Robin Majumder


Kingdom of Diamonds
Transcurridos diez años, los dos héroes se han casado con sendas princesas y cada uno ha tenido un hijo, pero sus vidas son mortalmente aburridas. Un día, reciben una invitación para visitar el Reino de los Diamantes, que está gobernado por un cruel tirano que desangra a sus súbditos con onerosos impuestos y los hace trabajar como esclavos en su mina de diamantes. Además, le ha encargado a un científico que fabrique una máquina capaz de lavar el cerebro de los habitantes del reino. Por su parte, el profesor Udayan trata de incitar a la gente a la rebelión contra el tirano; el rey reacciona cerrando las escuelas y ordena que la máquina "lavacerebros" empiece a funcionar.
El salón de música
Original Music Composer
Principios del siglo XX. En un palacio de Bengala, un terrateniente, al oír la música de la fiesta que celebra su arrogante vecino con motivo de la iniciación de su hijo, recuerda el gran recital que organizó con motivo de la de su propio hijo, así como los importantes acontecimientos que sucedieron después en su vida.
Playback Singer
Niren Lahiri directs this social-minded melodrama about the complicated relationship between a traditional Hindu family headed by Madhab Thakur (Choudhury) and their progressive next-door neighbor Mukherjee (Chhabi Biswas). Thakur's daughter, Malati (Sheila Haldar), and Mukherjee's son, Robi (Robin Majumdar), run a school teaching traditional Hindu values which they hope will become a countrywide franchise. Their planned nuptials are impeded when Malati's older sister is forced to marry a Brahmin against her will, resulting in a full-scale revolt in both households. Eventually, the rift is settled, the hero and heroine marry, and a sort of Hindu-laden modernity reigns in the two families.
Niren Lahiri directs this social-minded melodrama about the complicated relationship between a traditional Hindu family headed by Madhab Thakur (Choudhury) and their progressive next-door neighbor Mukherjee (Chhabi Biswas). Thakur's daughter, Malati (Sheila Haldar), and Mukherjee's son, Robi (Robin Majumdar), run a school teaching traditional Hindu values which they hope will become a countrywide franchise. Their planned nuptials are impeded when Malati's older sister is forced to marry a Brahmin against her will, resulting in a full-scale revolt in both households. Eventually, the rift is settled, the hero and heroine marry, and a sort of Hindu-laden modernity reigns in the two families.