Bill Blackburn

Bill Blackburn


Bill Blackburn nació como William R. Blackburn. Es conocido por su trabajo en Challenge the Wind (1991), The Diary of Anne Frank (1980) y Berrenger's (1985).


Bill Blackburn


Billy Blackburn's Treasure Chest: Rare Home Movies and Special Memories
The 8mm and Super-8 footage from Star Trek.
Challenge the Wind
Matt Harding is a boy in trouble on the journey of a lifetime. When a judge orders him to live with grandparents he's never known in a sleepy, farm town, his only plans are for escape. When he arrives at the farm, he begins to face the reality of his father's tragic death in Vietnam... and his own anger. Shunned by the townspeople, Matt runs up against the school's best athlete. But one day Matt finds he has a special gift... he was born to be a track star. With the gentle, but firm hand of his grandfather, the two spend hours everyday training. What Matt learns from his grandfather is much more than winning a race. It is competing in life and the words, "Run every race like it's your last race" would carry him far beyond the finish line.
El defensor de las ballenas
Charles Landon y su familia consiguen escapar a una tormenta en alta mar y se refugian en un pequeño pueblo pesquero. Afectada también por la tormenta, una ballena jorobada se ha quedado atrapada en la laguna del pueblo. Muchos son los que, movidos por ciertos intereses, intentan matarla, pero Charles no sólo la defiende, sino que trata de convencer a los vecinos del pueblo de lo absurdo de su comportamiento.
El extraño caso de Lou Jacobi
Associate Producer
Un alienígena se vuelve un zombi come-humanos al asumir la identidad de una víctima de asesinato.
The Cool Ones
A young, millionaire rock promoter creates a new boy/girl team for his teen TV dance show. Will the ambitious go-go dancer and has-been pop star fall in love for real?
Prisoner (uncredited)
Hacia el año 75 antes de Cristo, un esclavo llamado Espartaco es vendido a una escuela de gladiadores donde le adiestran para combatir en la arena de los circos romanos. Pronto, Espartaco lidera una rebelión por el maltrato sufrido.