Abby Mann


In Conversation: Abby Mann and Maximillian Schell
The actor and the writer reminisce about working on both the Playhouse 90 and Stanley Kramer versions of "Judgment at Nuremberg."
The Value of a Single Human Being
Abby Mann discusses his Oscar-winning screenplay and his inspirations.
A Tribute to Stanley Kramer
A celebration of Stanley Kramer's life and career, featuring interviews with Karen Sharpe, his widow, and screenwriter Abby Mann.
Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust
Daniel Anker’s 90-minute documentary takes on over 60 years of a very complex subject: Hollywood’s complicated, often contradictory relationship with Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. The questions it raises go right the very nature of how film functions in our culture, and while hardly exhaustive, Anker’s film makes for a good, thought provoking starting point.
Whitewash: The Clarence Brandley Story
Based on the true story of Clarence Brandley, a black man wrongly accused in 1980 of the murder of a 16-year-old white high school girl named Cheryl Ferguson. Brandley worked at Conroe High School, where Ferguson was visiting as a member of the Belleville High School volleyball team. Three days after her body was discovered, Brandley was arrested as the murderer. Jew Don Boney, a popular activist and Houston city council member, leads the fight to uncover the truth about the Ferguson murder. Mike DeGeurin, a Texas attorney, is brought in to act as the head defense attorney for Brandley, and is joined by a former minister, Jim McCloskey. The lawyers discover that not only is there a complete lack of evidence against Brandley, but the District Attorney, James Keeshan, has been strategizing with the presiding judge. After nine years in prison, three trials and a stay of execution that saved Brandley's life, justice finally prevails as Brandley is granted his freedom.
El caso McMartin
Judy Johnson, madre de un niño que iba al jardín de infancia McMartin, llamó a la policía de Manhattan en julio de 1983. Le dijo al oficial que su hijo tenía una mancha roja, y le mencionó el nombre de Ray, un hombre que trabajaba en el jardín de infancia.
Teamster Boss: The Jackie Presser Story
Executive Producer
For a generation, the mobs main money machine was the Teamsters Union. When Jimmy Hoffa disappeared, the fight was on to see who could follow him. Jackie Presser was the son of a long time union board member and when he retired, Jackie was elevated to one of the most powerful position in the country; President of the Teamsters Union.
Teamster Boss: The Jackie Presser Story
For a generation, the mobs main money machine was the Teamsters Union. When Jimmy Hoffa disappeared, the fight was on to see who could follow him. Jackie Presser was the son of a long time union board member and when he retired, Jackie was elevated to one of the most powerful position in the country; President of the Teamsters Union.
Kojak: None So Blind
After a flighty young woman accidentally witnesses a Mob hit in an Italian restaurant, New York Police Inspector Theo Kojak must both protect her from an unscrupulous Dutch hitman, and bring Mob kingpin Tony Salducci to justice.
Murderers Among Us: The Simon Wiesenthal Story
A biographical portrayal of Simon Wiesenthal, famous Nazi Hunter. From his imprisonment in a Nazi Concentration Camp, the film follows his liberation and his rise to become one of the leading Nazi hunters in the world, bringing such criminals to justice as Adolf Eichmann and Klaus Barbee. (Written by Anthony Hughes)
Murderers Among Us: The Simon Wiesenthal Story
A biographical portrayal of Simon Wiesenthal, famous Nazi Hunter. From his imprisonment in a Nazi Concentration Camp, the film follows his liberation and his rise to become one of the leading Nazi hunters in the world, bringing such criminals to justice as Adolf Eichmann and Klaus Barbee. (Written by Anthony Hughes)
War and Love
Jacek, who is Jewish, miraculously manages to survive World War II in Nazi-occupied Poland. As a subplot to Jacek's story, which also involves a love affair with Haling ( Kyra Sedgwick ) and German soldiers' repeated attempts to kill him, is a tale of how young kids in the Warsaw ghetto devise their own method of fighting oppression.
Executive Producer
Pete "Skag" Skagska is a 56-year-old union foreman of a Pittsburgh steel mill until a crippling stroke forces him to stay home and try to put his life back together and deal with family problems.
Pete "Skag" Skagska is a 56-year-old union foreman of a Pittsburgh steel mill until a crippling stroke forces him to stay home and try to put his life back together and deal with family problems.
Lawman Without a Gun
Executive Producer
During the 1960s' civil rights movement, a black civil rights worker returns to his small Southern town and runs for sheriff against the incumbent, a popular segregationist.
Medical Story
A young intern goes up against three older surgeons as to whether or not a young actress should get a hysterectomy.
Quiero la verdad
Un novato e ingenuo policía descubre, tras la muerte accidental de una atractiva agente del cuerpo que iba de incógnito, la auténtica cara de su departamento, y toda la corrupción y falta de ética que lo envuelve. La forma de combatir el crimen nada tiene que ver con lo que había imaginado. Un thriller que supuso el debut en el cine de Richard Gere. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Greatest Gift
Reverend Holvak, a weak rural preacher from the 1940s, fights stiff-necked church deacons along with a violent, bullying sheriff whilst protecting his loved ones.
The Marcus-Nelson Murders
A homicide detective begins to suspect that the black teenager accused of murdering two white girls is being framed by his fellow detectives.
El detective
Un detective ya maduro debe resolver un caso de asesinato relacionado con el ambiente homosexual.
El barco de los locos
Antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un barco de pasajeros zarpa de Veracruz con rumbo al puerto alemán de Bremenhaven. Los pasajeros son personas muy distintas con diversos problemas que tal vez puedan resolver durante la travesía.
Ángeles sin paraíso
Jean Hansen (Judy Garland) es profesora de música en un colegio infantil para deficientes mentales. Allí conoce a Reuben, un niño con problemas al que sus padres no visitan desde hace años. Jean lo colmará de atenciones y mimos a pesar de que el director del centro (Burt Lancaster) considera que su actitud es contraproducente.
Los condenados de Altona
Tras ser denunciado por su padre a la Gestapo, Franz von Gerlach se alista en el ejército y se convierte en un torturador. A continuación, se encierra durante quince años en una habitación y vive aislado del mundo, sin más compañía que la de su hermana, para enfrentarse a un tribunal imaginario ante el que asume la responsabilidad de sus crímenes, de los de la Alemania nazi y de todos los del siglo XIX.
¿Vencedores o vencidos? (El juicio de Nuremberg)
En 1948, tres años después del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), cuatro jueces, cómplices de la política nazi de esterilización y limpieza étnica, van a ser juzgados en Nuremberg. Sobre Dan Haywood (Spencer Tracy), un juez norteamericano retirado, recae la importante responsabilidad de presidir este juicio contra los crímenes de guerra nazis.