13 March 1964) was an American film actor and early vaudeville performer from the 1920s through the 1960s. His film acting career began during the silent film era.


Wilbur Mack


Soltero en el paraíso
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Un famoso escritor de novelas femeninas, solterón empedernido, se retira a un pueblo de California para escribir sobre las mujeres. Allí, todas las casadas se fijan en el forastero, pero él se queda prendado de la única soltera, que hará lo posible para llevarlo al altar
Alias Jesse James
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Milford Farsnworth (Bob Hope) es un agente de seguros novato que vende una póliza a T. J. James, descubriendo luego que se trata del famoso Jesse James (Wendell Corey). La beneficiaria de la póliza es la novia de Jesse, Cora Lee Collins (Rhonda Fleming), una famosa bailarina de salón, más conocida como La Duquesa. Milford es enviado al oeste para retirar la póliza y dejar libre de responsabilidad a su compañía. Se une a la banda de James con el objetivo de protegerle, pero Milford empieza a imitar al famoso fuera de la ley. Esto hace pensar a Jesse que si Milford adopta su personalidad, él podrá matarle, quedarse con el seguro de 100.000 dólares y huir con la Duquesa a California.
El último hurra
Banquet Guest (uncredited)
En un mundo cambiante en el que la televisión se ha convertido en la principal fuente de información, Adam Caulfield, un joven periodista deportivo, es testigo de cómo su tío, Frank Skeffington, un veterano y honesto político, alcalde de una ciudad de Nueva Inglaterra, intenta ser reelegido mientras banqueros y empresarios conspiran en la sombra para colocar en el ayuntamiento a un candidato débil y manejable.
Testigo de cargo
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Leonard Vole, un hombre joven y atractivo, es acusado del asesinato de la señora French, una rica anciana con quien mantenía una relacion de carácter amistoso. El presunto móvil del crimen era la posibilidad de heredar los bienes de la difunta. A pesar de que las pruebas en su contra son demoledoras, Sir Wilfrid Roberts, un prestigioso abogado criminalista londinense, se hace cargo de su defensa.
Tú y yo
Audience Member (uncredited)
Un elegante playboy y una bella cantante de un club nocturno se conocen a bordo de un lujoso transatlántico y surge entre ellos un apasionado romance. Aunque ambos están comprometidos (ella es la amante de un magnate y él se va a casar con una rica heredera), establecen un pacto antes de abandonar el barco: encontrarse en el Empire State Building en un plazo de seis meses si siguen sintiendo lo mismo el uno por el otro.
El sexo opuesto
Patron at 21 (uncredited)
Trata de Kay Hilliard (June Allyson), una antigua cantante de cabaret que descubre que su marido Steven (Leslie Nielsen) tiene un asunto con Crystal Allen (Joan Collins). Kay es la última en enterarse del grupo de novias. Kay viaja a Reno para divorciarse de Steve, que se casa con Crystal. Cuando Kay se entera de que Crystal no está siendo sincera con Steve, inicia una lucha para recuperar a su marido
Marcado por el odio
Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Biopic sobre el boxeador Rocky Graziano, un joven italoamericano que, después de su paso por distintos reformatorios, se convirtió en campeón de boxeo de los pesos medios. Acostumbrado a la violencia del East Side neoyorquino, Rocky encontró el éxito en el ring gracias a una combinación de talento, ambición y tenacidad.
Dos pasiones y un amor
Opera Attendee (uncredited)
Una mujer adinerada oye cantar en sus viñedos a un obrero y se da cuenta de que posee un talento especial. Pondrá entonces su fortuna a su disposición para convertirlo en una estrella, al tiempo que inician una relación amorosa. Pero ella, que es muy veleidosa, pronto se aburre y busca emociones en brazos de otro hombre.
Ain't Misbehavin'
Wilton, Board Member (uncredited)
Rowdy young girl crashes high society when wealthy older man falls for her.
La tela de araña
Concertgoer (Uncredited)
La acción transcurre en una prestigiosa clínica psiquiátrica. Complots, intrigas, aventuras amorosas y desengaños entrelazan las vidas de los personajes. Un asunto baladí, la confección de unas nuevas cortinas, es el detonante de un complicado conflicto en el que se verán envueltos los médicos, el personal auxiliar y los propios pacientes.
La guerra de los mundos
Official (uncredited)
Cerca de un pequeño pueblo de Estados Unidos cae algo que, a primera vista, parece ser un meteorito. Los vecinos acuden al lugar del acontecimiento y descubren que un extraño objeto de que emerge una especie de ojo que empieza a disparar un rayo mortal. Es una nave marciana que, junto con otras muchas, ha llegado a la Tierra para conquistarla. La invasión está teniendo lugar simultáneamente en todo el planeta y ni siquiera la bomba atómica podría detenerla. La humanidad está perdida.
El sol siempre brilla en Kentucky
Party Guest at Ball (uncredited)
Ambientada en 1905, narra la sentimental historia de un afable y popular juez de Kentucky que se presenta a la reelección contra un fiscal yanqui.
The Jazz Singer
Man in Agent's Office / Nightclub Patron
As Jerry Golding scales the heights of show business, he breaks the heart of his father, who'd hoped that Jerry would follow in his footsteps. Sorrowfully, Cantor Golding reads the Kaddish service, indicating that, so far as he is concerned, his son is dead. A tearful reconciliation occurs when Jerry dutifully returns to sing the "Kol Nidre" in his ailing father's absence.
Cautivos del mal
Party Guest (uncredited)
Un tiránico y manipulador productor de cine que ha caído en desgracia pide ayuda a un director, a una actriz y a un guionista a los que ayudó a triunfar, pero que tienen sobradas razones para detestarlo. Los tres le reprochan su falta de escrúpulos para alcanzar el éxito sin reparar en las personas a las que traicionaba o engañaba.
Una razón para vivir
Advertising Agency Customer (uncredited)
Un hombre que ha conseguido dejar el vicio de la bebida gracias a las reuniones de Alcohólicos Anónimos, se enamora de una actriz que se niega a admitir que se está convirtiendo en una borracha. Dadas las circunstancias, él empieza a dudar si quiere realmente romper su matrimonio por ella.
Golfer (uncredited)
Rich, eccentric T.J. Banner adopts a feral cat who becomes an affectionate pet he names Rhubarb. Then T.J. dies, leaving to Rhubarb most of his money and a pro baseball team, the Brooklyn Loons. When the team protests, publicist Eric Yeager convinces them Rhubarb is good luck. But Eric's fiancée Polly seems to be allergic to cats, and the team's success may mean new hazards for Rhubarb.
Nuevo amanecer
Party Guest (uncredited)
En el norte de África, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), al Sargento Larry Nevins lo alcanza una bala, disparada por un francotirador alemán, que lo está dejando ciego.
According to Mrs. Hoyle
Hotel Clerk
A retired teacher sells her apartment to a group of gangsters.
La casa de juego
Man at Pier (uncredited)
Un criminal de poca monta acaba envuelto en un caso de asesinato por varios de sus compañeros de fechorías. Cuando está a punto de arreglarlo, le viene una orden de deportación, por no ser ciudadano americano, sino de origen italiano. Tendrá que solucionar todos estos conflictos en pocos días.
El caso 880
Newspaper Buyer (uncredited)
El capitán es un hombre encantador querido por todos sus vecinos. Lo que ellos no saben es que él también es el señor 880 , un falsificador que ha logrado sorprendentemente eludir el servicio secreto durante 20 años
The Great Jewel Robber
Party Guest (uncredited)
El maestro ladrón Gerard Dennis (David Brian) se escapa de la granja de una prisión canadiense y se dirige a Buffalo con Peggy Arthur (Perdita Chandler), quien le proporciona el dinero necesario para los papeles falsificados. Dennis, Peggy y un camarero corrupto en un hotel de Buffalo hacen un robo en el que casi atrapan a Dennis, pero él escapa y descubre que sus cómplices lo han abandonado. Más tarde, enfrentándolos, es brutalmente golpeado y llevado a un hospital donde conoce a la enfermera Martha Rollins (Marjorie Reynolds), quien se enamora de él. Van a New Rochelle donde es herido intentando otro robo ...
El político
Former Governor Stanton (Uncredited)
Willi Stark (Broderick Crawford), un hombre honrado y valiente, sufre una transformación el día que decide entrar en política y descubre que todo es juego sucio. Tras ser elegido gobernador, olvidando sus principios, lo primero que hace es apoderarse de la prensa y la radio. Convertido en un ser corrupto hará cuanto esté en su mano para permanecer en el poder.
Cafe Customer (uncredited)
Leonora Eames ve colmada su ambición cuando se casa con el multimillonario Smith Ohlrig, un hombre enfermo, neurótico y autoritario. Pero el matrimonio fracasa, y la joven decide separarse. A continuación, encuentra trabajo como secretaria de un médico idealista y con una gran vocación. El marido, sin embargo, no está dispuesto a renunciar a su mujer y trata por todos los medios de mantener su dominio sobre ella.
Las chicas del coro
Peggy Martin (Marilyn Monroe) y su madre Mae (Adele Jergens), son coristas en un salón de variedades donde no faltan las invitaciones de improcedentes hombres adinerados que buscan pasar el rato con las bellas chicas. Pero Mae no quiere que su hija sea como las más frívolas entre el grupo, aunque Peggy se resiente por su soledad. Entonces llegará el día en que un serio pretendiente buscará llegar a su corazón.
Romanza en alta mar
Tourist (uncredited)
Una mujer sospecha que su marido se interesa por otras, pero él sospecha lo mismo de ella. Por culpa de sus negocios, él tiene que cancelar siempre sus vacaciones de aniversario y dejar que su mujer se vaya sola. En una ocasión, para poder espiar a su marido, ella contrata a una cantante de cabaret (Doris Day) para que viaje a América del Sur en su lugar. Mientras tanto, su esposo contrata a un detective (Jack Carson) para vigilar a su esposa durante su viaje.
Stage Struck
Prof. Corella
The murder of nightclub hostess leads an investigator (Kane Richmond) to seedy nightspots.
Angels' Alley
Transfusion Doctor
Slip invites his cousin Jimmy to stay with his family after he is released from prison. However, Jimmy soon gets mixed up with an auto-theft ring.
The Judge Steps Out
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
A judge flees the pressures of professional and family life for a job as a short-order cook.
Cuerpo y alma
Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Charlie Davis es un chico de familia humilde que aspira a conseguir la fama en el mundo del boxeo. Aunque su madre y su novia desaprueban su decisión, Charlie se asocia con Robert, un promotor de combates de boxeo, y va perdiendo los escrúpulos poco a poco, llegando a dejarse vencer en un combate amañado.
El callejón de las almas perdidas
Husband in Spode Room (uncredited)
Un ambicioso aspirante a artista de circo (Tyrone Power) está dispuesto a todo con tal de alcanzar la cima del éxito. Cuando encuentra el secreto de un truco de feria, decide montar un próspero negocio con unas ayudantes...
Monsieur Verdoux
Garden Party Guest (uncredited)
Basada en hechos reales, esta obra maestra del genio Chaplin cuenta la historia de Henri Verdoux, un hombre de doble vida. Por un lado es un respetable hombre casado padre de un hijo, pero por otro es un seductor que, bajo otra identidad, se dedica a casarse con viudas ricas a las que posteriormente asesina para quedarse con su fortuna.
El asesino poeta
Siete bellas jóvenes son encontradas asesinadas. La única coincidencia entre ellas es que todas respondieron a anuncios clasificados. El encargado de la investigación es el inspector Temple (Charles Coburn) de Scotland Yard. Sandra, una amiga de Lucy, la última joven asesinada, le servirá como anzuelo. Bajo la protección de un guardaespaldas (George Zucco), Sandra responderá a todos los anuncios que puedan proporcionar una pista a la policía. La joven asiste a una fiesta, en la que Robert Fleming (George Sanders) intenta chantajearla; a partir de ese momento Temple cree que el caso está resuelto.
Repeat Performance
New Years Eve Reveler
Broadway star, Sheila Page, shoots Barney, her murderous husband on New Year's Eve. She flees her apartment and goes to her producer, John Friday. When she arrives, it is New Year's day, a year earlier. She has been given the chance to live life over and correct the errors of the past only to find that the end will be the same although the path will be different.
Pasión que redime
Madeleine Damien es editora de una elegante revista de Manhattan durante el día y el alma de la fiesta por la noche. La presión de su trabajo y su mala suerte con los hombres la están llevando cuesta abajo, por lo que decide buscar la ayuda de un psiquiátra, quien le recomienda romper con todo, abandonar su trabajo, cambiar de barrio y de nombre. En su nuevo hogar empieza a interesarse en la pintura y en un guapo vecino, pero éste pronto descubre su pasado cuando un antiguo pretendiente la implica en un crimen.
Nacido para matar
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
En Reno (Nevada), Helen Brent (Claire Trevor), una mujer fría y calculadora acaba de recibir una demanda de divorcio. Esa misma noche, se produce un doble asesinato en su barrio: Sam Wild (Lawrence Tierney), un atractivo psicópata, mata sin motivo alguno a una pareja. Para no verse involucrada en el asunto, al día siguiente, Helen coge un tren para San Francisco, pero Sam ha tenido la misma idea
¡Qué bello es vivir!
Building & Loan Customer (uncredited)
Es la vigilia de Navidad en Bedford falls, NY, y George Bailey está planeando suicidarse. Pero un ángel es enviado para detenerle en su intento. Él le enseñará a George las cosas maravillosas de su juventud, cómo salvó la vida de su hermano y la de otros que, gracias a haber conocido a George, son felices. Así, nuestro amigo descubrirá que... ¡La vida es realmente un tesoro maravilloso que debemos disfrutar!
El Diablo y yo
Lawyer's Aide (uncredited)
El gangster E. Kagle ha sido asesinado por su socio y amigo S. Williams. Kagle acaba en el infierno, donde "Nick" le ofrece la oportunidad de vengarse, a cambio de su ayuda con un problema que tiene. Nick lo dispone todo para que Kagle ocupe el cuerpo del honrado juez Parker. En el transcurso de los acontecimientos, Kagle se ve involucrado con Bárbara Foster, la novia del juez, de la que se enamora, hecho que le hará replantearse todo lo que ha sido su vida.
Territorio de bandidos
Cattle Baron (uncredited)
Durante la creación de los Estados Unidos de América, una franja de tierra olvidada entre los Territorios Indios y los Estados de Colorado, Kansas, Nuevo México y Texas se convierte en el refugio y hogar de gran parte de los forajidos más famosos y despiadados del Salvaje Oeste. Allí deberá ir el Sheriff Mark Rowley (Randolph Scott) en busca de su hermano y ayudante John (James Warren), quien tras ser traicionado por el despiadado Marshal Bill Hampton (Morgan Conway), tuvo que huir con la banda del forajido Jesse James (Lawrence Tierney) a la ciudad de Quinto, en el corazón del Territorio de Forajidos. Tras llegar a Quinto, Mark Rowley conocerá a Henryetta Alcott (Ann Richards), la comprometida editora del periódico local que lucha por traer la legislación del estado en creación de Oklahoma a su tierra sin ley...
Latido (Heartbeat)
Ball Guest
Arlette Lafron, una joven delincuente que se escapa de un reformatorio, entra a formar parte de una banda de carteristas de París, cuyo jefe, un famoso ladrón, la convierte en la mejor de su promoción. Inexplicablemente, es sorprendida in fraganti en su primer hurto por un aristócrata que, a cambio de no denunciarla, le exige que ejecute un robo para él.
Gambler (uncredited)
Johnny Farrell, un aventurero que vive de hacer trampas en el juego, recala en Buenos Aires. Allí le saca de un apuro un hombre llamado Ballin Mundson, propietario de un lujoso casino. El recién llegado termina convirtiéndose en el individuo de confianza de su anfitrión. Un día, su superior le presenta a su esposa, Gilda. Él reacciona con perplejidad, ya que ella lo convirtió en el ser amargado y cínico que es ahora.
Voice of the Whistler
Sinclair Executive (uncredited)
A dying millionaire marries his nurse for companionship, only to experience a miracle cure.
Hitchhike to Happiness
In this drama, an aspiring playwright gets a job in a New York City restaurant favored by celebrities in hopes of getting a break. Unfortunately, most of them believe that the waiter lacks the talent to make it big. Only an aspiring songwriter, and a former waitress who has become a famous Hollywood radio star, really believe in him. When the ex-waitress drops by the restaurant to say hello, she and the others decide to play a trick on an arrogant producer by making him believe the waiter has written a sure-fire hit. They succeed and the producer puts on the show. The singer gets to be the star. When the show becomes a smash, everyone is surprised. Songs include: "Hitchhike To Happiness," "For You And Me," "Sentimental," and "My Pushover Heart."
Crime, Inc.
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
A crime reporter writes book to expose names and methods of the criminal leaders. He is held on a charge after refusing to explain how he got his information, but is released and helps to expose the syndicate.
The Man Who Walked Alone
Wedding Guest
A war hero returns home following a medical discharge and ends up entangled with a young woman speeding away from her wedding day in her fiance's car. Seeing the soldier, she gives him a ride and explains her predicament. Things get sticky when the cops capture them and accuse the soldier of desertion.
Hotel Berlin
Martin Richter, alemán que trabaja para los aliados, consigue escapar por los pelos de la Gestapo. Se refugia en un hotel, en espera de que la II Guerra Mundial llegue a su fin.
La mujer araña
Casino Patron (uncredited)
En esta nueva aventura de Holmes en la época de la II Guerra Mundial, en Inglaterra, Sherlock Holmes finge estar muerto para investigar una serie de aparentes suicidios unidos entre sí por supuestas picaduras de araña. Esto lo llevará a enfrentarse con uno de los rivales más peligrosos que haya conocido. Su sospecha pronto se centra en la atractiva pero al parecer, altamente peligrosa, Andrea Spedding.
The Mystery of the 13th Guest
Police Coroner (uncredited)
Murders result from an uncle's wish to eliminate beneficiaries to a will.
Someone to Remember
Mr. Thurber
An elderly woman whose son disappeared years before refuses to move when her apartment building is turned into a college dormitory for male students, as she is convinced that he will return one day. She continues to live in the building after it becomes a dorm, and eventually grows attached to a troubled young student whom she comes to believe is her own grandson. When she finds out that the boy's father will be visiting him, she prepares herself to be reunited with the man she has convinced herself is her long-lost son.
La ninfa constante
Party Guest
Una inocente muchacha se enamora locamente de un músico que no está interesado por ella.
Misión en Moscú
American Newsman (uncredited)
El empresario Joseph E. Davies es nombrado por el presidente Roosevelt embajador de los Estados Unidos en la Unión Soviética para que averigüe cuáles son las intenciones de este país respecto a la inminente Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). El embajador se llevará algunas sorpresas en una nación que pocos conocen realmente.
The Hard Way
Stage Manager (Uncredited)
La ambiciosa Helen Chernen (Ida Lupino) empuja a su joven hermana Katherine (Joan Leslie) a casarse con el frustrado artista de variedades Albert Runkel (Jack Carson) y, de esta forma, las dos mujeres pueden abandonar la sucia ciudad donde viven. El socio de Runkel, Paul Collins (Dennis Morgan), sin embargo, intuye el plan de Helen. Helen continúa conduciendo la carrera de su hermana y finalmente Katherine se convierte en una estrella de Broadway, mientras que las actuaciones de Runkel y Collins se tambalean. Pronto el éxito se le sube a la cabeza a Katherine y se convierte en una chica de vida fiestera. El tiempo pasa y Helen y Katherine se tropiezan con Paul, ahora el líder de una exitosa banda. Katherine y Paul se enamoran. Las dos hermanas tienen finalmente un enfrentamiento en el estreno del último espectáculo de Katherine, cuando ésta descubre que Helen también está enamorada de Paul.
Silver Queen
Townsman (uncredited)
A beautiful heiress is an excellent poker player. Her comfortable life changes when her father and his fortune die during market crash of the 1800's.
La llave de cristal
Man at Campaign Headquarters (uncredited)
Durante la campaña para la reelección, el político corrupto Paul Madvig decide limpiar su pasado, rechazando el apoyo del gángster Nick Varna y asociándose con el respetable político reformista Ralph Henry. Cuando el hijo de Ralph, Taylor Henry, un jugador y el amante de la hermana de Pablo Opal, es asesinado, el brazo derecho de Paul, Ed Beaumont, encuentra su cuerpo en la calle. Nick utiliza la situación financiera de The Observer para forzar al editor Clyde Matthews a utilizar el periódico para sembrar la sospecha de que Paul Madvig podría haber matado a Taylor
Su última danza
Nightclub Patron (Uncredited)
Pinks es un hombre humilde, todo corazón, que vive única y exclusivamente para complacer a la mujer de la que está locamente enamorado. Sin embargo, ella está tan acostumbrada al lujo que es incapaz de agradecer los desesperados esfuerzos que él hace por ella.
Rio Rita
Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Doc and Wishey run into some Nazi-agents, who want to smuggle bombs into the USA from a Mexican border hotel.
Ser o no ser
Member of Audience at Performance of Hamlet (uncredited)
Las tropas de Hitler invaden Varsovia. En la ciudad, una compañía de teatro que iba a representar una obra, se ve obligada a sustituirla por Hamlet. Mientras, la esposa del actor principal empieza a flirtear con un apuesto oficial.
Nazi Agent
Reporter (uncredited)
Humble stamp dealer Otto Becker has little to do with international politics, so when he receives a surprise visit from his estranged twin brother and Nazi spy, Baron Hugo von Detner, his world is thrown into turmoil. Threatening Becker with deportation, Hugo forces him to use his shop as a front for espionage.
Behind the News
Skeptical Newspaper Editor
As suggested by its title, Behind the News was a "stop the presses!" yarn set in a big-city newsroom. Lloyd Nolan is top-billed as a cynical reporter with a penchant for sticking his neck out too far. Frank Albertson costars as a cub reporter fresh out of journalism school, whose presence is resented by Nolan and his fellow workers. But it is Albertson who, after running afoul of the law, is instrumental in breaking up a ring of racketeers. Behind the News was remade by Republic as Headline Hunters (55).
That Gang of Mine
Nick Buffalo
A street kid has dreams of becoming a jockey. He gets his chance when he and his gang discover a poor old man who has a championship race horse. The man agrees to let the boy ride his horse in a race, but first the gang must get enough money to pay for the race's entry fees.
Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride
Airplane Passenger
Gene inherits a meat-packing plant, then faces stiff competition from snooty Ann Randolph, rival owner determined to do him in.
Sentenciado a muerte
Shipping magnate Cyrus Wentworth, downcast over a disaster to his ocean liner 'Wentworth Castle' (carrying, oddly enough, an illicit shipment of Chinese bonds) is shot in his office at the very moment of kicking out his daughter's fiance Dick Fleming. Of course, Captain Street arrests Dick, but reporter Bobbie Logan, the attractive thorn in Street's side, is so convinced he's wrong that she enlists the help of detective James Lee Wong to find the real killer.
Half a Sinner
Although young and beautiful, schoolteacher Anne Gladden fears a dull future. She finally decides to take a walk on the wild side, splurging on some fashionable new clothes and setting off to find adventure. Her new confidence inspires her to flirt with complete strangers. When a gangster pays unwanted attention to her, she ditches him and flees in his car, unaware that there's a corpse in the trunk. Determined to recover his stolen vehicle and its incriminating cargo the thug begins a desperate search. The oblivious Anne, comes to the aid of a handsome young man stranded alongside the road. Romance blooms, but after the shocking discovery of a body in the trunk, the duo decide they have to return the car. The bickering lovebirds head back to the city, trailed by both the angry gangster and the cops, who suspect the young couple of murder.
Midnight Limited
Mr. Gellard (Uncredited)
The Phantom Robber gets a fortune in jewels and some valuable papers from a robbery on the crack train "The Midnight Limited" and Val Lennon and his pretty assistant, Joan Marshall, are on his trail. But the Phantom strikes three more times and adds murder to his list. Val decides to use himself as bait, although Chief Harrigan and Joan beg him not to risk his life. But Val, disguised as a wealthy Canadian, boards the train for a rendezvous with a killer.
The Fatal Hour
Police Medical Examiner
When a police officer is murdered, Captain Street looks to Mr. Wong to catch the killer. Prime Suspect: Frank Belden Jr., whose father is a businessman well known for both his success and dishonesty. Mr. Wong faces increasing danger and is nearly executed himself as the investigation develops in treachery and complexity. As Mr. Wong follows the trail of dead bodies, he uncovers a jewel smuggling ring on the San Francisco waterfront and a case much larger than the death of a police officer.
Mutiny in the Big House
A young man forges a check in order to help his mother, but is caught and sentenced to 14 years in prison...
Irish Luck
Rehearsing Actor
A spunky young bellhop investigates the murder of a hotel guest.
New Frontier
Mr. Dodge
El gobierno del estado planea construir una presa que acabará con las propiedades de granjeros y rancheros. Su intención es compensar con equidad a los propietarios pero un taimado promotor de bienes raíces complicará las cosas. Los rancheros se unirán para combatir tanto a la ley como a los malhechores.
Mr. Wong in Chinatown
The Coroner
A pretty Chinese woman, seeking help from San Francisco detective James Lee Wong, is killed by a poisoned dart in his front hall, having time only to scrawl "Captain J" on a sheet of paper. She proves to be Princess Lin Hwa, on a secret military mission for Chinese forces fighting the Japanese invasion. Mr. Wong finds two captains with the intial J in the case, neither being quite what he seems; there's fog on the waterfront and someone still has that poison-dart gun...
Unión Pacífico
Jake (uncredited)
En 1862, durante la Guerra de Secesión, dos empresas rivales comienzan a construir la primera línea de ferrocarril transcontinental que enlace el Atlántico con el Pacífico. Al tiempo narra los amores entre la hija de uno de los ingenieros, Mollie Monahan (Barbara Stanwyck), el agente del gobierno encargado de la seguridad Jeff Butler (Joel McCrea) y el principal saboteador Dick Allen (Robert Preston).
The Mystery of Mr. Wong
Ballstics Expert
Detective James Lee Wong must find the "Eye of the Daughter of the Moon," a priceless but cursed sapphire stolen in China and smuggled to America. His search takes him into the heart of Chinatown and to the dreaded "House of Hate" to find the deadly gem before it can kill again.
The Long Shot
A racetrack melodrama, The Long Shot features Marsha Hunt and Gordon Jones as trainers of a thoroughbred horse. Despite the rivalries of their parents, the couple prepares to jointly enter the Santa Anita handicap. The odds are against their entry, but Hunt and Jones have every confidence of winning. Just before the starting bugle, gangsters intrude, demanding that the trainers throw the Big Race.
Tough Kid
'Doc' Radford
Skipper Murphy is serving as trainer and inspiration for his brother Red Murphy training for a world championship title bout. Trouble comes for the Murphys when Red runs up against a gambling syndicate and is put on the spot to throw the fight.
The Lady Objects
Mr. Howell
A former college football hero and his college sweetheart get married. Marital turmoil ensues as her criminal law practice soars while he cannot get his career as an architect off the ground. They separate, and the man begins making extra money by singing in a nightclub. When he is unjustly accused of murder, it is up to his estranged wife to defend him in court.
Mr. Wong, Detective
A chemical manufacturer is killed just after asking detective James Wong to help him. So Detective Wong decides to investigate this as well as two subsequent murders.
Larceny on the Air
F. J. Thompson
A doctor working with the Bureau of Pure Foods and Drugs, uses radio broadcasts to expose fraudulent patent medicines.
College Holiday
Man in Audience
Con la esperanza de montar un espectáculo musical, unos estudiantes universitarios de baile y canto van a parar a un ruinoso hotel, donde servirán de conejillos de Indias de un experimento eugenésico.
Mad Holiday
Mayor Howell (uncredited)
A temperamental film star's vacation turns deadly when he uncovers a murder.
The Crime Patrol
Vic Santell
Prizefighter Bob Neal (Ray Walker) is in debt to gangster Vic Santell (Hooper Atchley) for training expenses. Santell orders Bob to take a dive in the fourth round so Santell can recoup prior gambling losses. Taunted by his ring opponent, Bob wins the fight. Realizing that his profession and underworld characters connected to it are causing him problems, Bob decides to join the police force. After taking nurse Mary Prentiss (Geneva Mitchell) to a drive-in restaurant where the total bill is a depression-era cheap eighty-two cents, Bob and his fellow officers round-up a gang of fur thieves in a warehouse shoot-out.
The Garden Murder Case
Man Yelling at Race Track (Uncredited)
Detective Philo Vance is in charge of the investigation of several mysterious murders. Things take a turn when he gathers evidence against Major Fenwicke-Ralston.
Broadway Hostess
Lawyer (uncredited)
Melodrama about the professional and romantic problems of an aspiring singer.
Stars Over Broadway
Your Honor
An aggressive agent turns a hotel porter into an overnight sensation.
Vivo mi vida
Bridge Game Onlooker (Uncredited)
Kay, una aburrida chica de la alta sociedad neoyorquina hace un viaje a Grecia donde conoce a Terry, un arqueólogo. Kay flirtea con Terry y él acaba enamorándose de Kay. La joven se vuelve a Nueva York, seguida de cerca por Terry, que tiene la intención de proponerle matrimonio. Cuando llega a la gran ciudad se da cuenta de que el estilo de vida de Kay no es para él, y decide irse, pero la abuela de la chica le convence para que se quede. A pocos días de la boda, la pareja se pelea...
Redheads on Parade
Henry Johnson
A film star finds herself in trouble with her co-star when she has to flirt with the backer to prevent him from withdrawing his support.
Baby Face Harrington
Charlie - Reporter
Thanks to a series of comic mishaps, a timid, small-town office clerk finds himself wanted by the police and labeled by the media as "Public Enemy No. 2." Comedy.
One New York Night
Foxhall Ridgeway, arriving in New York City from the West, stumbles onto a murder in the hotel room next to his. He gets tangled up into the affair, and with the aid of Phoebe, the hotel telephone operator who takes a liking to him, and also Countess Louise Browssiloff, who innocently had left some personal belongings in the murdered man's room and is most anxious to recover the incriminating evidence, Foxhall solves the murder mystery.
The Winning Ticket
A barber tries to find the winning lottery ticket he hid from his moralistic wife.
Sweepstake Annie
One of the Baron's Associates (uncredited)
A young woman who works in the movie business buys a sweepstakes ticket that turns out to be a winner. Her stroke of luck changes her life around--and not necessarily for the better.
Million Dollar Baby
A husband-and-wife vaudeville team disguise their young son as a girl so he can enter a contest run by a movie studio that's looking for "a new Shirley Temple".
The Gay Bride
Banker (uncredited)
Mary wants to marry a gangster because that is where the money is. Unfortunately, the life expectancy and finances of a gangster are unstable.
Million Dollar Ransom
Reporter (Uncredited)
To stop his mother from marrying a man he doesn't like, a young millionaire hires an ex-con in helping him fake his own kidnaping.
The Loudspeaker
A young man from a small town hits New York City, bound and determined to become a radio star. Amazingly, he achieves his ambition, but in the process alienates everyone around him with his arrogance and egomania.
Amores en Hollywood
Man Bringing Sylvia Winnings
Tras alcanzar el éxito, un cantante de baladas abandona a su prometida, una joven profesora, y se marcha con una mujer fatal. A pesar de ello, la novia no se rinde e intentará recuperarlo utilizando todos los medios a su alcance.
The Chief
Man at Alderman Meeting
The dim-witted son of a heroic fire chief tries to follow in his late father's footsteps, only to become the unknowing pawn of corrupt politicians.
Van Randolph - Hugo's Lawyer (uncredited)
A glamorous film star rebels against the studio, her pushy press agent and a family of hangers-on.
La rubia del Follies
Follies' Producer (uncredited)
Blondie es una neoyorkina y Lurlene es su mejor amiga. Cuando Lurlene consigue un papel en un gran espectáculo de Broadway, también hace que Blondie forme parte del elenco. Pero esta amistad empieza a ir mal cuando Larry Belmont, el novio rico de Lurlene, empieza a fijarse en Blondie.
The Dark Horse
Conservative Party Man
The Progressive Party convention is deadlocked for governor, so both sides nominate the dark horse Zachary Hicks. Kay Russell suggests they hire Hal Blake as campaign manager; but first they have to get him out of jail for not paying alimony. Blake organizes the office and coaches Hicks to answer every question by pausing and then saying, "Well yes, but then again no." Blake will sell Hicks as dumb but honest. Russell refuses to marry Blake, while Joe keeps people away from Blake's office. Blake teaches Hicks a speech by Lincoln. At the debate when the conservative candidate Underwood recites the same speech, Blake exposes him as a plagiarist. Hicks is presented for photo opportunities and gives his yes-and-no answer to any question, including whether he expects to win.
The Rich Are Always with Us
Club Member (uncredited)
A wealthy couple's marriage is falling apart due to the man's infidelity. The wife's male friend has long loved her and sees his big opportunity.
Manhattan Parade
Director Lloyd Bacon's 1931 drama takes a different look at the Broadway arena by focusing on the owners of a theatrical costume shop.
Traveling Husbands
Wilson's Secretary
A salesman gets in trouble with a party girl and a debutante in Detroit.
Ladies' Man
A society gigolo goes after a rich mother and her daughter, but tries to find true happiness with his girlfriend, who is neither rich nor in "society."
Windy Riley Goes Hollywood
A driver on a non-stop race from New York to San Francisco gets detoured to Hollywood, where he winds up working as a publicity man for a movie studio and assigned to revive the career of a beautiful but fading star.
Crashing Hollywood
Crashing Hollywood is a 1931 Comedy short.
Besos al pasar
Diner with Andrew
Lisbeth es una mujer moderna que piensa que el matrimonio está pasado de moda. Ella tiene dos hombres en su vida, Steve, que quiere casarse con ella y Alan, que quiere que viaje con él. A pesar de todas las advertencias de sus amigos y familiares, Lisbeth va a México con Alan, donde ella es feliz hasta que descubre que él tiene una esposa en París...
Part Time Wife
Golf Judge (uncredited)
The story concentrates of neglectful husband Jim Murdock (Edmund Lowe) and his frustrated wife Betty (Leila Hyams). For lack of anything else to do, Betty takes up golf, soon achieving professional status. Meanwhile, Jim's doctor advises him to start playing golf as an outlet for his frustrations. Sure enough, Jim and Betty are reteamed on the links, and all is well -- for everyone except Betty's erstwhile beau Tommy Milligan (Tom Clifford)
Remote Control
Chief of Police
A radio announcer gets caught up with a fake clairvoyant and his gang of thieves.
Río arriba
Honest John Jessup (uncredited)
Dos prisioneros se escapan de la cárcel para ayudar a una pareja que, tras cumplir su condena, se instaló en una pequeña localidad para que nadie conociera su oscuro pasado. Ahora la pareja ve amenazada su felicidad por un deshonesto vendedor que quiere implicar al hombre en sus fraudulentas actividades.
Scarlet Pages
Nora Mason becomes entangled in a family mix-up of murder and scandal that threatens to ruin her career and entire future; Unless the mother she does not know can find a way to save her.
Sweethearts on Parade
Helen and Nita work in a department store to make ends meet while they search for millionaire husbands. They meet Bill and Hank, who make them reconsider whether they really need millionaires to be happy.
The Czar of Broadway
Mort Bradley, New York political boss and underworld czar, controls not only the city's most popular nightclub but also much of the press; however, the managing editor of the Times is determined to expose him. Jay Grant, a San Francisco reporter, is assigned to investigate Mort, who believes Jay to be a country boy and is delighted to see him fall in love with Connie Colton, of whom Mort has tired. Dismayed to learn that Jay is a reporter, Mort plans to have his gunman, Francis, kill him, but both Mort and Francis are shot by rival gangsters. Jay, believing that Mort will recover, rushes to the newspaper with an exposé, but while writing it he learns of Mort's death and decides their friendship would not permit him to submit the story. He leaves his paper and embarks on a new life with Connie.
Spring Is Here
Mr. Randall - The Minister (uncredited)
Musical about two sisters in love with the same man.
The Jade Box
Edward Haines
Released in both sound and silent versions, this ten-chapter serial starred former cowboy ace Jack Perrin and chapterplay veteran Louise Lorraine. One of a group of Americans steals the Jade Box, which holds the secret of invisibility; a murderous Oriental cult wants it back and tracks them down.
The Girl Said No
Mr. Sutton
Un joven ambicioso consigue empleo en un banco y trata de seducir a la secretaria de su jefe, pero la muerte de su padre logra que reconsidere sus prioridades.
The Woman Racket
The Mayor
During a raid, a cop lets a pretty speakeasy employee escape and later begins dating her. Although she loves him, his salary and dull life leave her wanting.
Honky Tonk
Stuttering Valet
Nightclub hostess Sophie Leonard educates her daughter Beth abroad and keeps her life secret for her. But suddenly the daughter shows up.
Blake of Scotland Yard
Albert Drexel
Prequel to The Ace of Scotland Yard. This serial is presumed lost.
The Hidden Way
Sid Atkins
The film tells the tale of three ex-cons who finally go straight, through the redemptive power of love. After rescuing Mary from certain death, the “three bad men” meet her saintly mother and stay on to help on their farm. In The Hidden Way, two of the ex-cons conspire to steal the family’s tiny nest egg, but through plot twists involving a medicinal spring, a wronged woman, a villainous Casanova, his avaricious father, and government inspectors (!), the pair eventually see their error and join the third in turning over a new leaf.