Bruce Hopkins

Bruce Hopkins

Nacimiento : 1955-11-25,


Bruce Hopkins


Each To Their Own
Pastor Chris
A grieving suburban teenage girl attempts to escape her family by allowing herself to be drawn into a captivating charismatic church.
Into the Rainbow
Cuando las adolescentes Rachel y Grace viajan dentro de un super arco iris a China, perturban el equilibrio de la naturaleza. Usando la conexión de Rachel con la energía del arco iris y con la ayuda de su nuevo amigo Xiao Cheng, deben competir contra el tiempo para salvar la Tierra.
Officer Carson
Si uno descubriera que la casa donde vive está encantada, su primer impulso sería mudarse. Pero, ¿qué ocurre si la ley te impide abandonar el hogar? Eso es lo que le sucede a Kylie, una delincuente temperamental que cumple su sentencia en arresto domiciliario, compartiendo penurias, escalofríos y risas con su madre y con un espíritu de lo más molesto.
Rotting Hill
It is not easy to find love, especially if you are falling apart, stinky and a little bloody around the edges. Welcome to Rotting Hill, where the extinction of humanity has led to the rise of a new species - ZOMBIES. Directed by James Cunningham and made by a team of seven Advanced 3D students from Media Design School. The short film took 12 weeks to produce, complete with 22 CGI visual effects shots. Rotting Hill is the collision of two film genres to make a zombie-romcom. It's a love story, with a bit of a twist.
Under the Mountain
Richard Matheson
Dos gemelos adolescentes descubren en un caserón abandonado unas misteriosas criaturas procedentes de los volcanes inactivos de Auckland. Guiados por el misterioso Sr. Jones y con la ayuda de su primo, los jóvenes deberán unir sus fuerzas para descubrir ese antiguo mal antes de que él les destruya a ellos.
Point Annihilation
Grub, a young surfer, is caught in a conflict between his boss, former surf legend Claw, and his passion for Vanessa, a mysterious Maori woman tattooist. Driven by his desire to be tattooed and 'become a man', Grub ignores warnings that Vanessa could be 'Hine Nui Te Po', the Maori sea goddess and mythical 'Eater of Life'. Rebelling against Claw, he is drawn ever deeper into Vanessa's ambiguous world of pleasure and pain, fantasy and reality, until finally the young surfer must face death in order to understand life.
From dusk til' dawn on K Road captures the woozy horror of a best-forgotten night out. The filmmakers roam the bars, takeaways and brothels, encountering several night-lifers, none of whom turns out to be what they first appear or pretend to be. The most fully explored character, an amiable young Sikh taxi driver, begins the film expressing his optimistic view of the opportunities New Zealand provides. He spends the rest of the night demonstrating just how wishful those views are...
Rest Stop
On a cold and lonely night, a hapless driver stops to investigate an isolated rest stop. He finds himself caught in a series of deadly accidents…
El señor de los anillos: El retorno del rey
Las fuerzas de Saruman han sido destruidas, y su fortaleza sitiada. Ha llegado el momento de que se decida el destino de la Tierra Media, y por primera vez en mucho tiempo, parece que hay una pequeña esperanza. La atención del señor oscuro Sauron se centra ahora en Gondor, el último reducto de los hombres, y del cual Aragorn tendrá que reclamar el trono para ocupar su puesto de rey. Pero las fuerzas de Sauron ya se preparan para lanzar el último y definitivo ataque contra el reino de Gondor, la batalla que decidirá el destino de todos. Mientras tanto, Frodo y Sam continuan su camino hacia Mordor, a la espera de que Sauron no repare en que dos pequeños Hobbits se acercan cada día más al final de su camino, el Monte del Destino.
El señor de los anillos: Las dos torres
La Compañía del Anillo se ha disuelto. El portador del anillo Frodo y su fiel amigo Sam se dirigen hacia Mordor para destruir el Anillo Único y acabar con el poder de Sauron. Mientras, y tras la dura batalla contra los orcos donde cayó Boromir, el hombre Aragorn, el elfo Legolas y el enano Gimli intentan rescatar a los medianos Merry y Pipin, secuestrados por los ogros de Mordor. Por su parte, Saurón y el traidor Sarumán continúan con sus planes en Mordor, en espera de la guerra contra las razas libres de la Tierra Media.
Crimen Sangriento
Hostage Gunman
Daniel y su esposa Jessica están pasando unos días de vacaciones en el campo cuando ella es agredida sexualmente. De camino al hospital, Jessica cree reconocer a su agresor en el conductor de un remolque, y Daniel no duda en propinarle una paliza que le deja inconsciente. Los problemas llegan para Daniel cuando se descubre que no es tan claro que el hombre al que pegó, quien resulta ser el hijo del 'sheriff' del lugar y que más tarde muere, fuera el agresor de su esposa.
This Is Not a Love Story
TV Writer
In an inner city loft Belinda(Smuts-Kennedy) lives her dream of being a writer. Across the street is Suzanne (Rutter), a painter who has the success Belinda craves. Suzanne lives with Tony (Lovatt), an actor frustrated by his dead-end role in a soap, who is looking for a way out. Soon Belinda is caught up in a love triangle - which is just the experience she needs to inspire her first novel. This is about sex and love, success and failure, creativity and careers.
Billy (Cliff Curtis) is trying to organize the biggest celebration the town of Waimatua has even seen - the 75th Jubilee of their school. In doing this, feckless Billy is trying to redeem himself in the eyes of his family, especially his frustrated wife Pauline (Theresa Healey). However trouble arrives with the return of a local former All Blacks Captain, an old flame of Pauline's.
Savage Honeymoon
Dean is threatening to firebomb his ex-girlfriend's wedding. Mickey is filling the garage with stolen goods - again, and pierced teenage daughter, Leesa, is an accident waiting to happen on the family's beloved Triumph motorbike. An unconventional tough family, battling to survive with humour and love, in a world of motor bikes, rock 'n' roll, classic cars and alcohol. This is a family that you probably would not want next door, but they are fun to watch, and they have their ways of holding family together.
Channelling Baby
Eye Doctor
Destined to be lovers, Bunnie and Geoff are wildly happy together in the 1970's, until something terrible happens to drive them apart. In the 1990's they are forced back together again when a strange young couple probe the mystery of what really happened between them. What is the truth?
The Two Towers (Extended Edition)