Christopher Collins
Nacimiento : 1949-08-30, Orange, New Jersey, USA
Muerte : 1994-06-12
Jada is tasked with reforming the "serial cheater" Jason back to monogamous ways, but things get complicated once feelings get involved.
Chris Baldessari
Emily Edith, una dura y cínica agente de policía, se infiltra en una cerrada y estricta comunidad judía de Nueva York para intentar descubrir al autor de un brutal asesinato. A pesar de las reticencias iniciales, la joven logra integrarse poco a poco en el grupo y, además, acaba enamorándose del hijo de un rabino...
Gang Member
Tutti Bomoski, una encantadora y simpática mujer de New Jersey, está convencida de saber qué es lo mejor para su único hijo, tanto a nivel personal como profesional. Su hijo es el sargento de policía de Los Ángeles Joe Bomowski, un solterón acomodado a su estilo de vida independiente y algo descuidado, a tres mil millas de su madre. Cuando Tutti, durante una inoportuna visita, se convierte en testigo de un crimen, se verá involucrada también en una peligrosa investigación policial... y Joe, de mala gana, tendrá una nueva "compañera."
Big Boss (voice)
Rover Dangerfield es un perro muy especial. Además de ser un gran cómico, es un buscavidas que habla muy deprisa y se las sabe todas. Su dueña, Connie, es una bailarina de Las Vegas, que le adora. Pero el vengativo y celoso novio de Connie quiere deshacerse de él a toda costa...
Phone Man
After surviving rape, comic-book artist Lisa Roberts is moving from New York City to small town in Arizona. But there's danger in small towns too.
Chief Yonkeroo (voice)
The Zooks and the Yooks are at war over the butter and bread - on which side should one spread?
Sharing Husband
Dalton tiene un doctorado en Filosofía, pero ha optado por ganarse la vida como vigilante de locales de alterne, una profesión bastante bien remunerada. Contratado para mantener el orden en el Double Duce en Jasper, Missouri, resulta herido en su primera noche en el local y es atendido por "Doc" Clay, una bella doctora de la localidad. Enseguida se enamora de ella, pero hay otro hombre que se interpone entre ambos: Brad Wesley, un extorsionista y capo mafioso.
Cobra Commander / Gung Ho / Ripper / Televiper #1 (voice)
El comando G.I. Joe se enfrenta a un nuevo y maligno enemigo, una antigua sociedad llamada Cobra-La. Esta sociedad de personas serpientes intenta recobrar La Tierra, controlada por aquellos que los enviaron a vivir al subsuelo. El líder de Cobra-La. El líder de Cobra-La. Golobulus, ordena al comandante Cobra y a sus hombres robar un nuevo trasmisor de energía que el comando G.I. Joe ha diseñado. Los planes de Cobra-La son crear una nueva sociedad con nuevas formas orgánicas G.I. Joe tendrá que emplearse a fondo para detener este siniestro plan que destruiría a la sociedad actual.
Cobra Commander / Gung-Ho / Horror Show / Ripper (voice)
After yet another defeat inflicted by G.I. Joe, the immediate subordinates of Cobra's leader, Cobra Commander, have finally come to the end of their patience with his apparent incompetence and his inability to achieve real victories. The leader of the research and interrogations wing, Dr. Mindbender, receives a dream showing the solution. His plan is to collect the genetic material of great warriors and military leaders to create a composite clone that would be the perfect leader for Cobra. Now they set out to put this scheme into motion, and G.I. Joe has very little time to learn of this plot before Cobra becomes that much more a dire threat to the world.
Starscream (voice)
Es el año 2005. Los Decepticons han conquistado Cybertron totalmente. Pero los Autobots tienen bases en la dos lunas de Cybertron, y también tienen Autobot City en la Tierra. La película comienza con una espectacular secuencia en la que Unicron, un planeta mecánico viviente, se come el mundo de Lithone, matando a todos sus habitantes, excepto uno que escapa en una nave espacial. Para impedir una ofensiva Autobot, los Decepticons atacan Autobot City y tiene lugar una enorme batalla que termina con la derrota de Optimus Prime y Megatron…
D'Compose / Granahue / Tendril (voice)
Action-packed cartoon feature about the age-old fight between good and evil. Mysterious events start to happen when the government Earth Corps unearths an amber monolith in a forest; meanwhile, an unscrupulous businessman, Blackthorn, digs up a vine creature, Tendril, which frees the trapped undead beast, Decompose. Earth Corps must use their specially-designed armoured suits to track down the enormous monsters. In the process, the dormant Mutar species of Redwoods, Granites and Magnacore are reawakened, and join forces with Earth Corps to once again do battle with their centuries-old enemies, the Inhumanoids, in an effort to save the world.
Wheeljack (voice) / Starscream (voice)
The Autobots are running low on Energon, they leave their home planet of Cybertron to search for more sources. The Decepticons follow them and attack the Autobot's ship. The ship crashes on Earth and ends up inside a volcano. Millions of years later, Teletran One, the ship's computer activates and revives them. The Decepticons are determined to exploit Earth's resources for their own needs. The Autobots are just as determined to stop them.
Cobra Commander / Gung-Ho / Breaker (voice)
G.I. Joe: The Revenge of Cobra is the second G.I. Joe miniseries based on the successful Hasbro Toys and Marvel Comics property. Using a laser core stolen from G.I.Joe, Cobra activates the Weather Dominator, an incredible weapon which controls the forces of Nature itself, Cobra Commander targets Washington for destruction, but the Joe team repels the attack and the Weather Dominator explodes into three parts setting off a chain reaction of natural disasters around the world. Can G.I.Joe recover the Weather Dominator in time to beat Cobra and save the world. It aired in 1984 and most of the 1984 and even some 1985 products are given plenty of screen time. Like the first miniseries, A Real American Hero, The Revenge of Cobra was written by Ron Friedman who created the series for television, and wrote all four miniseries.
Cobra Commander / Gung-Ho / Breaker / Steeler (voice)
A Real American Hero is the first G.I. Joe miniseries, in it the G.I. Joe Special Missions Force must contend with COBRA who, after the successful theft of a special broadcast satellite now threaten the world with a teleportation machine called the M.A.S.S. Device. G.I. Joe tracks down the original designer who advises that the only way to counter the weapon is to build a M.A.S.S. Device of their own. However to power the device properly three rare catalytic elements are needed. Now it's a race around the world and against the clock as G.I. Joe and COBRA go M.A.S.S. to M.A.S.S.